filename | explorer.exe | |
size | 1002496 (0xf4c00) | |
md5 | 0b6cb4abb3166e1717bda7895f2029d8 | |
type | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | |
mimetype | application/x-dosexec | |
clamav | OK | |
virustotal | → scan with | |
histogram |
MZ Header
signature | MZ |
bytes_in_last_block | 0x90 |
blocks_in_file | 3 |
num_relocs | 0 |
header_paragraphs | 4 |
min_extra_paragraphs | 0 |
max_extra_paragraphs | 0xffff |
ss | 0 |
sp | 0xb8 |
checksum | 0 |
ip | 0 |
cs | 0 |
reloc_table_offset | 0x40 |
overlay_number | 0 |
reserved0 | 0 |
oem_id | 0 |
oem_info | 0 |
reserved2 | 0 |
reserved3 | 0 |
reserved4 | 0 |
reserved5 | 0 |
reserved6 | 0 |
lfanew | 0xf0 |
DOS stub
00000000: 0e 1f ba 0e 00 b4 09 cd 21 b8 01 4c cd 21 54 68 |........!..L.!Th| 00000010: 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f |is program canno| 00000020: 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e 20 69 6e 20 44 4f 53 20 |t be run in DOS | 00000030: 6d 6f 64 65 2e 0d 0d 0a 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |mode....$.......|
PE Header
Packer / Compiler
name | va | vsize | raw size | flags | |
.text | 0x1000 | 0x3cbc0 | 0x3cc00 | R-X CODE | |
.data | 0x3e000 | 0x1ca0 | 0x1c00 | RW- IDATA | |
.rsrc | 0x40000 | 0xb2830 | 0xb2a00 | R-- IDATA | |
.reloc | 0xf3000 | 0x3480 | 0x3600 | R-- IDATA DISCARDABLE |
Data Directory
id | lang | string |
300 | 1045 | Otwiera folder Moje dokumenty, w którym możesz przechowywać listy, raporty, notatki i inne rodzaje dokumentów. |
301 | 1045 | Wyświetla ostatnio otwierane dokumenty i foldery. |
302 | 1045 | Otwiera folder Moja muzyka, w którym możesz przechowywać muzykę i inne pliki audio. |
303 | 1045 | Otwiera folder Moje obrazy, w którym możesz przechowywać fotografie cyfrowe, obrazy i pliki graficzne. |
304 | 1045 | Udziela dostępu i informacji o stacjach dysków, kamerach, skanerach i innym sprzęcie podłączonym do tego komputera. |
305 | 1045 | Udziela dostępu i informacji o folderach i plikach na innych komputerach. |
306 | 1045 | Łączy z innymi komputerami, sieciami i Internetem. |
307 | 1045 | Zawiera opcje służące do dostosowywania wyglądu i funkcjonalności systemu, dodawania lub usuwania programów i konfigurowania połączeń sieciowych i kont użytkowników. |
509 | 1045 | Eksplorator Windows |
510 | 1045 | Menu Start |
513 | 1045 | Windows |
515 | 1045 | Nie można załadować lub uruchomić podanego w Rejestrze pliku „%1”. Upewnij się, że plik istnieje na tym komputerze lub usuń z Rejestru odwołanie do niego. |
518 | 1045 | Pasek zadań |
524 | 1045 | Pulpit |
529 | 1045 | Za mało pamięci do ukończenia tej operacji. |
530 | 1045 | Nie można uruchomić polecenia. Folder „%1” został usunięty. |
531 | 1045 | Mój komputer lub Eksplorator Windows nie został jeszcze zainicjowany właściwie. Spróbuj ponownie później. |
533 | 1045 | Kliknij, aby rozpocząć |
534 | 1045 | &Cofnij %s |
535 | 1045 | Kaskadowo |
536 | 1045 | Sąsiadująco |
537 | 1045 | Minimalizuj wszystkie |
538 | 1045 | System Windows działa w trybie awaryjnym. Ten specjalny tryb diagnostyczny systemu Windows pozwala na usunięcie problemów spowodowanych przez ustawienia sieci lub sprzętu. Sprawdź w Panelu sterowania, czy te ustawienia są poprawne i ponownie uruchom system Windows. W trybie awaryjnym niektóre urządzenia mogą być niedostępne. |
539 | 1045 | System Windows działa w trybie awaryjnym. Ten specjalny tryb diagnostyczny systemu Windows pozwala na usunięcie problemów spowodowanych przez ustawienia sieci lub sprzętu. Sprawdź w Panelu sterowania, czy te ustawienia są poprawne i ponownie uruchom system Windows. W trybie awaryjnym niektóre urządzenia mogą być niedostępne. Aby kontynuować pracę w trybie awaryjnym, kliknij przycisk Tak. Jeśli wolisz użyć Przywracania systemu, aby przywrócić komputer do poprzedniego stanu, kliknij przycisk Nie. |
542 | 1045 | Ukryj |
543 | 1045 | Pokaż ukryte ikony |
578 | 1045 | Start |
579 | 1045 | Wystąpił błąd wewnętrzny, wskutek czego jedno z używanych przez Ciebie okien zostało zamknięte. |
580 | 1045 | Ograniczenia |
581 | 1045 | Operacja została anulowana ze względu na ograniczenia nałożone na ten komputer. Skontaktuj się z administratorem systemu. |
590 | 1045 | Trwa ukrywanie nieaktywnych ikon powiadomienia... |
591 | 1045 | Aby zobaczyć ukryte ikony, kliknij ten przycisk. |
593 | 1045 | Obszar powiadomień |
594 | 1045 | Uruchomione aplikacje |
595 | 1045 | Start |
603 | 1045 | Aplikacja jest albo zbyt zajęta, albo nie może odpowiedzieć na żądanie zamknięcia. |
604 | 1045 | Wymuszenie zamknięcia może spowodować utratę danych aplikacji. Czy chcesz wymusić zamknięcie? |
701 | 1045 | System Windows nie był w stanie zmienić ustawień wyświetlania dla nowej konfiguracji. Powróć do poprzedniego stanu komputera, zamknij system Windows i uruchom ponownie komputer w pożądanej konfiguracji. |
