filename | QtCore4.dll | |
size | 2499072 (0x262200) | |
md5 | 1a0f3ead11df558ceebe51f94dcf2404 | |
type | PE32 executable (DLL) (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | |
mimetype | application/x-dosexec | |
clamav | OK | |
virustotal | → scan with | |
histogram |
MZ Header
signature | MZ |
bytes_in_last_block | 0x90 |
blocks_in_file | 3 |
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header_paragraphs | 4 |
min_extra_paragraphs | 0 |
max_extra_paragraphs | 0xffff |
ss | 0 |
sp | 0xb8 |
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cs | 0 |
reloc_table_offset | 0x40 |
overlay_number | 0 |
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oem_id | 0 |
oem_info | 0 |
reserved2 | 0 |
reserved3 | 0 |
reserved4 | 0 |
reserved5 | 0 |
reserved6 | 0 |
lfanew | 0x108 |
Rich Header
lib id | version | times used |
152 | 20115 | 2 |
158 | 40219 | 10 |
156 | 40219 | 6 |
131 | 30729 | 3 |
147 | 30729 | 11 |
1 | 0 | 261 |
170 | 40219 | 20 |
171 | 40219 | 198 |
155 | 40219 | 1 |
154 | 40219 | 1 |
157 | 40219 | 1 |
DOS stub
00000000: 0e 1f ba 0e 00 b4 09 cd 21 b8 01 4c cd 21 54 68 |........!..L.!Th| 00000010: 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f |is program canno| 00000020: 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e 20 69 6e 20 44 4f 53 20 |t be run in DOS | 00000030: 6d 6f 64 65 2e 0d 0d 0a 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |mode....$.......|
PE Header
Packer / Compiler
Data Directory
module_name | hint | ord | function_name |
KERNEL32.dll | 1177 | SetThreadPriority | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1224 | TlsSetValue | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1043 | ResumeThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 654 | GetThreadPriority | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1223 | TlsGetValue | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1271 | WaitForMultipleObjects | |
KERNEL32.dll | 181 | CreateThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 232 | DuplicateHandle | |
KERNEL32.dll | 448 | GetCurrentProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1039 | ResetEvent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 515 | GetLocalTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 631 | GetSystemTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 518 | GetLocaleInfoW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 100 | CompareStringW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 667 | GetUserDefaultLCID | |
KERNEL32.dll | 581 | GetProcAddress | |
KERNEL32.dll | 936 | QueryPerformanceFrequency | |
KERNEL32.dll | 659 | GetTickCount | |
KERNEL32.dll | 456 | GetDateFormatW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 663 | GetTimeFormatW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 442 | GetCurrencyFormatW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 670 | GetUserDefaultUILanguage | |
KERNEL32.dll | 143 | CreateFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1022 | ReleaseSemaphore | |
KERNEL32.dll | 174 | CreateSemaphoreW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 161 | CreatePipe | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1216 | TerminateProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 479 | GetExitCodeProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1126 | SetFilePointer | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1317 | WriteFile | |
KERNEL32.dll | 612 | GetStdHandle | |
KERNEL32.dll | 960 | ReadFile | |
KERNEL32.dll | 909 | PeekNamedPipe | |
KERNEL32.dll | 168 | CreateProcessW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 353 | FreeEnvironmentStringsW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 474 | GetEnvironmentStringsW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 499 | GetFileType | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1127 | SetFilePointerEx | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1107 | SetEndOfFile | |
KERNEL32.dll | 521 | GetLogicalDrives | |
KERNEL32.dll | 855 | MapViewOfFile | |
KERNEL32.dll | 140 | CreateFileMappingW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1238 | UnmapViewOfFile | |
KERNEL32.dll | 303 | FindCloseChangeNotification | |
KERNEL32.dll | 305 | FindFirstChangeNotificationW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 322 | FindNextChangeNotification | |
KERNEL32.dll | 568 | GetOverlappedResult | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1214 | SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1217 | TerminateThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 302 | FindClose | |
KERNEL32.dll | 313 | FindFirstFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 492 | GetFileInformationByHandle | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1112 | SetErrorMode | |
KERNEL32.dll | 129 | CreateDirectoryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1027 | RemoveDirectoryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 490 | GetFileAttributesW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 117 | CopyFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 867 | MoveFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 214 | DeleteFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 221 | DeviceIoControl | |
KERNEL32.dll | 507 | GetFullPathNameW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 645 | GetTempPathW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 447 | GetCurrentDirectoryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 487 | GetFileAttributesExW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1101 | SetCurrentDirectoryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 325 | FindNextFileW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 308 | FindFirstFileExW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 354 | FreeLibrary | |
