id | lang | string |
101 | 10 | Ya se está ejecutando una instancia de InstallIQ. |
102 | 10 |
Este instalador necesita una conexión a Internet para poder continuar con la instalación. Deshabilite los servidores de seguridad (en caso de que haya alguno) y asegúrese de estar conectado a Internet. Luego, vuelva a intentar la instalación. |
103 | 10 |
Debe iniciar la sesión como administrador para completar la instalación en este equipo. Inicie la sesión con su cuenta de administrador y vuelva a intentar la instalación.
104 | 10 |
Debes tener 13 años de edad o más para instalar este producto.
Saliendo de la instalación... |
105 | 10 |
Este instalador requiere la versión 6 o superior de Internet Explorer. Actualice su equipo y vuelva a intentar la instalación. |
106 | 10 |
No se pudo completar la instalación. |
107 | 10 |
Si necesita más ayuda, envíe un mensaje de correo electrónico al Servicio de asistencia al cliente a través de |
108 | 10 |
Texto del error: |
109 | 10 |
Haga clic en OK (Aceptar) para salir. |
110 | 10 | Lo sentimos. No se puede completar la instalación de software.
InstallIQ no puede completar la instalación.
Inténtelo nuevamente luego de verificar que:
• su conexión a Internet funcione correctamente.
• su software antivirus o servidor de seguridad esté configurado para admitir InstallIQ.
Para volver a intentar la instalación, haga clic en el botón Retry (Reintentar).
Para salir completamente sin instalar el software, haga clic en el botón Cancel (Cancelar). |
111 | 10 | Debe cerrar Firefox para poder continuar. Presione OK (Aceptar) para cerrarlo ahora. Es probable que deba cerrarlo manualmente. Presione Cancel (Cancelar) para omitir esta oferta. |
101 | 1033 | An instance of InstallIQ is already running. |
102 | 1033 | Sorry!
This installer needs an internet connection available in order to continue with the installation. Please disable any firewalls and make sure you are connected to the internet, and retry the installation. |
103 | 1033 | Sorry!
You must be logged in as an administrator to complete the installation on this computer. Please log in using your administrator account and retry the installation.
104 | 1033 | Sorry!
You must be 13 years of age or older to install this product.
Exiting Installation... |
105 | 1033 | Sorry!
This installer requires Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. Please update your computer and retry the installation. |
106 | 1033 | Sorry!
Installation was unable to finish. |
107 | 1033 |
Please email Customer Support at if you need further assistance. |
108 | 1033 |
Error text: |
109 | 1033 |
Click OK to exit. |
110 | 1033 | Sorry! Your software installation cannot complete.
InstallIQ is unable to complete the installation.
Please retry again after checking:
• Your Internet connection is working properly.
• Your firewall or antivirus software is configured to allow InstallIQ.
To retry the installation, click the Retry button.
To exit completely without installing your software, click the Cancel button. |
111 | 1033 | Firefox must be closed before continuing. Press OK to close Firefox now. You may need to close Firefox manually. Press Cancel to skip this offer. |
112 | 10 | Instalando: |
113 | 10 | InstallIQ está preparando la instalación. Espere un momento. |
114 | 10 | #ProductName# has encountered an error and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. |
115 | 10 | We have created an error report that you can send to help improve #ProductName#. The report contains no Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and will only be used by us.
Would you like to submit this report? |
116 | 10 | Instalación |
117 | 10 | Debe cerrar Chrome para poder continuar. Presione OK (Aceptar) para cerrarlo ahora. Es probable que deba cerrarlo manualmente. Presione Cancel (Cancelar) para omitir esta oferta. |
118 | 10 | Instalando: |
119 | 10 | This product is already installed or is incompatible with your system.
Press OK to exit the installation. |
112 | 1033 | Installing: |
113 | 1033 | InstallIQ is preparing your installation, please wait... |
114 | 1033 | #ProductName# has encountered an error and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. |
115 | 1033 | We have created an error report that you can send to help improve #ProductName#. The report contains no Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and will only be used by us.
Would you like to submit this report? |
116 | 1033 | Installation |
117 | 1033 | Chrome must be closed before continuing. Press OK to close Chrome now. You may need to close Chrome manually. Press Cancel to skip this offer. |
118 | 1033 | Installing: |
119 | 1033 | This product is already installed or is incompatible with your system.
Press OK to exit the installation. |
120 | 1033 | Sorry!
This installation failed to load required resources. Please try cleaning your Internet Explorer temporary files and retry the installation. |
121 | 1033 | Sorry!
This installation failed to communicate with our servers. Please disable any firewalls and make sure you are connected to the internet, and retry the installation. |
122 | 1033 |
If you have Antivirus software running you may need to temporarily disable it to install this software. |
123 | 1033 | Sorry!