702 | 1045 | Jeśli będziesz kontynuować, mogą wystąpić problemy z ustawieniami wyświetlania. Aby bezpiecznie zmienić konfigurację na nową, zamknij system Windows i ponownie uruchom komputer w pożądanej konfiguracji. Czy mimo wszystko chcesz kontynuować? |
705 | 1045 | Po tej stronie ekranu jest już ukryty pasek narzędzi. Możesz mieć tylko jeden automatycznie ukrywany pasek narzędzi z każdej strony. |
711 | 1045 | Nie możesz upuścić elementu na przycisk na pasku zadań. Jeśli przeciągniesz element do przycisku bez zwalniania przycisku myszy, okno zostanie otwarte i będzie można upuścić element wewnątrz okna. |
716 | 1045 | (wspólne) |
717 | 1045 | Ta wstępna wersja Pulpitu/Eksploratora programu „Internet Explorer 4.0” jest nieaktualna. Dokonaj uaktualnienia do najnowszej wersji znajdującej się pod adresem WWW.MICROSOFT.COM |
718 | 1045 | Otwórz &wszystkich użytkowników |
719 | 1045 | Eksploruj wszystkich &użytkowników |
720 | 1045 | Właś&ciwości |
722 | 1045 | Uruchom |
730 | 1045 | Wy&loguj... |
731 | 1045 | Wyłącz &komputer... |
732 | 1045 | helpctr.exe>-FromStartHelp |
733 | 1045 | <Bez tytułu> |
800 | 1045 | Kliknij przycisk Start |
801 | 1045 | Do wszystkich programów, dokumentów i ustawień możesz uzyskać dostęp za pomocą Menu Start. Kliknij przycisk Start, aby rozpocząć. |
810 | 1045 | Właściwości paska zadań i menu Start |
811 | 1045 | Ustawienia ekranu |
812 | 1045 | Rozdzielczość ekranu i głębia kolorów tego komputera są obecnie ustawione na bardzo niskim poziomie. Możesz uzyskać lepszy obraz, zwiększając te ustawienia. W tym celu kliknij ten dymek. |
821 | 1045 | Zapoznaj się z systemem Windows XP |
822 | 1045 | Aby poznać nowe ciekawe funkcje systemu XP, kliknij tutaj. Aby uruchomić samouczek później, kliknij w menu Start polecenie Wszystkie programy, a następnie kliknij folder Akcesoria. |
850 | 1045 | &Pokaż otwarte okna |
851 | 1045 | |Przejdź|| |
1000 | 1045 | Nazwa |
1001 | 1045 | Zachowanie |
1002 | 1045 | Ukryty, gdy nieaktywny |
1003 | 1045 | Zawsze ukryty |
1004 | 1045 | Zawsze widoczny |
1311 | 1045 | Dostosowywanie menu Start |
1403 | 1045 | Elementy bieżące |
1404 | 1045 | Elementy poprzednie |
7000 | 1045 | Otwiera okno, w którym można wybrać opcje wyszukiwania i pracować z jego wynikami. |
7001 | 1045 | Otwiera centralną lokalizację dla tematów Pomocy, samouczków, narzędzi do rozwiązywania problemów i innych usług pomocniczych. |
7003 | 1045 | Otwiera program, folder, dokument lub witrynę sieci Web. |
7004 | 1045 | Otwiera przeglądarkę internetową. |
7005 | 1045 | Otwiera program poczty e-mail, co umożliwia wysłanie lub odczytanie wiadomości. |
7012 | 1045 | |Oddokuj kompu&ter|Wy&loguj|Wyłącz &komputer|&Rozłącz|| |
7013 | 1045 | |Oddokuj kompu&ter|Wy&loguj|&Zamknij system|&Rozłącz|| |
7014 | 1045 | Odłącza komputer przenośny od stacji dokowania. |
7015 | 1045 | Zawiera opcje dotyczące zamykania programów i wylogowywania lub pozostawiania uruchomionych programów i przełączania do innego użytkownika. |
7016 | 1045 | Zawiera opcje dotyczące wyłączania i ponownego uruchamiania komputera oraz uaktywniania trybów gotowości lub hibernacji. |
7017 | 1045 | Odłącza sesję. Po ponownym zalogowaniu można ponownie podłączyć się do tej sesji. |
7020 | 1045 | &Wyszukaj |
7021 | 1045 | Pomo&c i obsługa techniczna |
7022 | 1045 | &Zabezpieczenia systemu Windows |
7023 | 1045 | Urucho&m... |
7024 | 1045 | Internet |
7025 | 1045 | |
8224 | 1045 | Wybrany element jest niedostępny. Być może został przeniesiony, usunięty lub zmieniono jego nazwę. Czy chcesz usunąć go z listy? |
8225 | 1045 | &Usuń z tej listy |
8226 | 1045 | Wszystkie &programy |
8227 | 1045 | Wyświetla listę programów znajdujących się na tym komputerze. |
8229 | 1045 | Zainstalowano nowe programy. |
8230 | 1045 | Jeśli chcesz umieścić ikony Internet lub E-mail z powrotem w menu Start, kliknij przycisk Start prawym przyciskiem myszy, kliknij polecenie Właściwości, kliknij przycisk Dostosuj i zaznacz odpowiednie pole wyboru. |
8231 | 1045 | Nie można wyświetlić niektórych elementów |
8232 | 1045 | Jest za mało miejsca na pokazanie wszystkich elementów dodanych do menu Start. Aby je wyświetlić, wybierz mniejsze ikony menu lub mniejszą liczbę elementów albo wypnij niektóre elementy. |
8233 | 1045 | P&ołącz z |
8234 | 1045 | Panel &sterowania |
8235 | 1045 | Ulu&bione |
8236 | 1045 | Moje bieżące &dokumenty |
8256 | 1045 | 440 |
8257 | 1045 | 400 |
8258 | 1045 | 40 |
8259 | 1045 | 30 |
8260 | 1045 | 40 |
8272 | 1045 | &Pokaż na pulpicie |
module_name | hint | ord | function_name |
msvcrt.dll | 237 | _except_handler3 | |
msvcrt.dll | 749 | realloc | |
msvcrt.dll | 280 | _ftol | |
msvcrt.dll | 734 | memmove | |
msvcrt.dll | 352 | _itow | |
