id | lang | string |
12232 | 1033 | An unknown operating system error occurred with table '%s' |
12233 | 1033 | There is insufficient operating system memory available for the current operation |
12234 | 1033 | Invalid path or file name for table '%s' |
12235 | 1033 | Access denied to table '%s' |
12236 | 1033 | Error accessing header information for table '%s' |
12237 | 1033 | Cannot delete table '%s' |
12238 | 1033 | The table '%s' is already locked by another user |
12239 | 1033 | General lock failure with table '%s' |
12240 | 1033 | Cannot unlock table or record in table '%s' |
12241 | 1033 | table '%s' is already in use |
12242 | 1033 | Error reading from table '%s' |
12243 | 1033 | Error writing to table '%s' |
12244 | 1033 | Record in table '%s' is in use by another user |
12245 | 1033 | Too many files open while attempting to open table '%s' |
12246 | 1033 | Invalid file handle for table '%s' |
12247 | 1033 | table '%s' has been moved |
12248 | 1033 | Access denied to logical operating system device for table '%s' |
12249 | 1033 | table '%s' is not the correct version |
12250 | 1033 | Duplicate key found in index '%s' of table '%s' |
12251 | 1033 | Record has been changed or deleted by another user, session, or table cursor in table '%s' |
12252 | 1033 | Maximum or minimum limits on number of fields, auto-increment field value, or field size exceeded in table '%s' |
12253 | 1033 | Maximum record size exceeded in table '%s' |
12254 | 1033 | Maximum or minimum limits on number of indexes or fields in an index exceeded in table '%s' |
12255 | 1033 | table '%s' must be opened exclusively |
12256 | 1033 | Header information corrupt in table '%s' |
12257 | 1033 | Index page buffers corrupt in table '%s' |
12258 | 1033 | Data record buffers corrupt in table '%s' |
12259 | 1033 | BLOB block buffers corrupt in table '%s' |
12260 | 1033 | Invalid field number or name '%s' specified for table '%s' |
12261 | 1033 | Invalid key size specified in index '%s' for table '%s' |
12262 | 1033 | A value must be provided for the field '%s' in table '%s' |
12263 | 1033 | The value for the field '%s' in table '%s' is below the minimum allowable value |
12264 | 1033 | The value for the field '%s' in table '%s' is above the maximum allowable value |
12265 | 1033 | Invalid field definition specified for the field '%s' in table '%s' |
12266 | 1033 | Invalid field type specified for index '%s' in table '%s' |
12267 | 1033 | Invalid blob length in table '%s' |
12268 | 1033 | Invalid blob field '%s' specified for table '%s' |
12269 | 1033 | End of blob data in table '%s' reached prematurely |
12270 | 1033 | Invalid blob offset into table '%s' specified |
12271 | 1033 | Invalid blob handle for table '%s' specified |
12272 | 1033 | Too many blobs opened in table '%s' |
12273 | 1033 | Too many blob fields or invalid blob block size specified for table '%s' |
12274 | 1033 | A primary index is already defined for table '%s' and cannot be added again |
12275 | 1033 | The primary index cannot be removed from table '%s' |
12276 | 1033 | The secondary index name is missing or not specified for table '%s' |
12277 | 1033 | The secondary index '%s' already exists for table '%s' |
12278 | 1033 | Invalid secondary index name '%s' specified for table '%s' |
12279 | 1033 | Invalid field number '%s' specified in index '%s' for table '%s' |
12280 | 1033 | Beginning of file encountered in table '%s' |
12281 | 1033 | End of file encountered in table '%s' |
12282 | 1033 | Record not found in table '%s' |
12283 | 1033 | Invalid filter handle specified for table '%s' |
12284 | 1033 | Filter error for table '%s' - %s |
12285 | 1033 | Too many filters defined for table '%s' |
12286 | 1033 | Invalid default, min or max validity check, or expression specified for '%s' in table '%s' |
12287 | 1033 | Invalid or duplicate field name '%s' specified for table '%s' |
12288 | 1033 | Insufficient rights to table '%s', a password is required |
12289 | 1033 | Password provided for table '%s' is invalid |
12290 | 1033 | Invalid length for in-memory table '%s' |
12291 | 1033 | The language driver for table '%s' is not available or installed |
12292 | 1033 | Engine not initialized |
12293 | 1033 | SQL error - %s |
12294 | 1033 | The table '%s' is full and cannot contain any more data |
12295 | 1033 | No current record in table '%s' |
12296 | 1033 | The table '%s' already exists |
37301 | 0 | New item |
37302 | 0 | Default |
37303 | 0 | New Item |
37304 | 0 | New Group |
37310 | 0 | Add Group |
37311 | 0 | Remove Group |
37312 | 0 | Rename Group |
37313 | 0 | Remove ShortCut |
37314 | 0 | Rename ShortCut |
37315 | 0 | Large Icons |
37316 | 0 | Small Icons |
37317 | 0 | Customize... |
37320 | 0 | Can't delete the group. It has items. |
38801 | 0 | Invalid Owner TdxTreeListNode |
38802 | 0 | Customize |
38803 | 0 | Confirm |
38804 | 0 | Delete record? |
38805 | 0 | Delete all selected records? |
38806 | 0 | %s: Column by Field ''%s'' not found |
38807 | 0 | Drag a column header here to group by that column |
38808 | 0 | Dataset in edit or insert mode |
38809 | 0 | Bands |
38810 | 0 | Headers |
38811 | 0 | DefaultFields property should be set to False |
38812 | 0 | Invalidate group name! |
38813 | 0 | Invalidate group name: duplicate! |
38901 | 0 | True |
38902 | 0 | False |
38903 | 0 | Today |
38904 | 0 | Clear |
38905 | 0 | &OK |
38906 | 0 | &Cancel |
38907 | 0 | &Close |
38908 | 0 | Cu&t |
38909 | 0 | &Copy |
38910 | 0 | &Paste |
38911 | 0 | &Delete |
38912 | 0 | &Save to file... |
38913 | 0 | &Load from file... |
38914 | 0 | Cu&t |
38915 | 0 | &Copy |
38916 | 0 | &Paste |
38917 | 0 | &Delete |
38918 | 0 | &Load... |
38919 | 0 | &Save To... |
38920 | 0 | Cut |
38921 | 0 | Copy |
38922 | 0 | Paste |
38923 | 0 | Delete |
38924 | 0 | Load from file... |
38925 | 0 | Save to file... |
38926 | 0 | Toolbox |
38927 | 0 | Invalid Date |
38928 | 0 | TODAY |
38929 | 0 | YESTERDAY |
38930 | 0 | TOMORROW |
38931 | 0 | SUNDAY |
38932 | 0 | MONDAY |
38933 | 0 | TUESDAY |
38934 | 0 | WEDNESDAY |
38935 | 0 | THURSDAY |
38936 | 0 | FRIDAY |
38937 | 0 | SATURDAY |
38938 | 0 | FIRST |
38939 | 0 | SECOND |
38940 | 0 | THIRD |
38941 | 0 | FOURTH |
38942 | 0 | FIFTH |
38943 | 0 | SIXTH |
38944 | 0 | SEVENTH |
38945 | 0 | BOM |
38946 | 0 | EOM |
38947 | 0 | NOW |
38948 | 0 | Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes |
38949 | 0 | &Undo |
38950 | 0 | &Redo |
38951 | 0 | Error |
38952 | 0 | Cu&t |
38953 | 0 | &Copy |
38954 | 0 | &Paste |
38955 | 0 | &Delete |
38956 | 0 | Select &All |
42000 | 0 | Out of memory or executable file is corrupt |
42002 | 0 | File was not found |
42003 | 0 | Path was not found |
42005 | 0 | Sharing violation or netword error |
42006 | 0 | A library required separate data segments for each task |
42008 | 0 | Insufficient memory to start application |
42010 | 0 | Incorrect version of Windows |
42011 | 0 | File is not a Windows application or there was an error in the .EXE image |
42012 | 0 | Application was designed for a different operating system |
42013 | 0 | Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0 |
42014 | 0 | Unknown executable file type |
42015 | 0 | Cannot load a real-mode application |
42016 | 0 | Cannot load a second instance of an executable file containing multiple, non-read-only data segments |
42019 | 0 | Cannot load a compressed executable file |
42020 | 0 | A dynamic-link library (DLL) file is invalid |
42021 | 0 | Application requires Windows 32-bit extensions |
42031 | 0 | No association for specified file type |
42470 | 0 | Only THeader and THeaderControl components can be passed to TRzTabbedListBox.UpdateFromHeader |
42471 | 0 | Row parameter out of range |
42472 | 0 | Column parameter out of range |
42510 | 0 | The TRzSplitter component utilizes embedded drop areas. As a result, it cannot be dropped onto a Frame Designer. |
43001 | 1028 | 100 % |
43002 | 1028 | 正在讀取資料... |
43003 | 1028 | 全部 |
43004 | 1028 | 正計算頁數 <page> - <documentname> |
43005 | 1028 | 取消 |
43006 | 1028 | 關閉 |
43007 | 1028 | 份數 |
43008 | 1028 | 您的電腦沒有接駁打印機 |
43009 | 1028 | 本頁 |
43010 | 1028 | 正在繪製 <page>/<pagecount> - <documentname> |
43011 | 1028 | 輸入頁碼/文件範圍, 並用逗號分隔 (如: 1,3,5-12) |
43012 | 1028 | 報表摹擬的文字檔 |
43013 | 1028 | 第一頁 |
43014 | 1028 | 最後一頁 |
43015 | 1028 | 下一頁 |
43016 | 1028 | / |
43017 | 1028 | 確定 |
43018 | 1028 | 頁數 |
43019 | 1028 | 指定範圍 |
43020 | 1028 | 頁數 |
43022 | 1028 | 列印 |
43023 | 1028 | 預覽 |
43024 | 1028 | 正在列印 |
43025 | 1028 | 印表機 |
43026 | 1028 | 列印至檔案 |
43027 | 1028 | 正在<printername> 列印 <documentname> 的第 <page> 頁 |
43028 | 1028 | 正在<printername> 列印 <documentname> 的第 <page> 頁, 共 <pagecount> 頁 |
43029 | 1028 | 上一頁 |
43030 | 1028 | 整頁 |
43031 | 1028 | 頁寬 |
43032 | 1028 | 沒有內容 |
43033 | 1028 | 請先輸入檔案名稱 |
43034 | 1028 | 共用格式檔案 |
43037 | 1028 | 純文字檔案 |
43038 | 1028 | AS |
43039 | 1028 | 名稱 |
43040 | 1028 | 無法開啟資料集 |
43042 | 1028 | 無法改變欄 <columnno> 的位置 |
43043 | 1028 | 找不到第 <columnno> 欄 |
43044 | 1028 | 欄高不能超過頁長 |
43045 | 1028 | 找不到記錄: |
43046 | 1028 | 找不到檔案: |
43047 | 1028 | 從資料庫中讀取範本時發生錯誤 |
43049 | 1028 | 範本的格式不正確 |
43050 | 1028 | 要忽略錯誤並繼續嗎? |
43051 | 1028 | 檔案的屬性是唯讀的 |
43053 | 1028 | 無法用此欄位型態儲存樣版 |
43054 | 1028 | 顯示所有資料: |
43055 | 1028 | 及 |
43056 | 1028 | 不是一個有效的日期. |
43057 | 1028 | 不是一個有效的時間. |
43058 | 1028 | 不是一個有效的日期及時間. |
43059 | 1028 | 不是一個有效的數字. |
43060 | 1028 | 數值必須是 True 或 False. |
43061 | 1028 | 必須要輸入要尋找的數值. |
43062 | 1028 | 及 |
43063 | 1028 | 加入 |
43064 | 1028 | 移除 |
43065 | 1028 | 尋找 |
43066 | 1028 | 表示此數值必須要輸入. |
43067 | 1028 | 無法開啟檔案: <filename>. |
43068 | 1028 | (空白) |
43069 | 1028 | 正計算 Crosstab: 記錄 <count>. |
43070 | 1028 | 總計 |
43071 | 1028 | 資料 |
43072 | 1028 | 總計 |
43073 | 1028 | CrossTab: <name> references field '<name>' |
43074 | 1028 | <name> 不是一個資料管道的欄位. |
43075 | 1028 | 小計 |
43076 | 1028 | 正格式化 CrossTab: 計算格子的高和寬度. |
43077 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Values: Compute cell heights and widths. |
43078 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Values: Compute cell heights and widths. Column: <count> Row: <count> |
43079 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Rows: Compute caption text sizes. |
43080 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Rows: Coalesce caption heights. |
43081 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Rows: Allocate caption heights. |
43082 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Rows: Adjust total row heights. |
43083 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Rows: Allocate caption widths. |
43084 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Columns: Compute caption text sizes. |
43085 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Columns: Coalesce caption widths. |
43086 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Columns: Coalesce caption heights. |
43087 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Columns: Allocate caption widths. |
43088 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Columns: Adjust total column heights. |
43089 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Columns: Position field labels. |
43090 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Values: Position field labels. |
43091 | 1028 | Formatting CrossTab Values: Allocate caption heights. |
43092 | 1028 | 是 |
43093 | 1028 | 等於 |
43094 | 1028 | 不是 |
43095 | 1028 | 不等於 |
43096 | 1028 | 早於 |
43097 | 1028 | 少於 |
43098 | 1028 | 等於或早於 |
43099 | 1028 | 少於或等於 |
43100 | 1028 | 遲於 |
43101 | 1028 | 靠底排列 |
43102 | 1028 | 水平靠中 |
43103 | 1028 | 靠左排列 |
43104 | 1028 | 靠右排列 |
43105 | 1028 | 靠頂排列 |
43106 | 1028 | 垂直靠中 |
43107 | 1028 | 靠到資料帶的中間(水平) |
43108 | 1028 | 靠到資料帶的中間(垂直) |
43109 | 1028 | 把高度調到最高 |
43110 | 1028 | 把寬度調到最大 |
43111 | 1028 | 把高度縮到最小 |
43112 | 1028 | 把寬度調到最小 |
43113 | 1028 | 水平等距排列 |
43114 | 1028 | 垂直等距排列 |
43115 | 1028 | 左至右 |
43116 | 1028 | 右至左 |
43117 | 1028 | 線條類型 |
43118 | 1028 | 圖案類型 |
43119 | 1028 | 設定數值 |
43120 | 1028 | 編輯(&E) |
43121 | 1028 | 帶到前面(&F) |
43122 | 1028 | 複製(&C) |
43123 | 1028 | 剪下(&T) |
43124 | 1028 | 刪除(&D) |
43125 | 1028 | 貼上(&P) |
43126 | 1028 | 重覆(&R) |
43127 | 1028 | 選擇所有(&L) |
43128 | 1028 | 帶到後面(&B) |
43129 | 1028 | 取消刪除(&U) |
43130 | 1028 | 復原(&U) |
43131 | 1028 | 檔案(&F) |
43132 | 1028 | 關閉(&C) |
43133 | 1028 | 新增(&N) |
43134 | 1028 | 開啟舊報表(&O)... |
43135 | 1028 | 版面設定(&U)... |
43136 | 1028 | 列印(&P) |
43137 | 1028 | 列印至檔案設置(&F)... |
43138 | 1028 | 儲存報表(&S) |
43139 | 1028 | 另存新報表(&A)... |
43140 | 1028 | 儲存格式(&O) |