KERNEL32.dll | 830 | LoadLibraryExW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 532 | GetModuleFileNameW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 831 | LoadLibraryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 624 | GetSystemDirectoryW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 449 | GetCurrentProcessId | |
KERNEL32.dll | 391 | GetCommandLineW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1274 | WaitForSingleObjectEx | |
KERNEL32.dll | 536 | GetModuleHandleW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 611 | GetStartupInfoW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 738 | InitializeCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 209 | DeleteCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 238 | EnterCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 825 | LeaveCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 906 | OutputDebugStringW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 889 | OpenFileMappingW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1265 | VirtualQuery | |
KERNEL32.dll | 871 | MultiByteToWideChar | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1297 | WideCharToMultiByte | |
KERNEL32.dll | 222 | DisableThreadLibraryCalls | |
KERNEL32.dll | 768 | IsDebuggerPresent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1189 | SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1235 | UnhandledExceptionFilter | |
KERNEL32.dll | 772 | IsProcessorFeaturePresent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 745 | InterlockedCompareExchange | |
KERNEL32.dll | 748 | InterlockedExchange | |
KERNEL32.dll | 202 | DecodePointer | |
KERNEL32.dll | 234 | EncodePointer | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1221 | TlsAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 452 | GetCurrentThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1202 | Sleep | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1212 | SwitchToThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 627 | GetSystemInfo | |
KERNEL32.dll | 453 | GetCurrentThreadId | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1222 | TlsFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1273 | WaitForSingleObject | |
KERNEL32.dll | 133 | CreateEventW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1113 | SetEvent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 82 | CloseHandle | |
KERNEL32.dll | 676 | GetVersionExW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 514 | GetLastError | |
KERNEL32.dll | 350 | FormatMessageW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 840 | LocalFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 935 | QueryPerformanceCounter | |
KERNEL32.dll | 293 | FileTimeToSystemTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 633 | GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | |
USER32.dll | 541 | MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
USER32.dll | 566 | PostMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 420 | GetWindowThreadProcessId | |
USER32.dll | 242 | EnumWindows | |
USER32.dll | 563 | PeekMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 364 | GetQueueStatus | |
USER32.dll | 156 | DefWindowProcW | |
USER32.dll | 406 | GetWindowLongW | |
USER32.dll | 708 | SetWindowLongW | |
USER32.dll | 110 | CreateWindowExW | |
USER32.dll | 590 | RegisterClassW | |
USER32.dll | 774 | UnregisterClassW | |
USER32.dll | 166 | DestroyWindow | |
USER32.dll | 768 | UnhookWindowsHookEx | |
USER32.dll | 719 | SetWindowsHookExW | |
USER32.dll | 175 | DispatchMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 764 | TranslateMessage | |
USER32.dll | 349 | GetMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 48 | CharNextExA | |
USER32.dll | 699 | SetTimer | |
USER32.dll | 28 | CallNextHookEx | |
USER32.dll | 483 | KillTimer | |
USER32.dll | 569 | PostThreadMessageW | |
ole32.dll | 16 | CoCreateInstance | |
ole32.dll | 108 | CoUninitialize | |
ole32.dll | 62 | CoInitialize | |
ole32.dll | 15 | CoCreateGuid | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 622 | RegQueryValueExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 609 | RegOpenKeyExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 569 | RegCreateKeyExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 595 | RegFlushKey | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 638 | RegSetValueExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 591 | RegEnumKeyExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 594 | RegEnumValueW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 616 | RegQueryInfoKeyW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 580 | RegDeleteKeyW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 584 | RegDeleteValueW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 288 | FreeSid | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 118 | CopySid | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 310 | GetLengthSid | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 346 | GetTokenInformation | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 503 | OpenProcessToken | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 560 | RegCloseKey | |
WS2_32.dll | 101 | ||
zlib1.dll | 3 | compress2 | |
zlib1.dll | 61 | uncompress | |
MSVCP100.dll | 654 | void __cdecl std::_Xout_of_range(char const *) ?_Xout_of_range@std@@YAXPBD@Z | |
MSVCP100.dll | 1549 | bool __cdecl std::uncaught_exception(void) ?uncaught_exception@std@@YA_NXZ | |
MSVCP100.dll | 593 | public: void __thiscall std::_Container_base0::_Orphan_all(void) ?_Orphan_all@_Container_base0@std@@QAEXXZ | |
MSVCP100.dll | 652 | void __cdecl std::_Xlength_error(char const *) ?_Xlength_error@std@@YAXPBD@Z | |
MSVCR100.dll | 689 | _initterm_e | |
MSVCR100.dll | 688 | _initterm | |
MSVCR100.dll | 537 | _encoded_null | |
MSVCR100.dll | 820 | _malloc_crt | |