msvcrt.dll | 676 | free | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 482 | RegOpenKeyExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 478 | RegNotifyChangeKeyValue | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 491 | RegQueryValueExA | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 481 | RegOpenKeyExA | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 493 | RegQueryValueW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 470 | RegEnumKeyExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 456 | RegCloseKey | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 462 | RegCreateKeyW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 466 | RegDeleteValueW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 473 | RegEnumValueW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 471 | RegEnumKeyW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 487 | RegQueryInfoKeyW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 492 | RegQueryValueExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 461 | RegCreateKeyExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 505 | RegSetValueExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 506 | RegSetValueW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 290 | GetUserNameW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 346 | GetLastError | |
KERNEL32.dll | 71 | CreateEventW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 350 | GetLocaleInfoW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 229 | FreeLibrary | |
KERNEL32.dll | 419 | GetSystemDefaultLCID | |
KERNEL32.dll | 778 | SetProcessShutdownParameters | |
KERNEL32.dll | 669 | ReleaseMutex | |
KERNEL32.dll | 88 | CreateMutexW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 775 | SetPriorityClass | |
KERNEL32.dll | 303 | GetCurrentProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 413 | GetStartupInfoW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 254 | GetCommandLineW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 747 | SetErrorMode | |
KERNEL32.dll | 557 | LeaveCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 139 | EnterCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 49 | CompareFileTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 428 | GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 924 | lstrcpynW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 792 | SetThreadPriority | |
KERNEL32.dll | 306 | GetCurrentThreadId | |
KERNEL32.dll | 442 | GetThreadPriority | |
KERNEL32.dll | 305 | GetCurrentThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 451 | GetUserDefaultLangID | |
KERNEL32.dll | 809 | Sleep | |
KERNEL32.dll | 240 | GetBinaryTypeW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 814 | SystemTimeToFileTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 348 | GetLocalTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 331 | GetFileAttributesW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 589 | MoveFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 601 | OpenEventW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 207 | FindNextFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 200 | FindFirstFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 526 | IsBadCodePtr | |
KERNEL32.dll | 748 | SetEvent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 304 | GetCurrentProcessId | |
KERNEL32.dll | 323 | GetEnvironmentVariableW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 912 | lstrcatW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 915 | lstrcmpW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 839 | UnregisterWait | |
KERNEL32.dll | 681 | ResetEvent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 480 | GlobalGetAtomNameW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 917 | lstrcmpiA | |
KERNEL32.dll | 664 | RegisterWaitForSingleObject | |
KERNEL32.dll | 308 | GetDateFormatW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 448 | GetTimeFormatW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 220 | FlushInstructionCache | |
KERNEL32.dll | 501 | HeapFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 395 | GetProcessHeap | |
KERNEL32.dll | 495 | HeapAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 505 | HeapReAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 507 | HeapSize | |
KERNEL32.dll | 450 | GetUserDefaultLCID | |
KERNEL32.dll | 659 | ReadProcessMemory | |
KERNEL32.dll | 766 | SetLastError | |
KERNEL32.dll | 609 | OpenProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 517 | InterlockedCompareExchange | |
KERNEL32.dll | 558 | LoadLibraryA | |
KERNEL32.dll | 869 | WaitForSingleObject | |
KERNEL32.dll | 446 | GetTickCount | |
KERNEL32.dll | 175 | ExpandEnvironmentStringsW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 358 | GetModuleFileNameW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 390 | GetPrivateProfileStringW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 423 | GetSystemDirectoryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 408 | GetProfileStringW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 467 | GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 741 | SetCurrentDirectoryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 77 | CreateFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 127 | DeviceIoControl | |