43141 | 1028 | 資料 |
43142 | 1028 | 說明(&H) |
43143 | 1028 | 關於(&A) |
43144 | 1028 | 說明目錄(&H) |
43145 | 1028 | 報表(&R) |
43146 | 1028 | 組(&G)... |
43147 | 1028 | 橫印(&L) |
43148 | 1028 | 直印(&P) |
43149 | 1028 | 總結(&S) |
43150 | 1028 | 標題(&T) |
43151 | 1028 | 單位(&U) |
43152 | 1028 | 英吋(&I) |
43153 | 1028 | 毫米(&M) |
43154 | 1028 | 設標題 |
43155 | 1028 | 檢視(&V) |
43156 | 1028 | 新增 |
43157 | 1028 | 斷字 |
43158 | 1028 | 尺規(&R) |
43159 | 1028 | 顯示資料(&S) |
43160 | 1028 | 粗體 |
43161 | 1028 | 帶到前面 |
43162 | 1028 | 圖案類型 |
43163 | 1028 | 靠中 |
43164 | 1028 | 計算欄位 |
43165 | 1028 | 圖案欄位 |
43166 | 1028 | 備註欄位 |
43167 | 1028 | 文字欄位 |
43168 | 1028 | 字形 |
43169 | 1028 | 字形大小 |
43170 | 1028 | 圖案 |
43171 | 1028 | 斜體 |
43172 | 1028 | 標籤 |
43173 | 1028 | 靠左 |
43174 | 1028 | 線條 |
43175 | 1028 | 備註 |
43176 | 1028 | 靠右 |
43177 | 1028 | 帶到後面 |
43178 | 1028 | 圖形 |
43179 | 1028 | 底線 |
43180 | 1028 | 就緒 |
43181 | 1028 | 左 |
43182 | 1028 | 上 |
43183 | 1028 | 寬 |
43184 | 1028 | 高 |
43185 | 1028 | 設計 |
43186 | 1028 | 預覽 |
43187 | 1028 | 欄尾 |
43188 | 1028 | 欄首 |
43189 | 1028 | 細節 |
43190 | 1028 | 頁尾 |
43191 | 1028 | 組尾 |
43192 | 1028 | 組首 |
43193 | 1028 | 頁首 |
43194 | 1028 | 總結 |
43195 | 1028 | 標題 |
43196 | 1028 | 計算類型 |
43197 | 1028 | 計算 |
43198 | 1028 | 重置組 |
43199 | 1028 | 顯示格式 |
43200 | 1028 | 格式 |
43201 | 1028 | 停止於 |
43202 | 1028 | 自訂欄位 |
43203 | 1028 | 資料欄位 |
43204 | 1028 | 組 |
43205 | 1028 | 開新頁: 當小於 |
43206 | 1028 | 當組改變 |
43207 | 1028 | 拽拉可使此目錄浮動 |
43208 | 1028 | 在之後的頁中重印組首 |
43209 | 1028 | 重置頁碼 |
43210 | 1028 | 開始新頁 |
43211 | 1028 | 備註編輯器 |
43212 | 1028 | 欄的位置 |
43213 | 1028 | 欄寬 |
43214 | 1028 | 欄數 |
43215 | 1028 | 頁首(&H) |
43216 | 1028 | 配置 |
43217 | 1028 | 方向 |
43218 | 1028 | 頁面設定 |
43219 | 1028 | 紙張大小 |
43220 | 1028 | 紙張來源 |
43221 | 1028 | 紙盤 |
43222 | 1028 | 行距 |
43224 | 1028 | PageEnd |
43225 | 1028 | 隱藏(&H) |
43226 | 1028 | 自動大小 |
43227 | 1028 | 當數值為零時不列印 |
43228 | 1028 | 計算... |
43229 | 1028 | 靠中 |
43230 | 1028 | 顯示格式... |
43231 | 1028 | 雙線(&D) |
43232 | 1028 | 動態高度(&D) |
43233 | 1028 | 位置... |
43234 | 1028 | 新頁(&N) |
43235 | 1028 | 圖像(&P)... |
43236 | 1028 | 在第一頁列印(&P) |
43237 | 1028 | 在最後一頁列印(&R) |
43238 | 1028 | 在延伸部份重印(&R) |
43239 | 1028 | 在之後的頁中重印(&E) |
43240 | 1028 | 隨父元件移動(&H) |
43241 | 1028 | 單線(&I) |
43242 | 1028 | 靜態高度(&S) |
43243 | 1028 | 自動延長 |
43244 | 1028 | 隨父元件延長(&T) |
43245 | 1028 | 不印重複的數值(&U) |
43246 | 1028 | 透明(&T) |
43247 | 1028 | 顯示(&V) |
43248 | 1028 | 斷字(&W) |
43249 | 1028 | 可使用的元件 |
43250 | 1028 | 帶 |
43251 | 1028 | 逗號分隔 |
43252 | 1028 | 檔案名稱 |
43253 | 1028 | 檔案類型 |
43254 | 1028 | 固定長度 |
43255 | 1028 | 排序 |
43256 | 1028 | 列印至檔案設置 |
43257 | 1028 | 儲蓄長度 |
43258 | 1028 | 已選元件 |
43259 | 1028 | Tab 分隔 |
43260 | 1028 | 加入(&A) |
43261 | 1028 | 下拉式元件 |
43262 | 1028 | ReportStart |
43263 | 1028 | 選擇下拉式元件 |
43264 | 1028 | 編輯(&E) |
43265 | 1028 | 插入(&I) |
43266 | 1028 | 讀入(&L)... |
43267 | 1028 | 列印行數 |
43268 | 1028 | 儲存(&S)... |
43269 | 1028 | 物件: |
43270 | 1028 | 物件: |
43271 | 1028 | PageStart |
43272 | 1028 | 當沒有頁尾時列印頁首 |
43273 | 1028 | 選擇物件 |
43274 | 1028 | 儲存修改至 <reportname>. |
43276 | 1028 | 沒有顯示頁帶 |
43277 | 1028 | 沒有帶可以列印 |
43278 | 1028 | 所有要求的頁數都報表之外. |
43279 | 1028 | 在無資料模式下, 細節帶的高度不可以是零. |
43282 | 1028 | Traversal |
43283 | 1028 | 不可在此設計模式下預覽 |
43284 | 1028 | 沒有足夠的磁碟空間列印報表 |
43287 | 1028 | 第一個欄太寬 |
43288 | 1028 | 無法開啟檔案: <filename>. |
43289 | 1028 | 無效的備註. |
43290 | 1028 | 無效的圖像. |
43291 | 1028 | 無法轉換為浮點小數. |
43292 | 1028 | 所有在新欄寬之外的元件都會被刪除. |
43293 | 1028 | 所有在欄首及欄尾內的元件都會被刪除. |
43294 | 1028 | 所有在欄首內的元件都會被刪除. |
43295 | 1028 | 所有在欄尾內的元件都會被刪除. |
43296 | 1028 | 無效的數值: 零高度的帶無法容納元件. |
43297 | 1028 | 無效的數值: 帶高不可以超過頁高 |
43298 | 1028 | 最底的元件低過工作空間. |
43299 | 1028 | 自動大小已被關閉. |
43300 | 1028 | 沒有指定自訂欄位 |
43301 | 1028 | 沒有指定資料欄位. |
43302 | 1028 | 細節帶無法放到頁面. |
43303 | 1028 | 日期 |
43304 | 1028 | 日期時間 |
43305 | 1028 | 列印日期時間 |
43306 | 1028 | 總頁數 |
43307 | 1028 | 頁數組合 |
43308 | 1028 | 頁數組合描述 |
43309 | 1028 | 頁碼 |
43310 | 1028 | 頁碼描述 |
43311 | 1028 | 時間 |
43312 | 1028 | 由上至下 |
43313 | 1028 | 數 |
43314 | 1028 | 加 |
43315 | 1028 | 最小 |
43316 | 1028 | 最大 |
43317 | 1028 | 平均 |
43318 | 1028 | 矩形 |
43319 | 1028 | 方形 |
43320 | 1028 | 圓角矩形 |
43321 | 1028 | 圓角方形 |
43322 | 1028 | 橢圓形 |
43323 | 1028 | 圓形 |
43324 | 1028 | String |
43325 | 1028 | 下 |
43326 | 1028 | 格子選項 |
43327 | 1028 | 右 |
43328 | 1028 | 在新頁寬之外的元件都會被刪除. |
43329 | 1028 | 沒有資料欄位可以形成組. |
43330 | 1028 | 沒有自訂欄位可以形成組. |
43331 | 1028 | 組 |
43332 | 1028 | 無效的數字. |
43333 | 1028 | 無效的特性數值. |
43334 | 1028 | Integer |
43335 | 1028 | Single |
43336 | 1028 | 隨...一起移動(&H) |
43337 | 1028 | Double |
43338 | 1028 | 移動關係 |
43339 | 1028 | Extended |
43340 | 1028 | 設定物件的位置基於 |
43341 | 1028 | Currency |
43342 | 1028 | 循環指定移動關係 |
43343 | 1028 | <無> |
43344 | 1028 | 格子選項(&G) |
43345 | 1028 | 顯示格子(&G) |
43346 | 1028 | 靠近格子(&P) |
43347 | 1028 | 格子大小 &X |
43348 | 1028 | 格子大小 &Y |
43349 | 1028 | 格子大小 X 只可以是 2 至 128 的整數. |
43350 | 1028 | 格子大小 Y 只可以是 2 至 128 的整數. |
43351 | 1028 | RichText |
43352 | 1028 | DBRichText |
43353 | 1028 | Rich Text 編輯器 |
43354 | 1028 | 項目符號 |
43355 | 1028 | 儲存修改嗎? |
43356 | 1028 | 可以覆寫 <filename> 嗎? |
43357 | 1028 | 儲存修改至 <filename> 嗎? |
43358 | 1028 | 行: |
43359 | 1028 | 欄: |
43360 | 1028 | 已修改 |
43361 | 1028 | 開啟 |
43362 | 1028 | 儲存 |
43363 | 1028 | Boolean |
43364 | 1028 | 復原 |
43365 | 1028 | 剪下 |
43366 | 1028 | 複製 |
43367 | 1028 | 貼上 |
43368 | 1028 | 區域 |
43369 | 1028 | 子報表 |
43370 | 1028 | 父高(&P) |
43371 | 1028 | 父寬(&A) |
43372 | 1028 | 欄 |
43373 | 1028 | 新的列印工作 |
43374 | 1028 | 主報表 |
43375 | 1028 | 由下至上 |
43376 | 1028 | 邊界 |
43377 | 1028 | 無效值 |
43378 | 1028 | `變數類型 |
43379 | 1028 | 資料類型 |
43380 | 1028 | 子(&C) |
43381 | 1028 | 結(&T) |
43382 | 1028 | 固定(&F) |
43383 | 1028 | 頁尾(&F) |
43384 | 1028 | 位置 |
43385 | 1028 | 應用(&A) |
43386 | 1028 | 位置(&P)... |
43387 | 1028 | 熒光幕點數(&S) |
43388 | 1028 | 印表機點數(&P) |
43389 | 1028 | 千分之一MM(&T) |
43390 | 1028 | 報表架構 |
43391 | 1028 | 報表樹(&R) |
43392 | 1028 | 選擇報表 |
43393 | 1028 | ColumnEnd |
43394 | 1028 | 資料(&D)... |
43395 | 1028 | 主資料管道 |
43396 | 1028 | 細節資料管道 |
43397 | 1028 | 底部邊界 |
43398 | 1028 | 列印位置 |
43399 | 1028 | 讀取備註時出現錯誤. |
43409 | 1028 | Char |
43410 | 1028 | 重置頁碼(&G) |
43412 | 1028 | 保持外觀比例 |
43413 | 1028 | 跟隨父報表的打印機設置 |
43414 | 1028 | 讀取 rich text 時發生錯誤. |
43415 | 1028 | 列印位置超出紙張範圍. |
43416 | 1028 | 忽略(&I) |
43417 | 1028 | 忽略所有(&A) |
43418 | 1028 | 讀取範本時出現錯誤 |
43419 | 1028 | 延伸部份邊界 |
43420 | 1028 | 開始新欄 |
43421 | 1028 | 開始新欄: 當小於 |
43422 | 1028 | 在之後的欄列組首 |
43423 | 1028 | Only UPC and EAN barcodes can have add-on codes. |
43424 | 1028 | Add-on codes must be either 2 or 5 digits |
43425 | 1028 | PostNet barcodes must have AutoSize = True |
43426 | 1028 | EAN-13 and UPC-A barcodes must have AutoSizeFont = True |
43427 | 1028 | BarWidth must be at least <minbarwidth> |
43428 | 1028 | BarWidth can be no more than <maxbarwidth> |
43429 | 1028 | Only Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes can have bearer bars |
43430 | 1028 | Code 39 barcodes can only contain A-Z, 0-9, $, %, +, -, ., /, and spaces |
43431 | 1028 | EAN-13 barcodes must be 12 digits (13 with check digit) |
43432 | 1028 | EAN-13 barcodes must be 13 digits including the check digit |
43433 | 1028 | EAN-13 barcodes must be numeric |
43434 | 1028 | Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes must be numeric |
43435 | 1028 | Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes must have an even number of digits |
43436 | 1028 | PostNet barcodes must be numeric |
43437 | 1028 | PostNet barcodes must be 5, 9, or 11 digits long |
43438 | 1028 | UPC-A barcodes must be 11 digits (12 with check digit) |
43439 | 1028 | UPC-A barcodes must be 12 digits including the check digit |
43440 | 1028 | UPC-A barcodes must be numeric |
43441 | 1028 | 自動大小字型 |
43442 | 1028 | 列印可讀內容 |
43443 | 1028 | 設定... |
43444 | 1028 | 設定 |
43445 | 1028 | 類型 |
43446 | 1028 | 條碼寬度 |
43447 | 1028 | 條寬比例 |
43448 | 1028 | 附加碼 |
43449 | 1028 | Bearer Bars |
43450 | 1028 | 計算檢錯碼 |
43451 | 1028 | Code 128 must begin with a start code (#208, #209 or #210) |
43452 | 1028 | A start code can only be placed at the beginning of the symbol |
43453 | 1028 | Only Code B can contain the character <character> |
43454 | 1028 | Only Code A can contain characters #211 through #242 |
43455 | 1028 | The Code C portion must contain an even number of digits |
43456 | 1028 | The Code C portion must be numeric |
43457 | 1028 | CODE C does not utilize characters #201 through #204 |
43458 | 1028 | 每行只可以有一個可移動的碼 |
43459 | 1028 | 有於目前打印機的設置有問題, 無法打印. |
43460 | 1028 | 條碼 |
43461 | 1028 | 條碼欄位 |
43462 | 1028 | 圖表 |
43463 | 1028 | 圖表欄位 |
43464 | 1028 | 標準元件 |
43465 | 1028 | 資料元件 |
43466 | 1028 | 高級元件 |
43467 | 1028 | 向上移 |
43468 | 1028 | 向下移 |
43469 | 1028 | 向左移 |
43470 | 1028 | 向右移 |
43472 | 1028 | 自動 |
43473 | 1028 | 更多字型顏色... |
43474 | 1028 | 無 |
43475 | 1028 | 更多顏色... |
43476 | 1028 | 不填色 |
43477 | 1028 | 更多顏色... |
43478 | 1028 | 無線條 |
43479 | 1028 | 更多顏色... |
43480 | 1028 | 字型顏色 |
43481 | 1028 | 反白顏色 |
43482 | 1028 | 填色 |
43483 | 1028 | 線條顏色 |
43484 | 1028 | 靠向或間距(&L) |
43485 | 1028 | 大小(&I) |
43486 | 1028 | 移動(&U) |
43487 | 1028 | 繪圖(&W) |
43488 | 1028 | 線條粗細 |
43489 | 1028 | 線條類型 |
43490 | 1028 | 標準(&N) |
43491 | 1028 | 系統變數 |
43492 | 1028 | 變數 |
43493 | 1028 | 已經存在. |
43494 | 1028 | 取代目前的報表嗎 ? |
43495 | 1028 | 修改圖表(&D)... |
43496 | 1028 | 輸出圖表(&X)... |
43497 | 1028 | 更新資料(&R) |
43498 | 1028 | 下拉式(&D) |
43499 | 1028 | 工具列(&T) |
43500 | 1028 | 資料管道 |
43501 | 1028 | 重置於 |
43502 | 1028 | 合併列印(&M) |
43503 | 1028 | 插入欄位(&I)... |
43504 | 1028 | 計算於 |
43505 | 1028 | 字型(&F)... |
43506 | 1028 | 保持組在一起 |
43507 | 1028 | 停止位置 |
43508 | 1028 | 細節(&D) |
43509 | 1028 | 文件夾(&F) |
43510 | 1028 | 列表(&L) |
43511 | 1028 | 開啟(&O) |
43512 | 1028 | 重新命名(&R) |
43513 | 1028 | 狀態列(&S) |
43514 | 1028 | 工具列(&T) |
43515 | 1028 | (a > z) |
43516 | 1028 | (大 > 小) |
43517 | 1028 | (新 > 舊) |
43518 | 1028 | (舊 > 新) |
43519 | 1028 | (小 > 大) |
43520 | 1028 | (z > a) |
43521 | 1028 | <count> 個項目被選取 |
43522 | 1028 | <count> 個項目 |
43523 | 1028 | <name> 已經存在. |
43524 | 1028 | 所有資料夾 |
43525 | 1028 | 要刪除 '<name>' 嗎? |
43526 | 1028 | 要刪除這 <count> 個文件夾並把資料夾的內容移到資源回收筒嗎? |
43527 | 1028 | 要刪除這 <count> 個項目嗎? |
43528 | 1028 | 要移除文件夾 '<name>' 並把資料夾的內容移到資源回收筒嗎? |
43529 | 1028 | 要把 '<name>' 送到資源回收筒嗎? |
43530 | 1028 | 要把這 <count> 個項目送到資源回收筒嗎? |
43531 | 1028 | 位元 |
43532 | 1028 | 無法移動 '<name>': 目標目錄中已經有同名的資料夾. |
43533 | 1028 | 無法改名 '<name>': 你指定的名稱已存在. |
43534 | 1028 | 無法改名 '<name>': 你指定的名稱已存在. |
43535 | 1028 | 編碼模塊 |
43536 | 1028 | 確認刪除資料夾 |
43537 | 1028 | 確認取代資料夾 |
43539 | 1028 | 確認刪除項目 |
43540 | 1028 | 確認取代項目 |
43541 | 1028 | 確認刪除多個資料夾 |
43542 | 1028 | 改名(&M) |
43543 | 1028 | 確認刪除多個項目 |
43544 | 1028 | <name> 的內容 |
43545 | 1028 | 新增資料夾 |
43546 | 1028 | 資料模塊 |
43547 | 1028 | 刪除 |
43548 | 1028 | 未指派編輯器的特性. |
43549 | 1028 | 詳細資料 |
43550 | 1028 | 要取代嗎? |
43551 | 1028 | 移動資料夾錯誤 |
43552 | 1028 | 資料夾改名錯誤 |
43553 | 1028 | 項目改名錯誤 |
43554 | 1028 | 資料夾 |
43555 | 1028 | 未指派資料夾管道的特性. |
43556 | 1028 | 資料夾管道: '<name>' 無法被開啟. |
43557 | 1028 | 幫助 |
43558 | 1028 | 建立新的資料夾(&F) |
43559 | 1028 | DataPipelineTraversal |
43560 | 1028 | 找不到項目: <name> |
43561 | 1028 | 項目管道 <name> 欄位: 找不到 '<name>' . |
43562 | 1028 | 臨時項管道欄位: '<name>' 不是 memo 或 blob 欄位. |
43563 | 1028 | 沒有指派項目管道的特性. |
43564 | 1028 | 項目管道: 無法開啟 '<name>'. |
43565 | 1028 | KB |
43566 | 1028 | 清單 |
43567 | 1028 | 查詢(&I): |
43568 | 1028 | 修改日期 |
43569 | 1028 | 名稱 |
43570 | 1028 | 新增資料夾 |
43571 | 1028 | 新增報表 |
43572 | 1028 | 新增報表(&R) |
43573 | 1028 | 報表瀏覽器視窗未被登記. |
43574 | 1028 | 開啟舊報表 |
43575 | 1028 | 列印 |
43576 | 1028 | 預覽列印(&V) |
43577 | 1028 | 預覽列印 |
43578 | 1028 | 資源回收筒 |
43579 | 1028 | 報表 |
43580 | 1028 | 報表瀏覽器 |
43581 | 1028 | 未指派報表的特性. |
43582 | 1028 | 儲存到(&I): |
43583 | 1028 | 大小 |
43584 | 1028 | 請指派另一個名稱. |
43585 | 1028 | 請指派另一個名稱. |
43586 | 1028 | 此資料夾中已經有一個叫 '<name>' 的資料夾. |
43587 | 1028 | 此資料夾中已經有一個叫 '<name>' 的項目. |
43588 | 1028 | 類型 |
43589 | 1028 | 上移 |
43590 | 1028 | 要取代目前的項目嗎? |
43591 | 1028 | 資料夾管道欄位 <name> : 找不到 '<name>' . |
43592 | 1028 | 如果目前的資料夾中已存在與要移動報表的同名項目, |
43593 | 1028 | 要取代已存在的項目嗎? |
43594 | 1028 | 瀏覽(&E) |
43595 | 1028 | 清理資料回收筒(&B) |
43596 | 1028 | 調整資料欄位的寬度, 以便所有欄位都可以放在報表中. |
43597 | 1028 | 靠左 1 |
43598 | 1028 | 靠左 2 |
43599 | 1028 | 可使用欄位 |
43600 | 1028 | 上一步 |
43601 | 1028 | 粗體式 |
43602 | 1028 | 粗體式 |
43603 | 1028 | 簡便式 |
43604 | 1028 | 簡化式 |
43605 | 1028 | 企業式 |
43606 | 1028 | 資料管道名稱 |
43607 | 1028 | 要預覽報表的設計嗎? |
43608 | 1028 | 進行下一步前, 必須先選擇欄位. |
43609 | 1028 | 完 成 |
43610 | 1028 | 公式 |
43611 | 1028 | 您喜歡如何排列報表呢? |
43612 | 1028 | 式樣 |