This installation failed to retrieve required information from our servers.
Please disable any firewalls and make sure you are connected to the internet, and retry the installation. |
124 | 1033 | Sorry!
This installation failed to retrieve required information from our servers. Please disable any firewalls and make sure you are connected to the internet, and retry the installation. |
125 | 1033 | Sorry!
This installation was unable to load the file specified. This is an installation program and should not be set as the default program for any file type. |
126 | 1033 | Your browsers must be closed before continuing. Press OK to close your browsers now. You may need to close them manually. Press Cancel to skip this offer. |
127 | 1033 | Installing: |
61440 | 1033 | Open |
61441 | 1033 | Save As |
61442 | 1033 | All Files (*.*) |
61443 | 1033 | Untitled |
61446 | 1033 | an unnamed file |
61457 | 1033 | &Hide |
61472 | 1033 | No error message is available. |
61473 | 1033 | Attempted an unsupported operation. |
61474 | 1033 | A required resource was unavailable. |
61475 | 1033 | Out of memory. |
61476 | 1033 | An unknown error has occurred. |
61477 | 1033 | Encountered an improper argument. |
61696 | 1033 | Incorrect filename. |
61697 | 1033 | Failed to open document. |
61698 | 1033 | Failed to save document. |
61699 | 1033 | Save changes to %1? |
61700 | 1033 | Failed to create empty document. |
61701 | 1033 | The file is too large to open. |
61702 | 1033 | Could not start print job. |
61703 | 1033 | Failed to launch help. |
61704 | 1033 | Internal application error. |
61705 | 1033 | Command failed. |
61706 | 1033 | Insufficient memory to perform operation. |
61707 | 1033 | System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. |
61708 | 1033 | Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. |
61709 | 1033 | This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system. |
61710 | 1033 | This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s. |
61712 | 1033 | Enter an integer. |
61713 | 1033 | Enter a number. |
61714 | 1033 | Enter an integer between %1 and %2. |
61715 | 1033 | Enter a number between %1 and %2. |
61716 | 1033 | Enter no more than %1 characters. |
61717 | 1033 | Select a button. |
61718 | 1033 | Enter an integer between 0 and 255. |
61719 | 1033 | Enter a positive integer. |
61720 | 1033 | Enter a date and/or time. |
61721 | 1033 | Enter a currency. |
61722 | 1033 | Enter a GUID. |
61723 | 1033 | Enter a time. |
61724 | 1033 | Enter a date. |
61728 | 1033 | Unexpected file format. |
61729 | 1033 | %1
Cannot find this file.
Verify that the correct path and file name are given. |
61730 | 1033 | Destination disk drive is full. |
61731 | 1033 | Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. |
61732 | 1033 | Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. |
61733 | 1033 | Encountered an unexpected error while reading %1. |
61734 | 1033 | Encountered an unexpected error while writing %1. |
61744 | 1033 | %1: %2
Continue running script? |
61745 | 1033 | Dispatch exception: %1 |
61836 | 1033 | Unable to read write-only property. |
61837 | 1033 | Unable to write read-only property. |
61840 | 1033 | Unable to load mail system support. |
61841 | 1033 | Mail system DLL is invalid. |
61842 | 1033 | Send Mail failed to send message. |
61856 | 1033 | No error occurred. |
61857 | 1033 | An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. |
61858 | 1033 | %1 was not found. |
61859 | 1033 | %1 contains an incorrect path. |
61860 | 1033 | Could not open %1 because there are too many open files. |
61861 | 1033 | Access to %1 was denied. |
61862 | 1033 | An incorrect file handle was associated with %1. |
61863 | 1033 | Could not remove %1 because it is the current directory. |
61864 | 1033 | Could not create %1 because the directory is full. |
61865 | 1033 | Seek failed on %1 |
61866 | 1033 | Encountered a hardware I/O error while accessing %1. |
61867 | 1033 | Encountered a sharing violation while accessing %1. |
61868 | 1033 | Encountered a locking violation while accessing %1. |
61869 | 1033 | Disk full while accessing %1. |
61870 | 1033 | Attempted to access %1 past its end. |
61872 | 1033 | No error occurred. |
61873 | 1033 | An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. |
61874 | 1033 | Attempted to write to the reading %1. |
61875 | 1033 | Attempted to access %1 past its end. |
61876 | 1033 | Attempted to read from the writing %1. |
61877 | 1033 | %1 has a bad format. |
61878 | 1033 | %1 contained an unexpected object. |
61879 | 1033 | %1 contains an incorrect schema. |
61888 | 1033 | pixels |
62177 | 1033 | Uncheck |
62178 | 1033 | Check |
62179 | 1033 | Mixed |