KERNEL32.dll | 918 | lstrcmpiW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 564 | LocalAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 568 | LocalFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 171 | ExitProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 82 | CreateJobObjectW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 101 | CreateThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 95 | CreateProcessW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 12 | AssignProcessToJobObject | |
KERNEL32.dll | 684 | ResumeThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 817 | TerminateProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 116 | DelayLoadFailureHook | |
KERNEL32.dll | 818 | TerminateThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 409 | GetQueuedCompletionStatus | |
KERNEL32.dll | 80 | CreateIoCompletionPort | |
KERNEL32.dll | 764 | SetInformationJobObject | |
KERNEL32.dll | 44 | CloseHandle | |
KERNEL32.dll | 561 | LoadLibraryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 362 | GetModuleHandleW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 393 | GetProcAddress | |
KERNEL32.dll | 118 | DeleteCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 499 | HeapDestroy | |
KERNEL32.dll | 514 | InitializeCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 927 | lstrlenW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 921 | lstrcpyW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 518 | InterlockedDecrement | |
KERNEL32.dll | 522 | InterlockedIncrement | |
KERNEL32.dll | 330 | GetFileAttributesExW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 592 | MulDiv | |
KERNEL32.dll | 355 | GetLongPathNameW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 400 | GetProcessTimes | |
KERNEL32.dll | 456 | GetVersionExA | |
KERNEL32.dll | 359 | GetModuleHandleA | |
KERNEL32.dll | 519 | InterlockedExchange | |
KERNEL32.dll | 478 | GlobalFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 471 | GlobalAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 70 | CreateEventA | |
KERNEL32.dll | 193 | FindClose | |
GDI32.dll | 421 | GetStockObject | |
GDI32.dll | 70 | CreatePatternBrush | |
GDI32.dll | 467 | OffsetViewportOrgEx | |
GDI32.dll | 394 | GetLayout | |
GDI32.dll | 33 | CombineRgn | |
GDI32.dll | 50 | CreateDIBSection | |
GDI32.dll | 437 | GetTextExtentPoint32W | |
GDI32.dll | 583 | StretchBlt | |
GDI32.dll | 566 | SetStretchBltMode | |
GDI32.dll | 75 | CreateRectRgn | |
GDI32.dll | 353 | GetClipRgn | |
GDI32.dll | 455 | IntersectClipRect | |
GDI32.dll | 448 | GetViewportOrgEx | |
GDI32.dll | 573 | SetViewportOrgEx | |
GDI32.dll | 475 | PatBlt | |
GDI32.dll | 332 | GetBkColor | |
GDI32.dll | 45 | CreateCompatibleDC | |
GDI32.dll | 44 | CreateCompatibleBitmap | |
GDI32.dll | 468 | OffsetWindowOrgEx | |
GDI32.dll | 140 | DeleteDC | |
GDI32.dll | 531 | SetBkColor | |
GDI32.dll | 18 | BitBlt | |
GDI32.dll | 222 | ExtTextOutW | |
GDI32.dll | 440 | GetTextExtentPointW | |
GDI32.dll | 352 | GetClipBox | |
GDI32.dll | 407 | GetObjectW | |
GDI32.dll | 76 | CreateRectRgnIndirect | |
GDI32.dll | 61 | CreateFontIndirectW | |
GDI32.dll | 570 | SetTextColor | |
GDI32.dll | 532 | SetBkMode | |
GDI32.dll | 143 | DeleteObject | |
GDI32.dll | 445 | GetTextMetricsW | |
GDI32.dll | 524 | SelectObject | |
GDI32.dll | 363 | GetDeviceCaps | |
GDI32.dll | 590 | TranslateCharsetInfo | |
GDI32.dll | 522 | SelectClipRgn | |
USER32.dll | 421 | IsHungAppWindow | |
USER32.dll | 201 | EndTask | |
USER32.dll | 664 | SwitchToThisWindow | |
USER32.dll | 401 | InternalGetWindowText | |
USER32.dll | 269 | GetDCEx | |
USER32.dll | 591 | SetCursorPos | |
USER32.dll | 60 | ChildWindowFromPoint | |
USER32.dll | 198 | EndDialog | |
USER32.dll | 567 | SendDlgItemMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 35 | ChangeDisplaySettingsW | |
USER32.dll | 542 | RegisterHotKey | |
USER32.dll | 694 | UnregisterHotKey | |
USER32.dll | 589 | SetCursor | |
USER32.dll | 575 | SendMessageTimeoutW | |
USER32.dll | 371 | GetWindowPlacement | |
USER32.dll | 446 | LoadImageW | |
USER32.dll | 644 | SetWindowRgn | |
USER32.dll | 402 | IntersectRect | |
USER32.dll | 498 | OffsetRect | |
USER32.dll | 210 | EnumDisplayMonitors | |
USER32.dll | 533 | RedrawWindow | |
USER32.dll | 661 | SubtractRect | |
USER32.dll | 680 | TranslateAcceleratorW | |
USER32.dll | 682 | TranslateMessage | |
USER32.dll | 162 | DispatchMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 720 | WaitMessage | |
USER32.dll | 394 | InflateRect | |
USER32.dll | 28 | CallWindowProcW | |
USER32.dll | 272 | GetDlgCtrlID | |
USER32.dll | 580 | SetCapture | |