43613 | 1028 | 修改報表的設計 |
43614 | 1028 | 下一步 |
43615 | 1028 | 大綱 1 |
43616 | 1028 | 大綱 2 |
43617 | 1028 | 請輸入此報表的標題 |
43618 | 1028 | 預覽此報表 |
43619 | 1028 | 優先次序 |
43620 | 1028 | 報表精靈 |
43621 | 1028 | 已選欄位 |
43622 | 1028 | 淺灰 |
43623 | 1028 | 階梯式 |
43624 | 1028 | 列表 |
43625 | 1028 | 所有建立報表的資料已經填妥. |
43626 | 1028 | 垂直 |
43627 | 1028 | 您喜歡哪一個式樣呢? |
43628 | 1028 | ColumnStart |
43629 | 1028 | 要在報表中加入哪些欄位呢? |
43630 | 1028 | 加入欄位 |
43631 | 1028 | 物件大綱 |
43632 | 1028 | 顯示標題 |
43633 | 1028 | 建立 |
43634 | 1028 | 式樣 |
43635 | 1028 | 格子 |
43636 | 1028 | 標籤 |
43637 | 1028 | 欄位 |
43638 | 1028 | 更新(&R) |
43639 | 1028 | 資料樹 |
43640 | 1028 | <name> 不是一個有效的識別值. |
43641 | 1028 | <name> 不是一個唯一的識別值. |
43642 | 1028 | <name> 的欄位 |
43643 | 1028 | Expand All |
43644 | 1028 | Traverse All Data |
43645 | 1028 | EAN-8 barcodes must be 7 digits (8 with check digit) |
43646 | 1028 | EAN-8 barcodes must be 8 digits including the check digit |
43647 | 1028 | EAN-8 barcodes must be numeric |
43648 | 1028 | UPC-E barcodes must be 6 digits (7 with check digit) |
43649 | 1028 | UPC-E barcodes must be 7 digits including the check digit |
43650 | 1028 | UPC-E barcodes must be numeric |
43651 | 1028 | The only valid choices for FIM codes are A, B, or C |
43652 | 1028 | Codabar can only encode 0-9, A, B, C, D, -, $, :, /, ., and + |
43653 | 1028 | A Codabar symbol must start and end with A, B, C, or D. |
43654 | 1028 | A, B, C, and D are used only for the start and stop codes for Codabar. |
43655 | 1028 | They cannot appear anywhere in the middle of the data. |
43656 | 1028 | 計算次序(&C) |
43657 | 1028 | 資料欄 |
43658 | 1028 | 變數 |
43659 | 1028 | 新增列 |
43660 | 1028 | 新增行 |
43661 | 1028 | 新增數值 |
43662 | 1028 | 設置 Crosstab |
43663 | 1028 | 1. Construct your crosstab by dragging fields from the field list into the shaded cells. |
43664 | 1028 | 2. Remove columns, rows or values by dragging from the diagram back to the field list. |
43665 | 1028 | 3. Reorder columns, rows or values by dragging within the diagram. |
43666 | 1028 | 4. Format crosstab by selecting a row, column or value and then using the toolbar or popup menu. |
43667 | 1028 | 升幕排列 |
43668 | 1028 | 降幕排列 |
43669 | 1028 | 提示(&T) |
43670 | 1028 | 字型(&F) |
43671 | 1028 | 顏色(&C) |
43672 | 1028 | 顯示格式(&D) |
43673 | 1028 | 顯示(&V) |
43674 | 1028 | 格線(&G) |
43675 | 1028 | 頁數(&P) |
43676 | 1028 | 先橫後下 |
43677 | 1028 | 先下後橫 |
43678 | 1028 | CrossTab 小精靈 |
43679 | 1028 | 進行下一之前, 必須先選擇資料. |
43680 | 1028 | 指定資料及頁面的方向 |
43681 | 1028 | 直接繪畫(&D) |
43682 | 1028 | DataDictionary.<name> '<name>' 無法被開啟. |
43683 | 1028 | DataDicitionary.<name> 的特性未被指派. |
43684 | 1028 | <name>.<name> 欄位: 找不到 '<name>' . |
43685 | 1028 | [ 唯讀] |
43686 | 1028 | New components cannot be added to frame instances. |
43687 | 1028 | Selection contains a component introduced in an ancestor and cannot be deleted. |
43688 | 1028 | 時機 |
43689 | 1028 | 時機... |
43690 | 1028 | 新項目 |
43691 | 1028 | 頁面式樣 |
43692 | 1028 | 自動編譯 |
43693 | 1028 | 計算次序(&C)... |
43694 | 1028 | 條碼內容 |
43695 | 1028 | CrossTab |
43696 | 1028 | 讀取子報表(&L)... |
43697 | 1028 | 儲存子報表(&A)... |
43698 | 1028 | 從檔案中讀取(&D)... |
43699 | 1028 | 儲存至檔案(&V)... |
43700 | 1028 | 從檔案中讀取子報表... |
44000 | 1028 | 大於 |
44001 | 1028 | 等於或遲於 |
44002 | 1028 | 大於或等於 |
44003 | 1028 | 開頭有 |
44004 | 1028 | 開頭不是 |
44005 | 1028 | 介於 |
44006 | 1028 | 不介於 |
44007 | 1028 | 符合表中的一個數值 |
44008 | 1028 | 是空白的. |
44009 | 1028 | 不是空白的 |
44010 | 1028 | 名稱(&N) |
44011 | 1028 | 類別 |
44012 | 1028 | 位置 |
44013 | 1028 | 內容(&P) |
44014 | 1028 | 份數(&C) |
44015 | 1028 | 自動分頁(&T) |
44016 | 1028 | 列印(&R) |
44017 | 1028 | 範圍內的所有頁面 |
44018 | 1028 | 奇數頁 |
44019 | 1028 | 偶數頁 |
44020 | 1028 | 目前印表機的有問題, 導致無法列印. |
44021 | 1028 | 尋找資料 |
44022 | 1028 | 此報表沒有資料欄 |
44023 | 1028 | 無法產生報表. |
44024 | 1028 | 無效的數值. |
44025 | 1028 | 向左移(&L) |
44026 | 1028 | 向右移(&R) |
44027 | 1028 | 不符合此表中的數值 |
44028 | 1028 | 數 |
44029 | 1028 | 加 |
44030 | 1028 | 最小 |
44031 | 1028 | 最大 |
44032 | 1028 | 平均 |
44033 | 1028 | Show all values of the <name> field. |
44034 | 1028 | No Data Found |
44035 | 1028 | No data found for this report. |
44036 | 1028 | has any value. |
44040 | 1028 | Main |
44041 | 1028 | Hide Outline |
44042 | 1028 | Show Outline |
44043 | 1028 | Expand Outline |
44044 | 1028 | Collapse Outline |
44045 | 1028 | ...more... |
44101 | 1028 | 儲存子報表至檔案... |
44102 | 1028 | 跳過無效值(&S) |
44103 | 1028 | ReportEnd |
44104 | 1028 | GroupStart |
44105 | 1028 | GroupEnd |
44106 | 1028 | GroupBeforeHeader |
44107 | 1028 | GroupBeforeFooter |
44108 | 1028 | 無效值排列(&N) |
44109 | 1028 | 第一 |
44110 | 1028 | 最後 |
44111 | 1028 | 您必須輸入資料夾名稱. |
44112 | 1028 | 您必須輸入項目名稱. |
44113 | 1028 | 快取頁面(&C) |
44114 | 1028 | 預印次數設定(&A) |
44115 | 1028 | 一次(&O) |
44116 | 1028 | 兩次(&T) |
44117 | 1028 | 頁面設置 |
44118 | 1028 | 頁面設置... |
44119 | 1028 | Label Templates |
44120 | 1028 | Printer information |
44121 | 1028 | Dot Matrix |
44122 | 1028 | Laser and ink jet |
44123 | 1028 | Products |
44124 | 1028 | Label information |
44125 | 1028 | Justify |
44126 | 1028 | Force Justify |
44127 | 1028 | Document Name |
44128 | 1028 | Duplex |
44129 | 1028 | Horizontal |
44130 | 1028 | KeepTogether |
44131 | 1028 | LookAhead |
44132 | 1028 | ResetGroup... |
44133 | 1028 | Bands Per Record |
44134 | 1028 | No Data Pipeline assigned. |
44135 | 1028 | Column Traversal |
44136 | 1028 | Top to Bottom |
44137 | 1028 | Left to Right |
44138 | 1028 | AutoDisplay |
44139 | 1028 | Repeated Captions |
44140 | 1028 | Outline Settings... |
44141 | 1028 | Outline Settings |
44142 | 1028 | Main Outline Settings |
44143 | 1028 | Create Nodes For Components |
44144 | 1028 | Enabled |
44145 | 1028 | Create Page Nodes |
61092 | 0 | Unknown GIF version |
61093 | 0 | GIF image encoding error |
61094 | 0 | GIF encoded data is corrupt |
61095 | 0 | GIF code size not in range 2 to 9 |
61096 | 0 | Wrong number of colors; must be a power of 2 |
61097 | 0 | Unrecognized extension block: %.2x |
61098 | 0 | No GIF Data to write |
61099 | 0 | Cannot change the Size of a GIF image |
61100 | 0 | CompuServe GIF Image |
61170 | 0 | Delete all selected records? |
61171 | 0 | Type your password |
61172 | 0 | Unlock application |
61173 | 0 | Database name: %s |
61174 | 0 | The data were changed. Save them? |
61175 | 0 | Relational operators require a field and a constant |
61176 | 0 | Expression expected but %s found |
61177 | 0 | ')' expected but %s found |
61178 | 0 | Invalid filter expression character: '%s' |
61179 | 0 | Unterminated string constant |
61180 | 0 | Unterminated field name |
61181 | 0 | Filter expression incorrectly terminated |
61182 | 0 | Incorrectly formed filter expression |
61183 | 0 | &Prev |
61184 | 0 | &Next |
61185 | 0 | Error message |
61186 | 0 | Server Error |
61187 | 0 | BDE Error |
61188 | 0 | Database Engine Error |
61189 | 0 | The new and confirmed passwords do not match |
61190 | 0 | Password has not been changed |
61191 | 0 | Password has been changed |
61192 | 0 | &Confirm password: |
61193 | 0 | &New password: |
61194 | 0 | &Old password: |
61195 | 0 | Change password |
61196 | 0 | Invalid user name or password |
61197 | 0 | &Password: |
61198 | 0 | &User name: |
61199 | 0 | Type your user name and password |
61200 | 0 | Application "%s" |
61201 | 0 | Registration |
61202 | 0 | Calculate |
61203 | 0 | Search |
61204 | 0 | Insert |
61205 | 0 | Edit |
61206 | 0 | Browse |
61207 | 0 | Closed |
61208 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation when controls are not captured |
61209 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation when controls are captured |
61210 | 0 | Field '%s' cannot be used in a filter expression |
61211 | 0 | NULL only allowed with '=' and '<>' |
61212 | 0 | Field '%s' is not of type Boolean |
61213 | 0 | Do you wish to retry the connect to database? |
61214 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on a local database |
61254 | 0 | Details |
61255 | 0 | Could not load '%s' library |
61256 | 0 | File specified is not an executable file, dynamic-link library, or icon file |
61257 | 0 | Function not yet implemented |
61258 | 0 | Previous Month| |
61259 | 0 | Previous Year| |
61260 | 0 | Next Month| |
61261 | 0 | Next Year| |
61262 | 0 | Select a Date |
61263 | 0 | All files (*.*)|*.* |
61264 | 0 | Browse |
63920 | 0 | The starting character of the subrange must be less than the finishing one |
63921 | 0 | Hexadecimal number expected |
63922 | 0 | Hexadecimal number expected but '%s' found |
63923 | 0 | Missing '%s' |
63924 | 0 | Unnecessary '%s' |
63925 | 0 | The space character is not allowed after '\' |
63926 | 0 | Regular expression is not compiled |
63927 | 0 | Incorrect parameter quantifier |
63928 | 0 | The parameter quantifier cannot be applied here |
63929 | 0 | Regular expression errors: |
63930 | 0 | The edit value is invalid |
63936 | 0 | MaskEdit|Represents a generic masked edit control. |
63937 | 0 | PopupEdit|Represents an edit control with a dropdown list |
63938 | 0 | TextEdit|Represents a single line text editor |
63939 | 0 | Line |
63940 | 0 | Char |
63941 | 0 | The source stream is not assigned |
63942 | 0 | The source stream is empty |
63943 | 0 | The '+' quantifier cannot be applied here |
63944 | 0 | The '*' quantifier cannot be applied here |
63945 | 0 | The alternative should not be empty |
63946 | 0 | The block should not be empty |
63947 | 0 | Illegal '%s' |
63948 | 0 | Illegal quantifier '%s' |
63949 | 0 | Illegal integer value |
63950 | 0 | Too big reference number |
63951 | 0 | Can't create empty enumeration |
63952 | 0 | Wednesday |
63953 | 0 | Thursday |
63954 | 0 | Friday |
63955 | 0 | Saturday |
63956 | 0 | first |
63957 | 0 | second |
63958 | 0 | third |
63959 | 0 | fourth |
63960 | 0 | fifth |
63961 | 0 | sixth |
63962 | 0 | seventh |
63963 | 0 | bom |
63964 | 0 | eom |
63965 | 0 | now |
63966 | 0 | CheckBox|Represents a check box control that allows selecting an option |
63967 | 0 | ComboBox|Represents the combo box editor |
63968 | 0 | Stream read error |
63969 | 0 | Stream write error |
63970 | 0 | The repository item is not acceptable |
63971 | 0 | Could not convert to numeric value |
63972 | 0 | Circular referencing is not allowed |
63973 | 0 | Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes |
63974 | 0 | Value out of bounds |
63975 | 0 | True |
63977 | 0 | False |
63978 | 0 | today |
63979 | 0 | yesterday |
63980 | 0 | tomorrow |
63981 | 0 | Sunday |
63982 | 0 | Monday |
63983 | 0 | Tuesday |
63984 | 0 | Quality && Scaling |
63985 | 0 | GrayScale |
63986 | 0 | Progressive Encoding |
63987 | 0 | Quality |
63988 | 0 | (1 = Max.Compression, 100 = Best Quality) |
63989 | 0 | Scale X |
63990 | 0 | Scale Y |
63991 | 0 | BMP Export Setup |
63992 | 0 | Monochrome |
63993 | 0 | Pixel Format |
63994 | 0 | GIF Export Setup |
63995 | 0 | Metafile Export Setup |
63996 | 0 | Scaling |
63997 | 0 | Generating Page... |
63998 | 0 | %d of %d |
63999 | 0 | Preview |
64000 | 0 | Graphic Data in Binary |
64001 | 0 | Optimization Mode |
64002 | 0 | Ease of Editing |
64003 | 0 | Positional Accuracy |
64004 | 0 | Excel Export Setup |
64005 | 0 | Formatting |
64006 | 0 | Set Cell Attributes |
64007 | 0 | Line Spacing |
64008 | 0 | Actual |
64009 | 0 | No Blank |
64010 | 0 | One Blank |
64011 | 0 | Two Blank |
64012 | 0 | Three Blank |
64013 | 0 | Four Blank |
64014 | 0 | Five Blank |
64015 | 0 | JPEG Export Setup |
64016 | 0 | Center-Right |
64017 | 0 | Bottom-Left |
64018 | 0 | Bottom-Center |
64019 | 0 | Bottom-Right |
64020 | 0 | Java Script File Name (*.js)|*.js |
64021 | 0 | Cascade Style Sheets (*.css)|*.css |
64022 | 0 | PDF Export Setup |
64023 | 0 | Image DPI |
64024 | 0 | Compression |
64025 | 0 | Compress Document |
64026 | 0 | Compression Level |
64027 | 0 | Font Encoding |
64028 | 0 | Fastest |
64029 | 0 | Normal |
64030 | 0 | Maximum |
64031 | 0 | RTF Export Setup |
64032 | 0 | Default Report Font |
64033 | 0 | AaBbYyZz |
64034 | 0 | Output Scripts to Java Script File |
64035 | 0 | Java Script File |
64036 | 0 | Navigator Type |
64037 | 0 | Navigator Orientation |
64038 | 0 | Navigator Position |
64039 | 0 | FixedToScreen |
64040 | 0 | FixedToPage |
64041 | 0 | Horizontal |
64042 | 0 | Vertical |
64043 | 0 | Top-Left |
64044 | 0 | Top-Center |
64045 | 0 | Top-Right |
64046 | 0 | Center-Left |
64047 | 0 | Center |
64048 | 0 | Navigator Background Color |
64049 | 0 | Use Text Links |
64050 | 0 | Use Graphic Links |
64051 | 0 | Font |
64052 | 0 | First |
64053 | 0 | Previous |