MSVCR100.dll | 545 | _except_handler4_common | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1205 | _vsnprintf_s | |
MSVCR100.dll | 969 | _onexit | |
MSVCR100.dll | 803 | _lock | |
MSVCR100.dll | 453 | _amsg_exit | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1165 | _unlock | |
MSVCR100.dll | 258 | void __cdecl terminate(void) ?terminate@@YAXXZ | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1533 | strerror | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1308 | _wgetenv | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1226 | _waccess | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1232 | _wchmod | |
MSVCR100.dll | 656 | _getdrive | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1306 | _wgetdcwd | |
MSVCR100.dll | 971 | _open_osfhandle | |
MSVCR100.dll | 305 | __CppXcptFilter | |
MSVCR100.dll | 238 | public: void __thiscall type_info::_type_info_dtor_internal_method(void) ?_type_info_dtor_internal_method@type_info@@QAEXXZ | |
MSVCR100.dll | 507 | _crt_debugger_hook | |
MSVCR100.dll | 339 | __clean_type_info_names_internal | |
MSVCR100.dll | 347 | __dllonexit | |
MSVCR100.dll | 101 | void __cdecl operator delete(void *) ??3@YAXPAX@Z | |
MSVCR100.dll | 122 | void __cdecl operator delete[](void *) ??_V@YAXPAX@Z | |
MSVCR100.dll | 34 | public: __thiscall std::exception::exception(char const * const &) ??0exception@std@@QAE@ABQBD@Z | |
MSVCR100.dll | 269 | public: virtual char const * __thiscall std::exception::what(void)const ?what@exception@std@@UBEPBDXZ | |
MSVCR100.dll | 93 | public: virtual __thiscall std::exception::~exception(void) ??1exception@std@@UAE@XZ | |
MSVCR100.dll | 314 | __CxxFrameHandler3 | |
MSVCR100.dll | 99 | void * __cdecl operator new(unsigned int) ??2@YAPAXI@Z | |
MSVCR100.dll | 984 | _purecall | |
MSVCR100.dll | 289 | _CxxThrowException | |
MSVCR100.dll | 36 | public: __thiscall std::exception::exception(class std::exception const &) ??0exception@std@@QAE@ABV01@@Z | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1487 | memcpy | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1489 | memmove | |
MSVCR100.dll | 37 | public: __thiscall std::exception::exception(void) ??0exception@std@@QAE@XZ | |
MSVCR100.dll | 108 | public: class std::exception & __thiscall std::exception::operator=(class std::exception const &) ??4exception@std@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z | |
MSVCR100.dll | 35 | public: __thiscall std::exception::exception(char const * const &, int) ??0exception@std@@QAE@ABQBDH@Z | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1491 | memset | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1522 | srand | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1505 | rand | |
MSVCR100.dll | 988 | _putenv_s | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1436 | getenv_s | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1395 | exit | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1401 | fflush | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1411 | fprintf | |
MSVCR100.dll | 357 | __iob_func | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1476 | malloc | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1419 | free | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1507 | realloc | |
MSVCR100.dll | 539 | _endthreadex | |
MSVCR100.dll | 542 | _errno | |
MSVCR100.dll | 468 | _beginthreadex | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1541 | strncpy_s | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1539 | strncmp | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1531 | strcpy_s | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1451 | isspace | |
MSVCR100.dll | 966 | _mktime64 | |
MSVCR100.dll | 802 | _localtime64_s | |
MSVCR100.dll | 674 | _gmtime64_s | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1146 | _tzset | |
MSVCR100.dll | 281 | _CIsin | |
MSVCR100.dll | 274 | _CIcos | |
MSVCR100.dll | 280 | _CIpow | |
MSVCR100.dll | 283 | _CIsqrt | |
MSVCR100.dll | 271 | _CIasin | |
MSVCR100.dll | 270 | _CIacos | |
MSVCR100.dll | 273 | _CIatan2 | |
MSVCR100.dll | 643 | _get_tzname | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1452 | isupper | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1443 | isalpha | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1445 | isdigit | |
MSVCR100.dll | 493 | _control87 | |
MSVCR100.dll | 488 | _clearfp | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1388 | ceil | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1407 | floor | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1527 | strchr | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1387 | calloc | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1230 | _wassert | |
MSVCR100.dll | 609 | _ftelli64 | |
MSVCR100.dll | 813 | _lseeki64 | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1485 | memchr | |
MSVCR100.dll | 540 | _environ | |
MSVCR100.dll | 489 | _close | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1398 | fclose | |
MSVCR100.dll | 994 | _read | |
MSVCR100.dll | 601 | _fseeki64 | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1399 | feof | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1417 | fread | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1404 | fgets | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1327 | _write | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1430 | fwrite | |
MSVCR100.dll | 1584 | wcschr | |
MSVCR100.dll | 636 | _get_osfhandle | |
MSVCR100.dll | 568 | _fileno |
StringTable 040904b0
CompanyName | Digia Plc |
FileDescription | C++ application development framework. |
FileVersion | |
LegalCopyright | Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc. |
OriginalFilename | QtCore4.dll |
ProductName | Qt4 |
FileVersion | |
ProductVersion | |
StrucVersion | 0x10000 |
FileFlagsMask | 0x3f |
FileFlags | 0 |
FileOS | 4 |
FileType | 2 |
FileSubtype | 0 |
![]() |
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