USER32.dll | 74 | CopyRect | |
USER32.dll | 487 | MonitorFromRect | |
USER32.dll | 486 | MonitorFromPoint | |
USER32.dll | 537 | RegisterClassW | |
USER32.dll | 619 | SetPropW | |
USER32.dll | 366 | GetWindowLongA | |
USER32.dll | 641 | SetWindowLongW | |
USER32.dll | 226 | FillRect | |
USER32.dll | 267 | GetCursorPos | |
USER32.dll | 523 | PtInRect | |
USER32.dll | 253 | GetClassNameW | |
USER32.dll | 200 | EndPaint | |
USER32.dll | 647 | SetWindowTextW | |
USER32.dll | 242 | GetAsyncKeyState | |
USER32.dll | 403 | InvalidateRect | |
USER32.dll | 362 | GetWindow | |
USER32.dll | 659 | ShowWindowAsync | |
USER32.dll | 677 | TrackPopupMenuEx | |
USER32.dll | 699 | UpdateWindow | |
USER32.dll | 150 | DestroyIcon | |
USER32.dll | 424 | IsRectEmpty | |
USER32.dll | 579 | SetActiveWindow | |
USER32.dll | 634 | SetTimer | |
USER32.dll | 307 | GetMenuItemID | |
USER32.dll | 676 | TrackPopupMenu | |
USER32.dll | 153 | DestroyWindow | |
USER32.dll | 573 | SendMessageCallbackW | |
USER32.dll | 251 | GetClassLongW | |
USER32.dll | 444 | LoadIconW | |
USER32.dll | 623 | SetScrollPos | |
USER32.dll | 658 | ShowWindow | |
USER32.dll | 15 | BringWindowToTop | |
USER32.dll | 270 | GetDesktopWindow | |
USER32.dll | 30 | CascadeWindows | |
USER32.dll | 670 | TileWindows | |
USER32.dll | 341 | GetScrollInfo | |
USER32.dll | 306 | GetMenuItemCount | |
USER32.dll | 485 | ModifyMenuW | |
USER32.dll | 400 | InsertMenuW | |
USER32.dll | 428 | IsWindowEnabled | |
USER32.dll | 311 | GetMenuState | |
USER32.dll | 442 | LoadCursorW | |
USER32.dll | 325 | GetParent | |
USER32.dll | 503 | OpenInputDesktop | |
USER32.dll | 67 | CloseDesktop | |
USER32.dll | 222 | EnumWindows | |
USER32.dll | 431 | IsWindowVisible | |
USER32.dll | 255 | GetClientRect | |
USER32.dll | 687 | UnionRect | |
USER32.dll | 223 | EqualRect | |
USER32.dll | 379 | GetWindowThreadProcessId | |
USER32.dll | 279 | GetForegroundWindow | |
USER32.dll | 346 | GetSysColor | |
USER32.dll | 191 | DrawTextW | |
USER32.dll | 434 | KillTimer | |
USER32.dll | 248 | GetClassInfoExW | |
USER32.dll | 143 | DefWindowProcW | |
USER32.dll | 536 | RegisterClassExW | |
USER32.dll | 282 | GetIconInfo | |
USER32.dll | 622 | SetScrollInfo | |
USER32.dll | 296 | GetLastActivePopup | |
USER32.dll | 599 | SetForegroundWindow | |
USER32.dll | 427 | IsWindow | |
USER32.dll | 348 | GetSystemMenu | |
USER32.dll | 422 | IsIconic | |
USER32.dll | 432 | IsZoomed | |
USER32.dll | 194 | EnableMenuItem | |
USER32.dll | 607 | SetMenuDefaultItem | |
USER32.dll | 488 | MonitorFromWindow | |
USER32.dll | 320 | GetMonitorInfoW | |
USER32.dll | 365 | GetWindowInfo | |
USER32.dll | 278 | GetFocus | |
USER32.dll | 598 | SetFocus | |
USER32.dll | 471 | MapWindowPoints | |
USER32.dll | 561 | ScreenToClient | |
USER32.dll | 64 | ClientToScreen | |
USER32.dll | 372 | GetWindowRect | |
USER32.dll | 643 | SetWindowPos | |
USER32.dll | 145 | DeleteMenu | |
USER32.dll | 309 | GetMenuItemInfoW | |
USER32.dll | 729 | wsprintfW | |
USER32.dll | 611 | SetMenuItemInfoW | |
USER32.dll | 54 | CharUpperBuffW | |
USER32.dll | 510 | PeekMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 512 | PostMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 209 | EnumDisplayDevicesW | |
USER32.dll | 213 | EnumDisplaySettingsExW | |
USER32.dll | 268 | GetDC | |
USER32.dll | 554 | ReleaseDC | |
USER32.dll | 457 | LoadStringW | |
USER32.dll | 483 | MessageBoxW | |
USER32.dll | 344 | GetShellWindow | |
USER32.dll | 230 | FindWindowW | |
USER32.dll | 666 | SystemParametersInfoW | |
USER32.dll | 349 | GetSystemMetrics | |
USER32.dll | 277 | GetDoubleClickTime | |
USER32.dll | 44 | CharNextW | |
USER32.dll | 94 | CreatePopupMenu | |
USER32.dll | 304 | GetMenuDefaultItem | |
USER32.dll | 151 | DestroyMenu | |
USER32.dll | 289 | GetKeyState | |
USER32.dll | 552 | RegisterWindowMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 576 | SendMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 367 | GetWindowLongW | |
USER32.dll | 203 | EnumChildWindows | |
USER32.dll | 97 | CreateWindowExW | |
USER32.dll | 159 | DialogBoxParamW | |
USER32.dll | 490 | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | |
USER32.dll | 42 | CharNextA | |
USER32.dll | 539 | RegisterClipboardFormatW | |
USER32.dll | 197 | EndDeferWindowPos | |
USER32.dll | 144 | DeferWindowPos | |
USER32.dll | 12 | BeginDeferWindowPos | |
USER32.dll | 516 | PrintWindow | |
USER32.dll | 584 | SetClassLongW | |
USER32.dll | 331 | GetPropW | |
USER32.dll | 322 | GetNextDlgGroupItem | |
USER32.dll | 323 | GetNextDlgTabItem | |
USER32.dll | 61 | ChildWindowFromPointEx | |
USER32.dll | 414 | IsChild | |
USER32.dll | 492 | NotifyWinEvent | |
USER32.dll | 675 | TrackMouseEvent | |
USER32.dll | 243 | GetCapture | |
USER32.dll | 239 | GetAncestor | |
USER32.dll | 55 | CharUpperW | |
USER32.dll | 640 | SetWindowLongA | |
USER32.dll | 175 | DrawCaption | |