64054 | 0 | Next |
64055 | 0 | Last |
64056 | 0 | Link Captions |
64057 | 0 | Image Source |
64058 | 0 | Image Folder |
64059 | 0 | File Locations && Optimization |
64060 | 0 | Optimize for Internet Explorer |
64061 | 0 | Page End Lines |
64062 | 0 | Output Styles to CSS File |
64063 | 0 | CSS File |
64064 | 0 | Image Pixel Format |
64065 | 0 | Title |
64066 | 0 | Subject |
64067 | 0 | Author |
64068 | 0 | Keywords |
64069 | 0 | GIF |
64070 | 0 | BMP |
64071 | 0 | JPEG |
64072 | 0 | Image |
64073 | 0 | Plain Text |
64074 | 0 | HTML Export Setup |
64075 | 0 | File && Navigator Options |
64076 | 0 | Separate File Per Page |
64077 | 0 | Show Navigator |
64078 | 0 | Navigator Hover Foreground Color |
64079 | 0 | Navigator Hover Background Color |
64080 | 0 | 1 bit |
64081 | 0 | 4 bit |
64082 | 0 | 8 bit |
64083 | 0 | 15 bit |
64084 | 0 | 16 bit |
64085 | 0 | 24 bit |
64086 | 0 | 32 bit |
64087 | 0 | Custom |
64088 | 0 | Content |
64089 | 0 | Include Lines |
64090 | 0 | Include RichText |
64091 | 0 | RichText Encoding Type |
64092 | 0 | Include Shapes |
64093 | 0 | Include Images |
64094 | 0 | Export Image Format |
64095 | 0 | JPEG Quality |
64096 | 0 | &Select Image |
64097 | 0 | C&lear |
64098 | 0 | &Preview |
64099 | 0 | Background Display Type |
64100 | 0 | Tile |
64101 | 0 | Top-Left |
64102 | 0 | Top-Center |
64103 | 0 | Top-Right |
64104 | 0 | Center-Left |
64105 | 0 | Center |
64106 | 0 | Center-Right |
64107 | 0 | Bottom-Left |
64108 | 0 | Bottom-Center |
64109 | 0 | Bottom-Right |
64110 | 0 | Click to Select |
64111 | 0 | Device |
64112 | 0 | JavaScript File could not be created!
Possible cause: It could be in use by some other application.
Solution: Re-try the failed operation after closing the other application or specify another file name. |
64113 | 0 | Pages should contain page numbers and/or page ranges
separated by commas. For example, 1,3,5-12 |
64114 | 0 | The PDF export supports only JPEG and BMP image formats |
64115 | 0 | The RTF export supports only JPEG and BMP image formats |
64116 | 0 | Main |
64117 | 0 | Page Range |
64118 | 0 | All Pages |
64119 | 0 | Pages: |
64120 | 0 | Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas. For example, 1,3,5-12 |
64121 | 0 | Open After Generate |
64122 | 0 | E-Mail After Generate |
64123 | 0 | &OK |
64124 | 0 | &Cancel |
64125 | 0 | Background |
64126 | 0 | Background Color |
64127 | 0 | Background Image |
64128 | 0 | gif |
64129 | 0 | GIF Image File (*.gif)|*.gif |
64130 | 0 | JPEG Image File |
64131 | 0 | jpg |
64132 | 0 | JPEG Image File (*.jpg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg |
64133 | 0 | Bitmap File |
64134 | 0 | bmp |
64135 | 0 | Bitmap File (*.bmp)|*.bmp |
64136 | 0 | Enhanced Metafile |
64137 | 0 | emf |
64138 | 0 | Enhanced Metafile (*.emf)|*.emf |
64139 | 0 | Windows Metafile |
64140 | 0 | wmf |
64141 | 0 | Windows Metafile (*.wmf)|*.wmf |
64142 | 0 | File could not be created!
Possible cause: It could be in use by some other application.
Solution: Re-try the failed operation after closing the other application or specify another file name. |
64143 | 0 | CSS File could not be created!
Possible cause: It could be in use by some other application.
Solution: Re-try the failed operation after closing the other application or specify another file name. |
64144 | 0 | Previous |
64145 | 0 | Next |
64146 | 0 | Last |
64147 | 0 | Adobe Acrobat Document |
64148 | 0 | pdf |
64149 | 0 | Adobe Acrobat Document (*.pdf)|*.pdf |
64150 | 0 | HTML Document |
64151 | 0 | htm |
64152 | 0 | HTML Document (*.htm)|*.htm;*.html |
64153 | 0 | RTF Document |
64154 | 0 | rtf |
64155 | 0 | RTF Document (*.rtf)|*.rtf |
64156 | 0 | Excel Document |
64157 | 0 | xls |
64158 | 0 | Excel Document (*.xls)|*.xls |
64159 | 0 | GIF Image File |
64160 | 0 | Session name is missing. |
64161 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on an open database. |
64162 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on an active session. |
64163 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on the active auto-session. |
64164 | 0 | The active auto-session can be the only active session. |
64165 | 0 | This auto-session already exists. |
64166 | 0 | NewPDFFile |
64167 | 0 | PDF |
64168 | 0 | PDF files|*.PDF|All files|*.* |
64169 | 0 | PDF File |
64170 | 0 | ReportBuilder |
64171 | 0 | ? |
64172 | 0 | ? |
64173 | 0 | ? |
64174 | 0 | ? |
64175 | 0 | First |
64176 | 0 | 8 |
64177 | 0 | Add |
64178 | 0 | Subtract |
64179 | 0 | Multiply |
64180 | 0 | Divide |
64181 | 0 | High |
64182 | 0 | Low |
64183 | 0 | Average |
64184 | 0 | Arial |
64185 | 0 | Function Period should be >= 0 |
64186 | 0 | Cannot change the size of a JPEG image |
64187 | 0 | JPEG error #%d |
64188 | 0 | JPEG Image File |
64189 | 0 | Database name %s already exists. |
64190 | 0 | Session name %s already exists. |
64191 | 0 | Session name %s is not valid. |
64192 | 0 | Top Legend Position must be between 0 and 100 % |
64193 | 0 | First Legend Value must be > 0 |
64194 | 0 | Legend Color Width must be between 0 and 100 % |
64195 | 0 | %s Angle must be between 0 and 359 degrees |
64196 | 0 | DateTime Axis cannot be Logarithmic |
64197 | 0 | Logarithmic Axis Min and Max values should be >= 0 |
64198 | 0 | Labels Separation % must be greater than 0 |
64199 | 0 | Axis increment must be >= 0 |
64200 | 0 | Axis Minimum Value must be <= Maximum |
64201 | 0 | Axis Maximum Value must be >= Minimum |
64202 | 0 | Axis Logarithmic Base should be >= 2 |
64203 | 0 | %s of %s |
64204 | 0 | #,##0.### |
64205 | 0 | Axis Title |
64206 | 0 | Axis Labels |
64207 | 0 | Functions |
64208 | 0 | Cannot connect to database '%s' |
64209 | 0 | An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $%.4x) |
64210 | 0 | 0009 |
64211 | 0 | BDE error $%.4x |
64212 | 0 | Unable to use duplicate DataSource and LookupSource |
64213 | 0 | LookupSource must be connected to TTable component |
64214 | 0 | Parameter '%s' truncated on output |
64215 | 0 | Result |
64216 | 0 | Index does not exist. Index: %s |
64217 | 0 | Missing TableName property |
64218 | 0 | Missing DataSetField property |
64219 | 0 | Not in cached update mode |
64220 | 0 | Invalid alias name %s |
64221 | 0 | Cannot access field '%s' in a filter |
64222 | 0 | Untitled Application |
64223 | 0 | The transaction isolation level must be dirty read for local databases |
64224 | 0 | Duplicate database name '%s' |
64225 | 0 | Duplicate session name '%s' |
64226 | 0 | Invalid session name %s |
64227 | 0 | Database name missing |
64228 | 0 | Session name missing |
64229 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on an open database |
64230 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on a closed database |
64231 | 0 | Database handle owned by a different session |
64232 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on an active session |
64233 | 0 | Error creating cursor handle |
64234 | 0 | Source and destination tables are incompatible |
64235 | 0 | ReferenceTableName not specified for field '%s' |
64236 | 0 | Cannot use array of Field values with Expression Indices |
64237 | 0 | No SQL statement available |
64238 | 0 | No value for parameter '%s' |
64239 | 0 | No parameter type for parameter '%s' |
64240 | 0 | Next record |
64241 | 0 | Last record |
64242 | 0 | Insert record |
64243 | 0 | Delete record |
64244 | 0 | Edit record |
64245 | 0 | Post edit |
64246 | 0 | Cancel edit |
64247 | 0 | Refresh data |
64248 | 0 | Delete record? |
64249 | 0 | Operation not allowed in a DBCtrlGrid |
64250 | 0 | Property already defined by lookup field |
64251 | 0 | Grid requested to display more than 256 columns |
64252 | 0 | Remote Login |
64253 | 0 | Cannot enable AutoSessionName property with more than one session on a form or data-module |
64254 | 0 | Cannot add a session to the form or data-module while session '%s' has AutoSessionName enabled |
64255 | 0 | Cannot modify SessionName while AutoSessionName is enabled |
64256 | 0 | equals |
64257 | 0 | does not equal |
64258 | 0 | is greater than |
64259 | 0 | is greater than or equal to |
64260 | 0 | is less than |
64261 | 0 | is less than or equal to |
64262 | 0 | blanks |
64263 | 0 | non blanks |
64264 | 0 | Invalid value |
64265 | 0 | Clear Filter |
64266 | 0 | (All) |
64267 | 0 | (Custom...) |
64268 | 0 | (Blanks) |
64269 | 0 | (NonBlanks) |
64270 | 0 | First record |
64271 | 0 | Prior record |
64272 | 0 | Circular provider references not allowed |
64273 | 0 | Error loading MIDAS.DLL |
64274 | 0 | No fields defined. Cannot create dataset |
64275 | 0 | Connection not allowed to TConnectionBroker |
64276 | 0 | ParentConnection is not assigned |
64277 | 0 | Record or field constraint failed. |
64278 | 0 | Field |
64279 | 0 | Preparation of record constraint failed with error "%s" |
64280 | 0 | Preparation of field constraint failed with error "%s" |
64281 | 0 | Preparation of default expression failed with error "%s" |
64282 | 0 | Modifications are not allowed |
64283 | 0 | Deletes are not allowed |
64284 | 0 | Inserts are not allowed |
64285 | 0 | Requires Connection before opening |
64286 | 0 | Circular reference to Connection not allowed |
64287 | 0 | No data found |
64288 | 0 | Y Boolean mask Allows Y, y, N, n Forces input to upper case |
64289 | 0 | mm/dd/yy Date mask (01/05/96) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Month and Day are padded with zeros |
64290 | 0 | mm/dd/yyyy Date mask (01/05/1996) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Month and Day are padded with zeros |
64291 | 0 | dd nnn yyyy Date mask (05 Jan 1996) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Day is padded with zeros |
64292 | 0 | MM/DD/yy Date mask ( 1/ 5/96) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Month and Day are padded with spaces |
64293 | 0 | MM/DD/yyyy Date mask ( 1/ 5/1996) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Month and Day are padded with spaces |
64294 | 0 | DD nnn yyyy Date mask ( 5 Jan 1996) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Day is padded with spaces |
64295 | 0 | hh:mm Time mask (03:25) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Hours and minutes are padded with zeros (24 hour clock) |
64296 | 0 | hh:mm tt Time mask (03:25 pm) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Hours and minutes are padded with zeros |
64297 | 0 | hh:mm:ss Time mask (03:25:07) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Hours, minutes, and seconds are padded with zeros |
64298 | 0 | HH:MM Time mask ( 3:25) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Hours and minutes are padded with spaces (24 hour clock) |
64299 | 0 | HH:MM tt Time mask ( 3:25 pm) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Hours and minutes are padded with spaces |
64300 | 0 | HH:MM:SS Time mask ( 3:25: 7) Allows entry of 0 through 9 plus space Hours, minutes, and seconds are padded with spaces |
64301 | 0 | Missing data provider or data packet |
64302 | 0 | Invalid data packet |
64303 | 0 | Must apply updates before refreshing data |
64304 | 0 | KK Hexadecimal (3E) Allows entry of 0 through 9 and A through F Force upper case |
64305 | 0 | OOOOOOOO Octal (45135677) Allows entry of 0 through 7 |
64306 | 0 | OOOO Octal (5677) Allows entry of 0 through 7 |
64307 | 0 | bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Binary (0101001010010100) Allows entry of 0 and 1 |
64308 | 0 | bbbbbbbb Binary (10010100) Allows entry of 0 and 1 |
64309 | 0 | XXXXXXXXXX Any character can be entered |
64310 | 0 | !!!!!!!!!! Any character can be entered Alphabetic characters are forced to upper case |
64311 | 0 | LLLLLLLLLL Any character can be entered Alphabetic characters are forced to lower case |
64312 | 0 | xxxxxxxxxx Any character can be entered Uses mixed case |
64313 | 0 | aaaaaaaaaa Alphabetic characters plus space, minus, period, and comma |
64314 | 0 | AAAAAAAAAA Alphabetic characters plus space, minus, period, and comma Alphabetic characters are forced to upper case |
64315 | 0 | llllllllll Alphabetic characters plus space, minus, period, and comma Alphabetic characters are forced to lower case |
64316 | 0 | (999) 999-9999 Phone number mask Allows 0 through 9 and space |
64317 | 0 | 999-999-9999 Phone number mask Allows 0 through 9 and space |
64318 | 0 | 99999-9999 US Zip Code mask Allows 0 through 9 and space |
64319 | 0 | B Boolean mask Allows T, t, F, f Forces input to upper case |
64320 | 0 | 6 User 6 |
64321 | 0 | 7 User 7 |
64322 | 0 | 8 User 8 |
64323 | 0 | $##,###.## Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, minus, and period Uses floating currency symbol |
64324 | 0 | 9999999999 Allows entry of 0 through 9, and space |
64325 | 0 | iiiiiiiiii Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, and minus |
64326 | 0 | ii,iii,iii Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, and minus Displays number separators as needed |
64327 | 0 | $iiiiiiiii Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, and minus Uses floating currency symbol |
64328 | 0 | ########## Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, minus, and period |
64329 | 0 | #######.## Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, minus, and period Fixed decimal position |
64330 | 0 | ###,###.## Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, minus, and period Displays number separators as needed |
64331 | 0 | $######.## Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, minus, and period Fixed decimal position Uses floating currency symbol |
64332 | 0 | ##########p Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, minus, and period Negative amounts use () |
64333 | 0 | ###,###.##C Allows entry of 0 through 9, space, minus, and period Currency symbol at right |
64334 | 0 | KKKKKKKK Hexadecimal (E4401F3E) Allows entry of 0 through 9 and A through F Force upper case |
64335 | 0 | KKKK Hexadecimal (1F3E) Allows entry of 0 through 9 and A through F Force upper case |
64336 | 0 | A alphas (upper) |
64337 | 0 | l alphas (lower) |
64338 | 0 | 9 0-9 |
64339 | 0 | i 0-9, - |
64340 | 0 | # 0-9, -, . |
64341 | 0 | E 0-9, E, -, . |
64342 | 0 | K 0-9, A-F (hex) |
64343 | 0 | O 0-7 (octal) |
64344 | 0 | b 0, 1 (binary) |
64345 | 0 | B T or F (upper) |
64346 | 0 | Y Y or N (upper) |
64347 | 0 | 1 User 1 |
64348 | 0 | 2 User 2 |
64349 | 0 | 3 User 3 |
64350 | 0 | 4 User 4 |
64351 | 0 | 5 User 5 |
64352 | 0 | Word |
64353 | 0 | SmallInt |
64354 | 0 | Byte |
64355 | 0 | ShortInt |
64356 | 0 | Real |
64357 | 0 | Extended |
64358 | 0 | Double |
64359 | 0 | Single |
64360 | 0 | Comp |
64361 | 0 | Date |
64362 | 0 | Time |
64363 | 0 | X any character |
64364 | 0 | ! any char (upper) |
64365 | 0 | L any char (lower) |
64366 | 0 | x any char (mixed) |
64367 | 0 | a alphas only |
64368 | 0 | ccSetMarker7 |
64369 | 0 | ccSetMarker8 |
64370 | 0 | ccSetMarker9 |
64371 | 0 | ccTab |
64372 | 0 | ccTableEdit |
64373 | 0 | ccTopLeftCell |
64374 | 0 | ccTopOfPage |
64375 | 0 | ccUndo |
64376 | 0 | ccUp |
64377 | 0 | ccWordLeft |
64378 | 0 | ccWordRight |
64379 | 0 | String |
64380 | 0 | Char |
64381 | 0 | Boolean |
64382 | 0 | YesNo |
64383 | 0 | LongInt |
64384 | 0 | ccPageLeft |
64385 | 0 | ccPageRight |
64386 | 0 | ccPaste |
64387 | 0 | ccPrevPage |
64388 | 0 | ccRedo |
64389 | 0 | ccRestore |
64390 | 0 | ccRight |
64391 | 0 | ccScrollDown |
64392 | 0 | ccScrollUp |
64393 | 0 | ccSetMarker0 |
64394 | 0 | ccSetMarker1 |
64395 | 0 | ccSetMarker2 |
64396 | 0 | ccSetMarker3 |
64397 | 0 | ccSetMarker4 |
64398 | 0 | ccSetMarker5 |
64399 | 0 | ccSetMarker6 |
64400 | 0 | ccGotoMarker1 |
64401 | 0 | ccGotoMarker2 |
64402 | 0 | ccGotoMarker3 |
64403 | 0 | ccGotoMarker4 |
64404 | 0 | ccGotoMarker5 |
64405 | 0 | ccGotoMarker6 |
64406 | 0 | ccGotoMarker7 |
64407 | 0 | ccGotoMarker8 |
64408 | 0 | ccGotoMarker9 |
64409 | 0 | ccHome |
64410 | 0 | ccInc |
64411 | 0 | ccIns |
64412 | 0 | ccLastPage |
64413 | 0 | ccLeft |
64414 | 0 | ccNewLine |
64415 | 0 | ccNextPage |
64416 | 0 | ccExtendDown |
64417 | 0 | ccExtendEnd |
64418 | 0 | ccExtendHome |
64419 | 0 | ccExtendLeft |
64420 | 0 | ccExtendPgDn |
64421 | 0 | ccExtendPgUp |
64422 | 0 | ccExtendRight |
64423 | 0 | ccExtendUp |
64424 | 0 | ccExtBotOfPage |
64425 | 0 | ccExtFirstPage |
64426 | 0 | ccExtLastPage |
64427 | 0 | ccExtTopOfPage |
64428 | 0 | ccExtWordLeft |
64429 | 0 | ccExtWordRight |
64430 | 0 | ccFirstPage |
64431 | 0 | ccGotoMarker0 |
64432 | 0 | ccBack |
64433 | 0 | ccBotOfPage |
64434 | 0 | ccBotRightCell |
64435 | 0 | ccCompleteDate |
64436 | 0 | ccCompleteTime |
64437 | 0 | ccCopy |
64438 | 0 | ccCtrlChar |
64439 | 0 | ccCut |
64440 | 0 | ccDec |
64441 | 0 | ccDel |
64442 | 0 | ccDelBol |
64443 | 0 | ccDelEol |
64444 | 0 | ccDelLine |
64445 | 0 | ccDelWord |
64446 | 0 | ccDown |
64447 | 0 | ccEnd |
64448 | 0 | Gray |
64449 | 0 | Silver |
64450 | 0 | Red |
64451 | 0 | Lime |
64452 | 0 | Yellow |
64453 | 0 | Blue |
64454 | 0 | Fuchsia |
64455 | 0 | Aqua |
64456 | 0 | White |
64457 | 0 | Light Gray |
64458 | 0 | Medium Gray |
64459 | 0 | Dark Gray |
64460 | 0 | Money Green |
64461 | 0 | Sky Blue |
64462 | 0 | Cream |
64463 | 0 | ccNone |
64464 | 0 | Unknown view: %s |
64465 | 0 | The OnKeySearch event is not assigned |
64466 | 0 | The OnEnum event is not assigned |
64467 | 0 | OnEnumSelected not assigned |
64468 | 0 | No menu item assigned |
64469 | 0 | No anchor item assigned |
64470 | 0 | Invalid parameter: mpAnchor |
64471 | 0 | Invalid operation: Call AddSplit for split menus |
64472 | 0 | This component can only be used on forms |
64473 | 0 | Black |
64474 | 0 | Maroon |
64475 | 0 | Green |
64476 | 0 | Olive |
64477 | 0 | Navy |
64478 | 0 | Purple |
64479 | 0 | Teal |
64480 | 0 | Close |
64481 | 0 | The view field %s was not found |
64482 | 0 | Unable to resolve view field %s |
64483 | 0 | Can't add item %p - it already exists in the index |
64484 | 0 | The view is already in temporary index mode |
64485 | 0 | Specified report view data item %p was not found |
64486 | 0 | This report view operation is invalid while updates are pending |
64487 | 0 | OnCompareFields not assigned |
64488 | 0 | OnFilter not assigned |
64489 | 0 | GetAsFloat not assigned |
64490 | 0 | Report view is not in temporary index mode |
64491 | 0 | The specified data item (%p) is not in the index |
64492 | 0 | No active view |
64493 | 0 | Item at line %d is not a group |
64494 | 0 | This report view operation is only allowed when multiselect is enabled |
64495 | 0 | Invalid index %d |
64496 | 0 | YESTERDAY |
64497 | 0 | TODAY |
64498 | 0 | TOMORROW |
64499 | 0 | Header Sections Editor |
64500 | 0 | Folder Items Editor |
64501 | 0 | Folder Editor |
64502 | 0 | Tab Pages Editor |
64503 | 0 | Image List Editor |
64504 | 0 | Section |
64505 | 0 | Item |
64506 | 0 | Folder |
64507 | 0 | Page |
64508 | 0 | Image |
64509 | 0 | Hours |
64510 | 0 | Minutes |
64511 | 0 | Seconds |
64512 | 0 | NEXT |
64513 | 0 | LAST |
64514 | 0 | PREV |
64515 | 0 | FIRST |
64516 | 0 | 1ST |
64517 | 0 | SECOND |
64518 | 0 | 2ND |
64519 | 0 | THIRD |
64520 | 0 | 3RD |
64521 | 0 | FOURTH |
64522 | 0 | 4TH |
64523 | 0 | FINAL |
64524 | 0 | BOM |
64525 | 0 | BEGIN |
64526 | 0 | EOM |
64527 | 0 | END |
64528 | 0 | Table max columns error |
64529 | 0 | Table general error |
64530 | 0 | Too many columns |
64531 | 0 | Invalid field index |
64532 | 0 | Header not assigned |
64533 | 0 | Invalid header cell |
64534 | 0 | Back |
64535 | 0 | MC |
64536 | 0 | MR |
64537 | 0 | MS |
64538 | 0 | M+ |
64539 | 0 | M- |
64540 | 0 | CT |
64541 | 0 | CE |
64542 | 0 | C |
64543 | 0 | Sqrt |
64544 | 0 | Invalid year |
64545 | 0 | Day is required |
64546 | 0 | Month is required |
64547 | 0 | Year is required |
64548 | 0 | Owner must be a TForm or descendant |
64549 | 0 | Error converting time value |
64550 | 0 | Cancel and lose changes? |
64551 | 0 | No notebook pages assigned |
64552 | 0 | &Restore |
64553 | 0 | Cu&t |
64554 | 0 | &Copy |
64555 | 0 | &Paste |
64556 | 0 | &Delete |
64557 | 0 | Select &All |
64558 | 0 | Table row out of bounds |
64559 | 0 | Table max rows error |
64560 | 0 | Could not enter edit mode |
64561 | 0 | Data Source can not be a child table. Component %s has a MasterSource defined |
64562 | 0 | DataSource must be attached to a TTable (or compatible) source |
64563 | 0 | No collection exists in the owner component |
64564 | 0 | Owner must be a TOvcComponent or TOvcCustomComponent descendant |
64565 | 0 | Item incompatible with collection |
64566 | 0 | Label not attached |
64567 | 0 | Item class not set |
64568 | 0 | No collection found for this type |
64569 | 0 | Error converting day |
64570 | 0 | Error converting month |
64571 | 0 | Error converting month name |
64572 | 0 | Error converting year |
64573 | 0 | Invalid day |
64574 | 0 | Invalid month |
64575 | 0 | Invalid month name |
64576 | 0 | Sparse array is at the maximum size |
64577 | 0 | Invalid XMLStore File Format |
64578 | 0 | Improperly terminated element |
64579 | 0 | Invalid color constant |
64580 | 0 | Invalid color value |
64581 | 0 | Index is out of bounds for sparse array |
64582 | 0 | Requested field type is not supported |
64583 | 0 | Invalid alarm handle |
64584 | 0 | OnIsSelected event is not assigned |
64585 | 0 | Invalid date value for picture mask. (Year is outside the Epoch range) |
64586 | 0 | Viewer triggered I/O error %d |
64587 | 0 | Viewer: file not found |
64588 | 0 | Viewer: path not found or invalid file name |
64589 | 0 | Viewer: too many open files |
64590 | 0 | Viewer: file access denied |
64591 | 0 | This control is already attached to %s |
64592 | 0 | Invalid range. Enter a value between (%d) and (%d) |
64593 | 0 | Invalid range. Enter a value between (-1.7e+38) and (+1.7e+38) |
64594 | 0 | Invalid range. Enter a value between (-1.1e+4932) and (+1.1e+4932) |
64595 | 0 | Invalid range. Enter a value between (-1.7e+308) and (+1.7e+308) |
64596 | 0 | Invalid range. Enter a value between (-3.4e+38) and (+3.4e+38) |
64597 | 0 | Invalid range. Enter a value between (-9.2e+18) and (+9.2e+18) |
64598 | 0 | Invalid date range. Enter a value using '%s' as the format |
64599 | 0 | Invalid time range. Enter a value using '%s' as the format |
64600 | 0 | Invalid range value |
64601 | 0 | Invalid value - Maximum must always be greater than Minimum |
64602 | 0 | Range limits for the currently selected data type are not supported |
64603 | 0 | Invalid line or paragraph index |
64604 | 0 | Invalid font assignment. Font must be a fixed font |
64605 | 0 | Invalid font assignemnt. Font must be a TFont or TOvcFixedFont |
64606 | 0 | Invalid line or column |
64607 | 0 | Unknown sparse array error |
64608 | 0 | Parameter value is invalid |
64609 | 0 | No Window's timers are available |
64610 | 0 | Too many trigger events |
64611 | 0 | Invalid trigger handle |
64612 | 0 | OnSelect event is not assigned |
64613 | 0 | Invalid page index value |
64614 | 0 | Invalid data type for this field |
64615 | 0 | Invalid font. Non toTop oriented tabs require a True-Type font |
64616 | 0 | Invalid font. Rotated text requires a True-Type font |
64617 | 0 | insufficient memory for requested operation |
64618 | 0 | Current operation will exceed the maximum number of allowed paragraphs |
64619 | 0 | Cannot join paragraphs. New paragraph size exceeds maximum paragraph size |
64620 | 0 | Current operation will exceed the maximum text size |
64621 | 0 | Current operation will exceed the maximum paragraph size |
64622 | 0 | Unknown Error condition |
64623 | 0 | Invalid picture mask: %s |
64624 | 0 | No Controller assigned |
64625 | 0 | Unable to create command table |
64626 | 0 | Can't delete this table. Must have at least one command table defined |
64627 | 0 | Invalid or no key sequence entered |
64628 | 0 | Keys entered are not WordStar style commands |
64629 | 0 | No command selected |
64630 | 0 | Duplicate key sequence |
64631 | 0 | Value is not within required range |
64632 | 0 | Value is not valid for this field type |
64633 | 0 | A value is required in this field |
64634 | 0 | Value is not a valid date |
64635 | 0 | Value is not a valid time |
64636 | 0 | This field should contain no blanks |
64637 | 0 | This field should be either empty or completely full |
64638 | 0 | Region is too large (> 64K) |
64639 | 0 | Could not allocate memory for clipboard copy |
64640 | 0 | (Unknown) |
64641 | 0 | Entry Error |
64642 | 0 | %d. *** Warning *** OnGetItem not assigned! |
64643 | 0 | %d. - Sample virtual list box item |
64644 | 0 | abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ |
64645 | 0 | Wy |
64646 | 0 | Default |
64647 | 0 | Y |
64648 | 0 | N |
64649 | 0 | T |
64650 | 0 | F |
64651 | 0 | - Desc |
64652 | 0 | (Default) |
64653 | 0 | Duplicate command found while adding a new command to the table |
64654 | 0 | Command table not found or command table index out of range |
64655 | 0 | This feature is not implemented at this time |