USER32.dll | 557 | RemovePropW | |
USER32.dll | 273 | GetDlgItem | |
USER32.dll | 347 | GetSysColorBrush | |
USER32.dll | 5 | AllowSetForegroundWindow | |
USER32.dll | 454 | LoadMenuW | |
USER32.dll | 345 | GetSubMenu | |
USER32.dll | 555 | RemoveMenu | |
USER32.dll | 614 | SetParent | |
USER32.dll | 56 | CheckDlgButton | |
USER32.dll | 316 | GetMessagePos | |
USER32.dll | 196 | EnableWindow | |
USER32.dll | 419 | IsDlgButtonChecked | |
USER32.dll | 274 | GetDlgItemInt | |
USER32.dll | 489 | MoveWindow | |
USER32.dll | 72 | CopyIcon | |
USER32.dll | 2 | AdjustWindowRectEx | |
USER32.dll | 179 | DrawFocusRect | |
USER32.dll | 178 | DrawEdge | |
USER32.dll | 225 | ExitWindowsEx | |
USER32.dll | 725 | WindowFromPoint | |
USER32.dll | 620 | SetRect | |
USER32.dll | 436 | LoadAcceleratorsW | |
USER32.dll | 438 | LoadBitmapW | |
USER32.dll | 578 | SendNotifyMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 9 | AppendMenuW | |
USER32.dll | 642 | SetWindowPlacement | |
USER32.dll | 57 | CheckMenuItem | |
USER32.dll | 475 | MessageBeep | |
USER32.dll | 235 | GetActiveWindow | |
USER32.dll | 13 | BeginPaint | |
USER32.dll | 513 | PostQuitMessage | |
USER32.dll | 594 | SetDlgItemInt | |
ntdll.dll | 230 | NtQueryInformationProcess | |
ntdll.dll | 698 | RtlNtStatusToDosError | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 237 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 220 | StrCmpNW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 278 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 197 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 225 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 193 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 177 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 178 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 171 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 512 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | AssocCreate | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 154 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 513 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 67 | PathIsNetworkPathW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 162 | SHQueryValueExW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 176 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 156 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 439 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 249 | StrRetToStrW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 247 | StrRetToBufW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 157 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 476 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 217 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 215 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 199 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 223 | StrCpyW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 467 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 215 | StrCmpIW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 346 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 413 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 219 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 175 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 164 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 172 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 152 | SHGetValueW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 437 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 293 | wnsprintfW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 127 | PathUnquoteSpacesW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 51 | PathGetArgsW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 460 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 138 | SHDeleteEmptyKeyW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 107 | PathRemoveFileSpecW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 43 | PathFindFileNameW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 206 | StrCatBuffW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 95 | PathQuoteSpacesW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 23 | PathAppendW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 219 | StrCmpNIW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 103 | PathRemoveBlanksW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 99 | PathRemoveArgsW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 254 | StrStrIW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 356 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 263 | StrToIntW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 176 | SHRegGetBoolUSValueW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 192 | SHRegWriteUSValueW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 163 | SHRegCloseUSKey | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 165 | SHRegCreateUSKeyW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 180 | SHRegGetUSValueW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 194 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 244 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 241 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 236 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 279 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 29 | PathCombineW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 197 | SHSetValueW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 192 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 204 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 509 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 200 | SHStrDupW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 69 | PathIsPrefixW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 93 | PathParseIconLocationW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 2 | AssocQueryKeyW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 208 | StrCatW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 16 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 6 | AssocQueryStringW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 221 | StrCmpW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 174 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 548 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 165 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 240 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 163 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 479 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 9 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 8 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 186 | SHRegQueryUSValueW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 182 | SHRegOpenUSKeyW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 190 | SHRegSetUSValueW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 41 | PathFindExtensionW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 61 | PathIsDirectoryW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 292 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 214 | StrChrW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 250 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 39 | PathFileExistsW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 55 | PathGetDriveNumberW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 10 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 433 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 260 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 119 | PathStripToRootW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 478 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 184 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 156 | SHOpenRegStream2W | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 212 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 222 | StrCpyNW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 213 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 158 | ||
SHLWAPI.dll | 225 | StrDupW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 144 | SHDeleteValueW | |
SHLWAPI.dll | 140 | SHDeleteKeyW | |
SHELL32.dll | 62 | SHBindToParent | |
SHELL32.dll | 193 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 747 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 71 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 233 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 6 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 77 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 196 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 25 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 154 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 28 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 134 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 22 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 86 | SHGetDesktopFolder | |
SHELL32.dll | 66 | SHChangeNotify | |
SHELL32.dll | 60 | SHAddToRecentDocs | |
SHELL32.dll | 127 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 21 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 102 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 27 | DuplicateIcon | |
SHELL32.dll | 202 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 82 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 244 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 54 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 161 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 91 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 254 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 60 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 129 | SHUpdateRecycleBinIcon | |