64656 | 0 | Cannot link to an invalid source. |
64657 | 0 | Break link operation is not supported. |
64658 | 0 | %s Properties |
64659 | 0 | License information for %s is invalid |
64660 | 0 | License information for %s not found. You cannot use this control in design mode |
64661 | 0 | Unable to retrieve a pointer to a running object registered with OLE for %s/%s |
64662 | 0 | (None) |
64663 | 0 | ccUser |
64664 | 0 | ccUser%d |
64665 | 0 | Delete the %s table? |
64666 | 0 | Rename Table |
64667 | 0 | Enter new table name for %s: |
64668 | 0 | NewTable |
64669 | 0 | Default |
64670 | 0 | WordStar |
64671 | 0 | Grid |
64672 | 0 | Filter property cannot be used for detail tables |
64673 | 0 | Dataset does not support bookmarks, which are required for multi-record data controls |
64674 | 0 | Missing %s property |
64675 | 0 | CommandText does not return a result set |
64676 | 0 | Error creating object. Please verify that the Microsoft Data Access Components 2.1 (or later) have been properly installed |
64677 | 0 | Events are not supported with server side TableDirect cursors |
64678 | 0 | Unsupported field type (%s) in field %s |
64679 | 0 | A connection component is required for async ExecuteOptions |
64680 | 0 | Cannot perform a requery after connection has changed |
64681 | 0 | FilterOptions are not supported |
64682 | 0 | Recordset is not open |
64683 | 0 | Name |
64684 | 0 | Value |
64685 | 0 | OLE control activation failed |
64686 | 0 | Could not obtain OLE control window handle |
64687 | 0 | Link Properties |
64688 | 0 | Database specified by [%p] handle was not found |
64689 | 0 | VTab: Invalid number of arguments at VTabCreate. Expected [%d], got [%d] |
64690 | 0 | VTab: Dataset [%s] is not found or empty |
64691 | 0 | VTab: Operation is not supported |
64692 | 0 | VTab: Savepoint [%d] is not found |
64693 | 0 | VTab: Dataset modification failed |
64694 | 0 | VTab: Explicit ROWID at INSERT is not supported |
64695 | 0 | VTab: Dataset state was changed. Cannot perform operation |
64696 | 0 | VTab: Specified row does not exist |
64697 | 0 | VTab: Invalid cursor |
64698 | 0 | TADLocalSQL must be attached to an active SQLite connection |
64699 | 0 | VTab: DataSet [%s] is busy by another result set |
64700 | 0 | Cannot perform action. DBTOOLn.DLL is not found |
64701 | 0 | Unnamed |
64702 | 0 | Invalid Enum Value |
64703 | 0 | Missing Connection or ConnectionString |
64704 | 0 | Maximum length (%d) of BQUAL exceeded - %d (NOE19/TX) |
64705 | 0 | Maximum length (%d) of transaction name exceeded - %d (NOE20/TX) |
64706 | 0 | Too many close braces in names file after alias [%s] (NOE105/DB) |
64707 | 0 | [%s] is not a callable PL/SQL object (NOE130/SP) |
64708 | 0 | [%s, #%d] is not found in [%s] package (NOE134/SP) |
64709 | 0 | Parameter with type TABLE OF BOOLEAN/RECORD not supported (use TADQuery) (NOE135/SP) |
64710 | 0 | Parameter with type RECORD must be of named type (use TADQuery) (NOE142/SP) |
64711 | 0 | Cannot convert Oracle Number [%s] to TBcd |
64712 | 0 | DBMS_PIPE event alerter supports only single event name |
64713 | 0 | Cannot start a trace session, when there is an active one |
64714 | 0 | Stored procedure [%s] is not found |
64715 | 0 | Array-typed variable [%s] dimensions [%d] are not supported.
Only sigle dimensional simple type arrays are supported |
64716 | 0 | Array-typed variable [%s] unsupported element type [%d].
Only sigle dimensional simple type arrays are supported |
64717 | 0 | Array-typed variable [%s] item index [%d] is out of bounds [%d, %d] |
64718 | 0 | Cannot describe type [%d].
%s |
64719 | 0 | SQLite library initialization failed. Main code [%d], extended code [%d] |
64720 | 0 | No script to execute for [%s].
Possible reason: SQLScriptFileName and SQLScripts both are empty |
64721 | 0 | Connection parameter [%s] must be not empty |
64722 | 0 | DbExpress driver configuration file [%s] is not found.
Possible reason: dbExpress is not properly installed on this machine |
64723 | 0 | Unsupported MySQL version [%d].
Supported are client and server from v 3.20 to v 6.2 |
64724 | 0 | Port number cannot be changed |
64725 | 0 | Error in parameter [%s] definition. %s |
64726 | 0 | Failed to initialize embedded server.
See MySQL log files for details |
64727 | 0 | Variable [%s] C data type [%d] is not supported |
64728 | 0 | No cursors available |
64729 | 0 | Cannot initialize OCI with character set [%s].
Possible reason: %s |
64730 | 0 | Cannot assign value to BFILE/CFILE parameter [%s] |
64731 | 0 | No cursor parameters are defined. Include fiMeta into FetchOptions.Items |
64732 | 0 | OCI is not properly installed on this machine (NOE1/INIT) |
64733 | 0 | Unsupported OCI library [%s] version [%s].
At least version 8.0.3 is required (NOE2/INIT) |
64734 | 0 | Bad or undefined variable param type (NOE12/VAR) |
64735 | 0 | Maximum length (%d) of GTRID exceeded - %d (NOE18/TX) |
64736 | 0 | Dictionary overflow |
64737 | 0 | Class [%s] is not registered |
64738 | 0 | Unknown storage format [%s] |
64739 | 0 | Cannot move file [%s] to [%s].
%s |
64740 | 0 | Invalid date interval format [%s] |
64741 | 0 | Cannot execute host command [%s].
%s |
64742 | 0 | String size must be of 1 character length |
64743 | 0 | Character cannot be alphanumeric or whitespace |
64744 | 0 | Invalid SET command argument |
64745 | 0 | Invalid command [%s] syntax |
64746 | 0 | ACCEPT statement must specify a variable name |
64747 | 0 | DEFINE requires a value following equal sign |
64748 | 0 | VARIABLE has missed right brace |
64749 | 0 | VARIABLE has unsupported data type |
64750 | 0 | Cannot execute command. Not logged on |
64751 | 0 | No script commands registered.
Possible reason: uADCompScriptCommands unit is not linked to the application |
64752 | 0 | Text field [%s] name is Duplicated |
64753 | 0 | Bad text value [%s] format for mapping item [%s].
%s |
64754 | 0 | Undefined source field or expression for destination field [%s] |
64755 | 0 | Timeout expired |
64756 | 0 | Cannot get access to BLOB raw data |
64757 | 0 | Variable length data parameter [%s] overflow.
Value length - [%d], parameter data maximum length - [%d] |
64758 | 0 | Cannot perform nonblocking action, while other nonblocking action is in progress |
64759 | 0 | Macro [%s] is not found |
64760 | 0 | Parameter [%s] value index [%d] is out of range [0..%d] |
64761 | 0 | Cannot acquire item (connection) from pool.
Maximal number [%d] of simultaneous items (connections) reached. |
64762 | 0 | .
To register it, you can drop component [%s] into your project |
64763 | 0 | .
To register it, you can include unit [%s] into your project |
64764 | 0 | Invalid binary storage format |
64765 | 0 | Cannot read [%s] property |
64766 | 0 | Cannot read [%s] object |
64767 | 0 | Cannot read RAW data of [%s] object |
64768 | 0 | Dataset [%s] must be in cached update mode |
64769 | 0 | Connection is not defined for [%s].
Possible reason: Connection and ConnectionName property values are both empty |
64770 | 0 | Connection [%s] must be online |
64771 | 0 | Table adapter [%s] cannot be assigned to [%s], because it is
already assigned to [%s] and cannot be shared across few datasets |
64772 | 0 | Dataset connection does not match to called connection |
64773 | 0 | Table [%s] must have primary key |
64774 | 0 | Local SQL engine misusage by [%s].
Hint: activate connection before activating dataset |
64775 | 0 | Table [%s] index [%s] must be existing non-expressional index |
64776 | 0 | Dataset name must be not empty |
64777 | 0 | Dataset name [%s] must be unique across Local SQL [%s] datasets |
64778 | 0 | Text field [%s] is not found |
64779 | 0 | Source dataset not set |
64780 | 0 | Destination dataset not set |
64781 | 0 | Destination text data file name or stream must be specified |
64782 | 0 | Source text data file name or stream must be specified |
64783 | 0 | Text field [%s] size is undefined in Fixed Size Record format |
64784 | 0 | Operation cannot be performed without assigned SelectCommand |
64785 | 0 | Update post failed |
64786 | 0 | Row editing disabled |
64787 | 0 | Row inserting disabled |
64788 | 0 | Row deleting disabled |
64789 | 0 | Application must have only single ADManager |
64790 | 0 | ADManager must be inactive |
64791 | 0 | ADManager must be active |
64792 | 0 | Connection name [%s] must be unique |
64793 | 0 | Connection [%s] must be inactive |
64794 | 0 | Connection [%s] must be active |
64795 | 0 | Connection [%s] establishment is canceled |
64796 | 0 | Connection [%s] cannot be pooled.
Possible reason: connection definition is not in the ADManager.ConnectionDefs list or
TADConnection.Params has additional parameters |
64797 | 0 | Connection [%s] is not found
Possible reason: [%s] ConnectionName property is misspelled or references to nonexistent connection |
64798 | 0 | Command [%s] must be in active state |
64799 | 0 | Command [%s] must be in inactive state |
64800 | 0 | Param [%s] type changed from [ft%s] to [ft%s]. Query must be reprepared.
Possible reason: an assignment to a TADParam.AsXXX property implicitly changed the parameter data type.
Hint: use the TADParam.Value or appropriate TADParam.AsXXX property |
64801 | 0 | A meta data argument [%s] value must be specified |
64802 | 0 | Cannot set default transaction |
64803 | 0 | The set of parameters is changed. Query must be reprepared.
Expected number of parameters is [%d], but actual number is [%d].
Possible reason: a parameter was added or deleted |
64804 | 0 | Data too large for variable [%s]. Max len = [%d], actual len = [%d]
Hint: set the TADParam.Size to a greater value |
64805 | 0 | Database [%s] does not exist |
64806 | 0 | Required OLEDB provider is missing on client machine.
Hint: set exact DBVersion value or install respective MS Access Database Engine:
Access 2003 or earlier:
Access 2007:
Access 2010: |
64807 | 0 | JRO.JetEngine class is missing on client machine.
Hint: install latest engine from: |
64808 | 0 | Database format is not recognized.
Possible reason: DBVersion value mismatches database version. |
64809 | 0 | Specified database password is invalid |
64810 | 0 | Unknown OLE error |
64811 | 0 | To perform operation DriverLink must be specified |
64812 | 0 | To perform operation service must be active |
64813 | 0 | Cannot deinstall a SQLite collation, while there are active connections |
64814 | 0 | %s command %s [%d] instead of [1] record.
Possible reasons: %s |
64815 | 0 | update table does not have PK or row identifier,
record has been changed/deleted by another user |
64816 | 0 | Too many login retries. Allowed [%d] times |
64817 | 0 | To perform operation driver manager, must be [%s] |
64818 | 0 | Character [%s] is missed |
64819 | 0 | Too long identifier (> 255) |
64820 | 0 | Parameter [%s] ArraySize [%d] is less than ATimes [%d] |
64821 | 0 | Cannot perform action, because previous action is in progress |
64822 | 0 | Escape function [%s] is not supported |
64823 | 0 | Define(mmReset) is only supported for metainfo retrieval |
64824 | 0 | Cannot generate update query. WHERE condition is empty |
64825 | 0 | Cannot generate update query. Update table undefined |
64826 | 0 | Cannot parse object name - [%s] |
64827 | 0 | Syntax error in escape function [%s].
%s |
64828 | 0 | ADPhysManager shutdown timeout.
Possible reason: application has not released all connection interfaces |
64829 | 0 | Parameter [%s] data type is unknown.
Hint: specify TADParam.DataType or assign TADParam value before Prepare/Execute call |
64830 | 0 | Parameter [%s] data type is not supported |
64831 | 0 | Column [%s] data type is not supported |
64832 | 0 | Connection must be active |
64833 | 0 | Capability is not supported |
64834 | 0 | Transaction [%s] must be active |
64835 | 0 | Transaction [%s] must be inactive. Nested transactions are disabled |
64836 | 0 | Cannot change command state |
64837 | 0 | Command text must not be empty |
64838 | 0 | Escape function name must not be empty |
64839 | 0 | Cannot open / define command, which does not return result sets.
Hint: use Execute / ExecSQL method for non-SELECT commands |
64840 | 0 | Command must be is prepared state |
64841 | 0 | Cannot execute command returning result sets.
Hint: use Open method for SELECT-like commands |
64842 | 0 | Command must be open for fetching |
64843 | 0 | Exact %s [%d] rows, while [%d] was requested |
64844 | 0 | Meta information mismatch |
64845 | 0 | Cannot load vendor library [%s].
%sHint: check it is in the PATH or application EXE directories, and has x86 bitness. |
64846 | 0 | Cannot get vendor library entry point[s].
[%s] |
64847 | 0 | Connection must be inactive |
64848 | 0 | Record inserting for dataset [%s] is disabled |
64849 | 0 | Record deleting for dataset [%s] is disabled |
64850 | 0 | Field [%s] specified within %s of DataSet [%s] does not exist |
64851 | 0 | Cannot set dataset [%s] to offline mode.
Hint: check that FetchOptions.AutoFetchAll is not afDisable |
64852 | 0 | Cannot turn off cached updates mode for DataSet [%s].
Hint: dataset has updated rows, cancel or apply updates before action |
64853 | 0 | Cannot make definition [%s] circular reference |
64854 | 0 | Cannot %s definition [%s]. It has associated connection |
64855 | 0 | Cannot make definition persistent |
64856 | 0 | Cannot load definition list, because it is already loaded |
64857 | 0 | Definition [%s] is not found in [%s] |
64858 | 0 | Definition name [%s] is duplicated |
64859 | 0 | Driver [%s] is not registered.
%s |
64860 | 0 | Driver [%s] cannot be released.
Hint: Close all TADConnection objects and release pools |
64861 | 0 | To register it, you can drop component [TADPhys%sDriverLink] into your project |
64862 | 0 | Correct driver ID or define [%s] virtual driver in %s |
64863 | 0 | Driver ID is not defined.
Set TADConnection.DriverName or add DriverID to your connection definition |
64864 | 0 | Empty expression |
64865 | 0 | Error evaluating expression.
%s |
64866 | 0 | Bookmark is not found for dataset [%s] |
64867 | 0 | View [%s] is not a sorted view |
64868 | 0 | Adapter interface must be supplied |
64869 | 0 | Cannot set MasterSource for dataset [%s].
Nested datasets cannot have a MasterSource |
64870 | 0 | Cannot set MasterSource for dataset [%s].
Circular datalinks are not allowed |
64871 | 0 | Cannot refresh dataset [%s].
Cached updates must be commited or canceled and batch mode terminated before refreshing |
64872 | 0 | Cannot open dataset [%s].
A DataTable or a DataView must be supplied.
Hint: if that is TADMemTable, use CreateDataSet or CloneCursor to open dataset |
64873 | 0 | Index [%s] is not found for dataset [%s] |
64874 | 0 | Aggregate [%s] is not found for dataset [%s] |
64875 | 0 | Index [%s] definition is not complete for dataset [%s] |
64876 | 0 | Aggregate [%s] definition is not complete for dataset [%s] |
64877 | 0 | Cannot perform operation on unidirectional dataset [%s] |
64878 | 0 | Bookmark key fields [%s] are incompatible
with dataset [%s] key fields [%s] |
64879 | 0 | Record editing for dataset [%s] is disabled |
64880 | 0 | Expression unexpectedly terminated |
64881 | 0 | Expression must be aggregated |
64882 | 0 | Expression cannot be aggregated |
64883 | 0 | Type mismatch in expression |
64884 | 0 | Expression is incorrect |
64885 | 0 | Invalid use of keyword |
64886 | 0 | Invalid character found [%s] |
64887 | 0 | Name is not terminated properly |
64888 | 0 | String constant is not terminated properly |
64889 | 0 | '(' expected but [%s] found |
64890 | 0 | ')' or ',' expected but [%s] found |
64891 | 0 | ')' expected but [%s] found |
64892 | 0 | IN predicate list may not be empty |
64893 | 0 | Expected [%s] |
64894 | 0 | Arithmetic in filter expressions not supported |
64895 | 0 | Operation cannot mix aggregate value with record-varying value |
64896 | 0 | Cannot change updates registry for DatS manager [%s] |
64897 | 0 | Too many aggregate values per view |
64898 | 0 | Grouping level exceeds maximum allowed for aggregate [%s] |
64899 | 0 | Variable length column [%s] overflow.
Value length - [%d], column maximum length - [%d] |
64900 | 0 | Invalid foreign key [%s] |
64901 | 0 | Invalid unique key [%s] |
64902 | 0 | Cannot change column [%s] data type |
64903 | 0 | Invalid relation [%s] |
64904 | 0 | Cannot create parent view. Relation [%s] |
64905 | 0 | Cannot change table [%s] structure, when table has rows |
64906 | 0 | Found a cascading actions loop at checking foreign key [%s] |
64907 | 0 | Record already locked |
64908 | 0 | Record is not locked |
64909 | 0 | Assigning value [%s] is not compatible with column [%s] data type.
%s |
64910 | 0 | Value [%s] is out of range of [%s] data type |
64911 | 0 | Column or function [%s] is not found.
Hint: if the name is a function name, then add uADStanExprFuncs to uses clause |
64912 | 0 | Column [%s] is read only |
64913 | 0 | Cannot insert row into table |
64914 | 0 | Column [%s] value must be not null |
64915 | 0 | Duplicate row found on unique index. Constraint [%s] |
64916 | 0 | Cannot process - no parent row. Constraint [%s] |
64917 | 0 | Cannot process - child rows found. Constraint [%s] |
64918 | 0 | Cannot compare rows |
64919 | 0 | Data type conversion is not supported |
64920 | 0 | Column [%s] is not searchable |
64921 | 0 | Row may have only single column of [dtParentRowRef] data type |
64922 | 0 | Cannot read data from or write data to the invariant column [%s].
Hint: use properties and methods, like a NestedTable |
64923 | 0 | Cannot set parent row |
64924 | 0 | Row is not nested |
64925 | 0 | Column [%s] is not reference to other row |
64926 | 0 | Column [%s] is not reference to row set |
64927 | 0 | Cannot perform operation for row state |
64928 | 0 | Node is readonly |
64929 | 0 | Refresh is only supported if the FileName or XML properties are set |
64930 | 0 | FileName cannot be blank |
64931 | 0 | Line |
64932 | 0 | FireDAC Login |
64933 | 0 | Name [%s] is duplicated in the list |
64934 | 0 | Object [%s] is not found |
64935 | 0 | Column [%s] type is unknown or undefined |
64936 | 0 | No columns defined for table |
64937 | 0 | Check condition violated.
Constraint [%s] |
64938 | 0 | Cannot begin edit row |
64939 | 0 | Cannot create child view. Relation [%s] |
64940 | 0 | Cannot delete row |
64941 | 0 | Column [%s] must have blob value |
64942 | 0 | Fixed length column [%s] data length mismatch.
Value length - [%d], column fixed length - [%d] |
64943 | 0 | Row is not in editable state |
64944 | 0 | Message encoder not found |
64945 | 0 | Unrecognized UUE encoding scheme. |
64946 | 0 | "%s" DOMImplementation already registered |
64947 | 0 | No matching DOM Vendor: "%s" |
64948 | 0 | Selected DOM Vendor does not support this property or method |
64949 | 0 | Property or Method "%s" is not supported by DOM Vendor "%s" |
64950 | 0 | Node cannot be null |
64951 | 0 | Microsoft MSXML is not installed |
64952 | 0 | No active document |
64953 | 0 | Node "%s" not found |
64954 | 0 | IDOMNode required |
64955 | 0 | Attributes are not supported on this node type |
64956 | 0 | Invalid node type |
64957 | 0 | Mismatched paramaters to RegisterChildNodes |
64958 | 0 | Element does not contain a single text node |
64959 | 0 | DOM Implementation does not support IDOMParseOptions |
64960 | 0 | Command not supported. |
64961 | 0 | Address type not supported. |
64962 | 0 | Error accepting connection with SSL. |
64963 | 0 | Error connecting with SSL. |
64964 | 0 | SetCipher failed. |
64965 | 0 | Error creating SSL context. |
64966 | 0 | Could not load root certificate. |
64967 | 0 | Could not load certificate. |
64968 | 0 | Could not load key, check password. |
64969 | 0 | Error geting SSL method. |
64970 | 0 | Error binding data to SSL socket. |
64971 | 0 | Mode has not been set. |
64972 | 0 | Could not load SSL library. |
64973 | 0 | SSL status: "%s" |
64974 | 0 | Uneven size in DecodeToStream. |
64975 | 0 | Uneven size in Encode. |
64976 | 0 | Directory not empty |
64977 | 0 | Host not found. |
64978 | 0 | TIdMessagePart can not be created. Use descendant classes. |
64979 | 0 | Request rejected or failed. |
64980 | 0 | Request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect. |
64981 | 0 | Request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids. |
64982 | 0 | Unknown socks error. |
64983 | 0 | Socks server did not respond. |
64984 | 0 | Invalid socks authentication method. |
64985 | 0 | Authentication error to socks server. |
64986 | 0 | General SOCKS server failure. |
64987 | 0 | Connection not allowed by ruleset. |
64988 | 0 | Network unreachable. |
64989 | 0 | Host unreachable. |
64990 | 0 | Connection refused. |
64991 | 0 | TTL expired. |
64992 | 0 | Network is down. |
64993 | 0 | Network is unreachable. |
64994 | 0 | Net dropped connection or reset. |
64995 | 0 | Software caused connection abort. |
64996 | 0 | Connection reset by peer. |
64997 | 0 | No buffer space available. |
64998 | 0 | Socket is already connected. |
64999 | 0 | Socket is not connected. |
65000 | 0 | Cannot send or receive after socket is closed. |
65001 | 0 | Too many references, cannot splice. |
65002 | 0 | Connection timed out. |
65003 | 0 | Connection refused. |
65004 | 0 | Too many levels of symbolic links. |
65005 | 0 | File name too long. |
65006 | 0 | Host is down. |
65007 | 0 | No route to host. |
65008 | 0 | Too many open files. |
65009 | 0 | Operation would block. |
65010 | 0 | Operation now in progress. |
65011 | 0 | Operation already in progress. |
65012 | 0 | Socket operation on non-socket. |
65013 | 0 | Destination address required. |
65014 | 0 | Message too long. |
65015 | 0 | Protocol wrong type for socket. |
65016 | 0 | Bad protocol option. |
65017 | 0 | Protocol not supported. |
65018 | 0 | Socket type not supported. |
65019 | 0 | Operation not supported on socket. |
65020 | 0 | Protocol family not supported. |
65021 | 0 | Address family not supported by protocol family. |
65022 | 0 | Address already in use. |
65023 | 0 | Cannot assign requested address. |
65024 | 0 | Disconnected. |
65025 | 0 | %s |
65026 | 0 | Connect timed out. |
65027 | 0 | Encoding text |
65028 | 0 | Encoding attachment |
65029 | 0 | Unknown Message Part Type. |
65030 | 0 | Invalid Encoding. UU only allows Body and Attachments |
65031 | 0 | This authentication method is already registered with class name %s. |
65032 | 0 | %s is not a valid service. |
65033 | 0 | Socket Error # %d
%s |
65034 | 0 | %s is not a valid IP address. |
65035 | 0 | Interrupted system call. |
65036 | 0 | Bad file number. |
65037 | 0 | Access denied. |
65038 | 0 | Bad address. |
65039 | 0 | Invalid argument. |
65040 | 0 | File "%s" not found |
65041 | 0 | Only one TIdAntiFreeze can exist per application. |
65042 | 0 | Not Connected |
65043 | 0 | Object type not supported. |
65044 | 0 | No data to read. |
65045 | 0 | Can not bind in port range (%d - %d) |
65046 | 0 | Invalid Port Range (%d - %d) |
65047 | 0 | Read Timeout |
65048 | 0 | Max line length exceeded. |
65049 | 0 | @ Outside address |
65050 | 0 | Error on call Winsock2 library function %s |
65051 | 0 | Error on loading Winsock2 library (%s) |
65052 | 0 | Resolving hostname %s. |
65053 | 0 | Connecting to %s. |
65054 | 0 | Connected. |
65055 | 0 | Disconnecting. |
65056 | 0 | Invalid format type for BCD |
65057 | 0 | Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string |
65058 | 0 | Invalid SQL date/time values |
65059 | 0 | OLE error %.8x |
65060 | 0 | Method '%s' not supported by automation object |
65061 | 0 | Variant does not reference an automation object |
65062 | 0 | Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters |
65063 | 0 | DCOM not installed |
65064 | 0 | Already connected. |
65065 | 0 | Cannot allocate socket. |
65066 | 0 | Connection Closed Gracefully. |
65067 | 0 | Could not bind socket. Address and port are already in use. |
65068 | 0 | Failed attempting to retrieve time zone information. |
65069 | 0 | Not enough data in buffer. |
65070 | 0 | Winsock Initialization Error. |
65071 | 0 | Set Size Exceeded. |
65072 | 0 | Invalid use of keyword |
65073 | 0 | False |
65074 | 0 | True |
65075 | 0 | Parameter '%s' not found |
65076 | 0 | Unable to load bind parameters |
65077 | 0 | Field '%s' is of an unsupported type |
65078 | 0 | Property may not be modified while aggregate is active |
65079 | 0 | SQL not supported: %s |
65080 | 0 | Execute not supported: %s |
65081 | 0 | Field '%s' is not the correct type of calculated field to be used in an aggregate, use an internalcalc |
65082 | 0 | Operation not allowed on a unidirectional dataset |
65083 | 0 | Unassigned variant value |
65084 | 0 | Record not found |
65085 | 0 | Fieldname %s exceeds %d chars |
65086 | 0 | BCD overflow |
65087 | 0 | %s is not a valid BCD value |
65088 | 0 | '(' expected but %s found |
65089 | 0 | ')' expected but %s found |
65090 | 0 | ')' or ',' expected but %s found |
65091 | 0 | Expression expected but %s found |
65092 | 0 | Field '%s' cannot be used in a filter expression |
65093 | 0 | NULL only allowed with '=' and '<>' |
65094 | 0 | Constant out of range |
65095 | 0 | Incorrectly formed filter expression |
65096 | 0 | nothing |
65097 | 0 | Type mismatch in expression |
65098 | 0 | Operation cannot mix aggregate value with record-varying value |
65099 | 0 | Arithmetic in filter expressions not supported |
65100 | 0 | Expression is not an aggregate expression |
65101 | 0 | Constant is not correct type %s |
65102 | 0 | Aggregate expressions not allowed in filters |
65103 | 0 | IN predicate list may not be empty |
65104 | 0 | No index for fields '%s' |
65105 | 0 | Index '%s' not found |
65106 | 0 | Circular datalinks are not allowed |
65107 | 0 | Lookup information for field '%s' is incomplete |
65108 | 0 | DataSource cannot be changed |
65109 | 0 | Nested datasets cannot have a MasterSource |
65110 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset |
65111 | 0 | Dataset not in edit or insert mode |
65112 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset |
65113 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on an empty dataset |
65114 | 0 | Cannot modify a read-only dataset |
65115 | 0 | Nested dataset must inherit from %s |
65116 | 0 | Filter expression incorrectly terminated |
65117 | 0 | Unterminated field name |
65118 | 0 | Unterminated string constant |
65119 | 0 | Invalid filter expression character: '%s' |
65120 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid integer value for field '%s' |
65121 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid boolean value for field '%s' |
65122 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid floating point value for field '%s' |
65123 | 0 | Type mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %s actual: %s |
65124 | 0 | Size mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %d actual: %d |
65125 | 0 | Invalid variant type or size for field '%s' |
65126 | 0 | Value of field '%s' is out of range |
65127 | 0 | Field '%s' must have a value |
65128 | 0 | Field '%s' has no dataset |
65129 | 0 | Field '%s' cannot be a calculated or lookup field |
65130 | 0 | Field '%s' cannot be modified |
65131 | 0 | Field index out of range |
65132 | 0 | No index currently active |