SHELL32.dll | 93 | SHGetFolderLocation | |
SHELL32.dll | 106 | SHGetPathFromIDListA | |
SHELL32.dll | 148 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 4 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 733 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 190 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 64 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 61 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 107 | SHGetPathFromIDListW | |
SHELL32.dll | 753 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 16 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 18 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 2 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 644 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 645 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 137 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 35 | ExtractIconExW | |
SHELL32.dll | 727 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 181 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 90 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 72 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 67 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 97 | SHGetFolderPathW | |
SHELL32.dll | 162 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 109 | SHGetSpecialFolderLocation | |
SHELL32.dll | 17 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 23 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 132 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 241 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 236 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 149 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 147 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 188 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 660 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 201 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 245 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 68 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 723 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 200 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 680 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 711 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 182 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 89 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 155 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 195 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 111 | SHGetSpecialFolderPathW | |
SHELL32.dll | 155 | ShellExecuteExW | |
SHELL32.dll | 653 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 85 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 100 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 732 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 731 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 719 | ||
SHELL32.dll | 152 | ||
ole32.dll | 101 | CoUninitialize | |
ole32.dll | 16 | CoCreateInstance | |
ole32.dll | 249 | OleInitialize | |
ole32.dll | 78 | CoRegisterClassObject | |
ole32.dll | 68 | CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream | |
ole32.dll | 148 | DoDragDrop | |
ole32.dll | 58 | CoInitializeEx | |
ole32.dll | 272 | OleUninitialize | |
ole32.dll | 288 | RevokeDragDrop | |
ole32.dll | 286 | RegisterDragDrop | |
ole32.dll | 28 | CoFreeUnusedLibraries | |
ole32.dll | 89 | CoRevokeClassObject | |
OLEAUT32.dll | 2 | ||
OLEAUT32.dll | 9 | ||
BROWSEUI.dll | 135 | ||
BROWSEUI.dll | 106 | ||
BROWSEUI.dll | 107 | ||
BROWSEUI.dll | 118 | ||
SHDOCVW.dll | 110 | ||
SHDOCVW.dll | 111 | ||
SHDOCVW.dll | 125 | ||
UxTheme.dll | 10 | GetThemeBackgroundContentRect | |
UxTheme.dll | 13 | GetThemeBool | |
UxTheme.dll | 23 | GetThemePartSize | |
UxTheme.dll | 4 | DrawThemeParentBackground | |
UxTheme.dll | 44 | OpenThemeData | |
UxTheme.dll | CloseThemeData | ||
UxTheme.dll | 1 | DrawThemeBackground | |
UxTheme.dll | 46 | SetWindowTheme | |
UxTheme.dll | 35 | GetThemeTextExtent | |
UxTheme.dll | 5 | DrawThemeText | |
UxTheme.dll | 39 | IsAppThemed | |
UxTheme.dll | 26 | GetThemeRect | |
UxTheme.dll | 18 | GetThemeFont | |
UxTheme.dll | 14 | GetThemeColor | |
UxTheme.dll | 21 | GetThemeMargins | |
UxTheme.dll | 12 | GetThemeBackgroundRegion | |
UxTheme.dll | 47 |
StringTable 041504B0
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | Eksplorator Windows |
FileVersion | 6.00.2600.0000 (xpclient.010817-1148) |
InternalName | explorer |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. |
OriginalFilename | EXPLORER.EXE |
ProductName | System operacyjny Microsoft® Windows® |
ProductVersion | 6.00.2600.0000 |
FileVersion | 6.0.2600.0 |
ProductVersion | 6.0.2600.0 |
StrucVersion | 0x10000 |
FileFlagsMask | 0x3f |
FileFlags | 0 |
FileOS | 0x40004 |
FileType | 1 |
FileSubtype | 0 |
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