65133 | 0 | Field '%s' is not indexed and cannot be modified |
65134 | 0 | Cannot access index field '%s' |
65135 | 0 | Duplicate index name '%s' |
65136 | 0 | Loading... |
65137 | 0 | Saving... |
65138 | 0 | Converting... |
65139 | 0 | Rendering... |
65140 | 0 | Copying... |
65141 | 0 | Optimizing... |
65142 | 0 | Invalid field size |
65143 | 0 | Invalid FieldKind |
65144 | 0 | Field '%s' is of an unknown type |
65145 | 0 | Field name missing |
65146 | 0 | Duplicate field name '%s' |
65147 | 0 | Field '%s' not found |
65148 | 0 | Cannot access field '%s' as type %s |
65149 | 0 | Invalid value for field '%s' |
65150 | 0 | %g is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %g to %g |
65151 | 0 | %s is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %s to %s |
65152 | 0 | Invalid GIF data |
65153 | 0 | Image height too small for contained frames |
65154 | 0 | Image width too small for contained frames |
65155 | 0 | Failed to store GIF on clipboard |
65156 | 0 | Image exceeds Logical Screen size |
65157 | 0 | No global or local color table defined |
65158 | 0 | Invalid pixel coordinates |
65159 | 0 | Unsupported PixelFormat |
65160 | 0 | Invalid image dimensions |
65161 | 0 | Image has no DIB |
65162 | 0 | Invalid stream operation |
65163 | 0 | Color not in color table |
65164 | 0 | Color table is empty |
65165 | 0 | Image is empty |
65166 | 0 | Invalid reduction method |
65167 | 0 | GIF Image |
65168 | 0 | Color table overflow |
65169 | 0 | Invalid color index |
65170 | 0 | Unsupported GIF version |
65171 | 0 | Invalid GIF signature |
65172 | 0 | Invalid number of colors specified in Screen Descriptor |
65173 | 0 | Invalid number of colors specified in Image Descriptor |
65174 | 0 | Unknown extension type |
65175 | 0 | Invalid extension introducer |
65176 | 0 | Failed to allocate memory for GIF DIB |
65177 | 0 | Decoder bit buffer under-run |
65178 | 0 | Circular decoder table entry |
65179 | 0 | Invalid Image trailer |
65180 | 0 | Internal error: Extension Instance does not match Extension Label |
65181 | 0 | Unsupported Application Extension block size |
65182 | 0 | Unknown GIF block type |
65183 | 0 | Object type not supported for operation |
65184 | 0 | Failed to set tab "%s" at index %d |
65185 | 0 | Failed to set object at index %d |
65186 | 0 | MultiLine must be True when TabPosition is tpLeft or tpRight |
65187 | 0 | Invalid index |
65188 | 0 | Unable to insert an item |
65189 | 0 | Invalid owner |
65190 | 0 | RichEdit line insertion error |
65191 | 0 | Failed to Load Stream |
65192 | 0 | Failed to Save Stream |
65193 | 0 | %s is already associated with %s |
65194 | 0 | %d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d |
65195 | 0 | This control requires version 4.70 or greater of COMCTL32.DLL |
65196 | 0 | Date exceeds maximum of %s |
65197 | 0 | Date is less than minimum of %s |
65198 | 0 | No help keyword specified. |
65199 | 0 | Premature end of data |
65200 | 0 | Inactive Caption Text |
65201 | 0 | Info Background |
65202 | 0 | Info Text |
65203 | 0 | Menu Background |
65204 | 0 | Menu Text |
65205 | 0 | None |
65206 | 0 | Scroll Bar |
65207 | 0 | 3D Dark Shadow |
65208 | 0 | 3D Light |
65209 | 0 | Window Background |
65210 | 0 | Window Frame |
65211 | 0 | Window Text |
65212 | 0 | Failed to clear tab control |
65213 | 0 | Failed to delete tab at index %d |
65214 | 0 | Failed to retrieve tab at index %d |
65215 | 0 | Failed to get object at index %d |
65216 | 0 | Medium Gray |
65217 | 0 | Active Border |
65218 | 0 | Active Caption |
65219 | 0 | Application Workspace |
65220 | 0 | Background |
65221 | 0 | Button Face |
65222 | 0 | Button Highlight |
65223 | 0 | Button Shadow |
65224 | 0 | Button Text |
65225 | 0 | Caption Text |
65226 | 0 | Default |
65227 | 0 | Gray Text |
65228 | 0 | Highlight Background |
65229 | 0 | Highlight Text |
65230 | 0 | Inactive Border |
65231 | 0 | Inactive Caption |
65232 | 0 | Olive |
65233 | 0 | Navy |
65234 | 0 | Purple |
65235 | 0 | Teal |
65236 | 0 | Gray |
65237 | 0 | Silver |
65238 | 0 | Red |
65239 | 0 | Lime |
65240 | 0 | Yellow |
65241 | 0 | Blue |
65242 | 0 | Fuchsia |
65243 | 0 | Aqua |
65244 | 0 | White |
65245 | 0 | Money Green |
65246 | 0 | Sky Blue |
65247 | 0 | Cream |
65248 | 0 | Docked control must have a name |
65249 | 0 | Error removing control from dock tree |
65250 | 0 | - Dock zone not found |
65251 | 0 | - Dock zone has no control |
65252 | 0 | Multiselect mode must be on for this feature |
65253 | 0 | Separator |
65254 | 0 | Error setting %s.Count |
65255 | 0 | Listbox (%s) style must be virtual in order to set Count |
65256 | 0 | No OnGetItem event handler assigned |
65257 | 0 | Unable to find a Table of Contents |
65258 | 0 | No help found for %s |
65259 | 0 | No context-sensitive help installed |
65260 | 0 | No topic-based help system installed |
65261 | 0 | Black |
65262 | 0 | Maroon |
65263 | 0 | Green |
65264 | 0 | Alt+ |
65265 | 0 | (None) |
65266 | 0 | Value must be between %d and %d |
65267 | 0 | All |
65268 | 0 | Unable to insert a line |
65269 | 0 | Invalid clipboard format |
65270 | 0 | Clipboard does not support Icons |
65271 | 0 | Cannot open clipboard |
65272 | 0 | Default |
65273 | 0 | Text exceeds memo capacity |
65274 | 0 | Operation not supported on selected printer |
65275 | 0 | There is no default printer currently selected |
65276 | 0 | Menu '%s' is already being used by another form |
65277 | 0 | Picture: |
65278 | 0 | (%dx%d) |
65279 | 0 | Preview |
65280 | 0 | Tab |
65281 | 0 | Esc |
65282 | 0 | Enter |
65283 | 0 | Space |
65284 | 0 | PgUp |
65285 | 0 | PgDn |
65286 | 0 | End |
65287 | 0 | Home |
65288 | 0 | Left |
65289 | 0 | Up |
65290 | 0 | Right |
65291 | 0 | Down |
65292 | 0 | Ins |
65293 | 0 | Del |
65294 | 0 | Shift+ |
65295 | 0 | Ctrl+ |
65296 | 0 | Warning |
65297 | 0 | Error |
65298 | 0 | Information |
65299 | 0 | Confirm |
65300 | 0 | &Yes |
65301 | 0 | &No |
65302 | 0 | OK |
65303 | 0 | Cancel |
65304 | 0 | &Help |
65305 | 0 | &Abort |
65306 | 0 | &Retry |
65307 | 0 | &Ignore |
65308 | 0 | &All |
65309 | 0 | N&o to All |
65310 | 0 | Yes to &All |
65311 | 0 | BkSp |
65312 | 0 | Cancel |
65313 | 0 | &Yes |
65314 | 0 | &No |
65315 | 0 | &Help |
65316 | 0 | &Close |
65317 | 0 | &Ignore |
65318 | 0 | &Retry |
65319 | 0 | Abort |
65320 | 0 | &All |
65321 | 0 | Cannot drag a form |
65322 | 0 | Metafiles |
65323 | 0 | Enhanced Metafiles |
65324 | 0 | Icons |
65325 | 0 | Bitmaps |
65326 | 0 | Invalid input value |
65327 | 0 | Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes |
65328 | 0 | Cannot make a visible window modal |
65329 | 0 | Scrollbar property out of range |
65330 | 0 | %s property out of range |
65331 | 0 | Menu index out of range |
65332 | 0 | Menu inserted twice |
65333 | 0 | Sub-menu is not in menu |
65334 | 0 | Not enough timers available |
65335 | 0 | Printer is not currently printing |
65336 | 0 | Printing in progress |
65337 | 0 | Printer index out of range |
65338 | 0 | Printer selected is not valid |
65339 | 0 | %s on %s |
65340 | 0 | GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex |
65341 | 0 | Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active |
65342 | 0 | A control cannot have itself as its parent |
65343 | 0 | OK |
65344 | 0 | Unsupported clipboard format |
65345 | 0 | Out of system resources |
65346 | 0 | Canvas does not allow drawing |
65347 | 0 | Invalid image size |
65348 | 0 | Invalid ImageList |
65349 | 0 | Unable to Replace Image |
65350 | 0 | Invalid ImageList Index |
65351 | 0 | Failed to read ImageList data from stream |
65352 | 0 | Failed to write ImageList data to stream |
65353 | 0 | Error creating window device context |
65354 | 0 | Error creating window class |
65355 | 0 | Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window |
65356 | 0 | Control '%s' has no parent window |
65357 | 0 | Parent given is not a parent of '%s' |
65358 | 0 | Cannot hide an MDI Child Form |
65359 | 0 | Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide |
65360 | 0 | Property %s does not exist |
65361 | 0 | Stream write error |
65362 | 0 | Thread creation error: %s |
65363 | 0 | Thread Error: %s (%d) |
65364 | 0 | Tab index out of bounds |
65365 | 0 | Tab position incompatible with current tab style |
65366 | 0 | Tab style incompatible with current tab position |
65367 | 0 | Bitmap image is not valid |
65368 | 0 | Icon image is not valid |
65369 | 0 | Metafile is not valid |
65370 | 0 | Invalid pixel format |
65371 | 0 | Invalid image |
65372 | 0 | Scan line index out of range |
65373 | 0 | Cannot change the size of an icon |
65374 | 0 | Invalid operation on TOleGraphic |
65375 | 0 | Unknown picture file extension (.%s) |
65376 | 0 | Out of memory while expanding memory stream |
65377 | 0 | Number expected |
65378 | 0 | %s on line %d |
65379 | 0 | Error reading %s%s%s: %s |
65380 | 0 | Stream read error |
65381 | 0 | Property is read-only |
65382 | 0 | Failed to create key %s |
65383 | 0 | Failed to get data for '%s' |
65384 | 0 | Failed to set data for '%s' |
65385 | 0 | Resource %s not found |
65386 | 0 | %s.Seek not implemented |
65387 | 0 | Operation not allowed on sorted list |
65388 | 0 | String expected |
65389 | 0 | %s expected |
65390 | 0 | Too many rows or columns deleted |
65391 | 0 | %s not in a class registration group |
65392 | 0 | Invalid binary value |
65393 | 0 | Invalid file name - %s |
65394 | 0 | Invalid stream format |
65395 | 0 | ''%s'' is not a valid component name |
65396 | 0 | Invalid property value |
65397 | 0 | Invalid property element: %s |
65398 | 0 | Invalid property path |
65399 | 0 | Invalid property type: %s |
65400 | 0 | Invalid property value |
65401 | 0 | Invalid data type for '%s' |
65402 | 0 | Invalid string constant |
65403 | 0 | Cannot insert or delete rows from grid |
65404 | 0 | Line too long |
65405 | 0 | List capacity out of bounds (%d) |
65406 | 0 | List count out of bounds (%d) |
65407 | 0 | List index out of bounds (%d) |
65408 | 0 | Can't write to a read-only resource stream |
65409 | 0 | ''%s'' expected |
65410 | 0 | CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread |
65411 | 0 | Class %s not found |
65412 | 0 | A class named %s already exists |
65413 | 0 | List does not allow duplicates ($0%x) |
65414 | 0 | A component named %s already exists |
65415 | 0 | String list does not allow duplicates |
65416 | 0 | Cannot create file "%s". %s |
65417 | 0 | Fixed column count must be less than column count |
65418 | 0 | Fixed row count must be less than row count |
65419 | 0 | Cannot open file "%s". %s |
65420 | 0 | Grid too large for operation |
65421 | 0 | Identifier expected |
65422 | 0 | Grid index out of range |
65423 | 0 | Unable to write to %s |
65424 | 0 | Tue |
65425 | 0 | Wed |
65426 | 0 | Thu |
65427 | 0 | Fri |
65428 | 0 | Sat |
65429 | 0 | Sunday |
65430 | 0 | Monday |
65431 | 0 | Tuesday |
65432 | 0 | Wednesday |
65433 | 0 | Thursday |
65434 | 0 | Friday |
65435 | 0 | Saturday |
65436 | 0 | Unable to create directory |
65437 | 0 | Ancestor for '%s' not found |
65438 | 0 | Cannot assign a %s to a %s |
65439 | 0 | Bits index out of range |
65440 | 0 | Nov |
65441 | 0 | Dec |
65442 | 0 | January |
65443 | 0 | February |
65444 | 0 | March |
65445 | 0 | April |
65446 | 0 | May |
65447 | 0 | June |
65448 | 0 | July |
65449 | 0 | August |
65450 | 0 | September |
65451 | 0 | October |
65452 | 0 | November |
65453 | 0 | December |
65454 | 0 | Sun |
65455 | 0 | Mon |
65456 | 0 | %s (%s, line %d) |
65457 | 0 | Abstract Error |
65458 | 0 | Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p |
65459 | 0 | System Error. Code: %d.
%s |
65460 | 0 | A call to an OS function failed |
65461 | 0 | Application is not licensed to use this feature |
65462 | 0 | Jan |
65463 | 0 | Feb |
65464 | 0 | Mar |
65465 | 0 | Apr |
65466 | 0 | May |
65467 | 0 | Jun |
65468 | 0 | Jul |
65469 | 0 | Aug |
65470 | 0 | Sep |
65471 | 0 | Oct |
65472 | 0 | Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)
%s |
65473 | 0 | Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range |
65474 | 0 | Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s |
65475 | 0 | Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable |
65476 | 0 | Too many custom variant types have been registered |
65477 | 0 | Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s) |
65478 | 0 | Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s) |
65479 | 0 | Variant overflow |
65480 | 0 | Invalid argument |
65481 | 0 | Invalid variant type |
65482 | 0 | Operation not supported |
65483 | 0 | Unexpected variant error |
65484 | 0 | External exception %x |
65485 | 0 | Assertion failed |
65486 | 0 | Interface not supported |
65487 | 0 | Exception in safecall method |
65488 | 0 | Operation aborted |
65489 | 0 | Exception %s in module %s at %p.
65490 | 0 | Application Error |
65491 | 0 | Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument |
65492 | 0 | No argument for format '%s' |
65493 | 0 | Variant method calls not supported |
65494 | 0 | Read |
65495 | 0 | Write |
65496 | 0 | Format string too long |
65497 | 0 | Error creating variant or safe array |
65498 | 0 | Variant or safe array index out of bounds |
65499 | 0 | Variant or safe array is locked |
65500 | 0 | Unexpected variant or safe array error: %s%.8x |
65501 | 0 | Invalid variant type conversion |
65502 | 0 | Invalid variant operation |
65503 | 0 | Invalid NULL variant operation |
65504 | 0 | Disk full |
65505 | 0 | Invalid numeric input |
65506 | 0 | Division by zero |
65507 | 0 | Range check error |
65508 | 0 | Integer overflow |
65509 | 0 | Invalid floating point operation |
65510 | 0 | Floating point division by zero |
65511 | 0 | Floating point overflow |
65512 | 0 | Floating point underflow |
65513 | 0 | Invalid pointer operation |
65514 | 0 | Invalid class typecast |
65515 | 0 | Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p |
65516 | 0 | Access violation |
65517 | 0 | Stack overflow |
65518 | 0 | Control-C hit |
65519 | 0 | Privileged instruction |
65520 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid integer value |
65521 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid floating point value |
65522 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid date |
65523 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid time |
65524 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid date and time |
65525 | 0 | '%d.%d' is not a valid timestamp |
65526 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid GUID value |
65527 | 0 | Invalid argument to time encode |
65528 | 0 | Invalid argument to date encode |
65529 | 0 | Out of memory |
65530 | 0 | I/O error %d |
65531 | 0 | File not found |
65532 | 0 | Invalid filename |
65533 | 0 | Too many open files |
65534 | 0 | File access denied |
65535 | 0 | Read beyond end of file |