filename | cttune.exe | |
size | 314368 (0x4cc00) | |
md5 | 45753895aae368b288c39f8cf8f435e6 | |
type | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | |
mimetype | application/x-dosexec | |
clamav | OK | |
virustotal | → scan with | |
histogram |
MZ Header
signature | MZ |
bytes_in_last_block | 0x90 |
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Rich Header
lib id | version | times used |
147 | 30729 | 16 |
259 | 23917 | 4 |
260 | 23917 | 20 |
261 | 23917 | 4 |
257 | 23917 | 25 |
1 | 0 | 196 |
265 | 23917 | 31 |
255 | 23917 | 1 |
258 | 23917 | 1 |
DOS stub
00000000: 0e 1f ba 0e 00 b4 09 cd 21 b8 01 4c cd 21 54 68 |........!..L.!Th| 00000010: 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f |is program canno| 00000020: 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e 20 69 6e 20 44 4f 53 20 |t be run in DOS | 00000030: 6d 6f 64 65 2e 0d 0d 0a 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |mode....$.......|
PE Header
Packer / Compiler
name | va | vsize | raw size | flags | |
.text | 0x1000 | 0xed98 | 0xee00 | R-X CODE | |
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.reloc | 0x4f000 | 0xd30 | 0xe00 | R-- IDATA DISCARDABLE |
Data Directory
module_name | hint | ord | function_name |
ADVAPI32.dll | 649 | RegOpenKeyExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 662 | RegQueryValueExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 600 | RegCloseKey | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 291 | EventWrite | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 288 | EventRegister | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 290 | EventUnregister | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 609 | RegCreateKeyExW | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 32 | AllocateAndInitializeSid | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 330 | GetLengthSid | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 397 | InitializeAcl | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 17 | AddAccessAllowedAceEx | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 744 | SetSecurityInfo | |
ADVAPI32.dll | 678 | RegSetValueExW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 961 | LocalFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 957 | LocalAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 530 | GetCurrentProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 901 | IsWow64Process | |
KERNEL32.dll | 831 | HeapFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 684 | GetProcessHeap | |
KERNEL32.dll | 827 | HeapAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 132 | CloseHandle | |
KERNEL32.dll | 215 | CreateMutexW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 601 | GetLastError | |
KERNEL32.dll | 709 | GetStartupInfoA | |
KERNEL32.dll | 991 | MulDiv | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1454 | VerSetConditionMask | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1458 | VerifyVersionInfoW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 767 | GetTickCount64 | |
GDI32.dll | 1444 | SetBkColor | |
GDI32.dll | 1352 | Polyline | |
GDI32.dll | 90 | CreatePen | |
GDI32.dll | 708 | GetTextMetricsW | |
GDI32.dll | 1445 | SetBkMode | |
GDI32.dll | 1509 | StretchBlt | |
GDI32.dll | 1486 | SetStretchBltMode | |
GDI32.dll | 56 | CreateCompatibleBitmap | |
GDI32.dll | 346 | DeleteObject | |
GDI32.dll | 605 | GetDeviceCaps | |
GDI32.dll | 77 | CreateFontIndirectW | |
GDI32.dll | 659 | GetObjectW | |
GDI32.dll | 57 | CreateCompatibleDC | |
GDI32.dll | 1435 | SelectObject | |
GDI32.dll | 465 | GdiAlphaBlend | |
GDI32.dll | 25 | BitBlt | |
GDI32.dll | 342 | DeleteDC | |
GDI32.dll | 678 | GetStockObject | |
GDI32.dll | 550 | GdiSetBatchLimit | |
GDI32.dll | 1492 | SetTextColor | |
GDI32.dll | 104 | CreateSolidBrush | |
GDI32.dll | 1329 | PatBlt | |
USER32.dll | 872 | TrackMouseEvent | |
USER32.dll | 164 | DefWindowProcW | |
USER32.dll | 566 | LoadCursorW | |
USER32.dll | 688 | RegisterClassExW | |
USER32.dll | 269 | FindWindowW | |
USER32.dll | 770 | SetForegroundWindow | |
USER32.dll | 235 | EndDialog | |
USER32.dll | 816 | SetTimer | |
USER32.dll | 558 | KillTimer | |
USER32.dll | 181 | DialogBoxParamW | |
USER32.dll | 847 | ShowWindow | |
USER32.dll | 232 | EnableWindow | |
USER32.dll | 64 | CheckDlgButton | |
USER32.dll | 530 | IsDlgButtonChecked | |
USER32.dll | 69 | CheckRadioButton | |
USER32.dll | 744 | SendMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 246 | EnumDisplayDevicesW | |
USER32.dll | 39 | ChangeDisplaySettingsExW | |
USER32.dll | 431 | GetSysColor | |
USER32.dll | 88 | CopyImage | |
USER32.dll | 570 | LoadImageW | |
USER32.dll | 176 | DestroyWindow | |
USER32.dll | 115 | CreateWindowExW | |
USER32.dll | 562 | LoadBitmapW | |
USER32.dll | 217 | DrawTextW | |
USER32.dll | 329 | GetFocus | |
USER32.dll | 598 | MapWindowPoints | |
USER32.dll | 265 | FillRect | |
USER32.dll | 684 | RedrawWindow | |
USER32.dll | 519 | IsCharAlphaNumericW | |
USER32.dll | 237 | EndPaint | |
USER32.dll | 432 | GetSysColorBrush | |
USER32.dll | 272 | FrameRect | |
USER32.dll | 16 | BeginPaint | |
USER32.dll | 251 | EnumDisplaySettingsW | |
USER32.dll | 205 | DrawFocusRect | |
USER32.dll | 514 | InvalidateRect | |
USER32.dll | 835 | SetWindowTextW | |
USER32.dll | 610 | MessageBoxW | |
USER32.dll | 863 | SystemParametersInfoW | |
USER32.dll | 385 | GetParent | |
USER32.dll | 645 | PostMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 828 | SetWindowLongW | |
USER32.dll | 766 | SetDlgItemTextW | |
USER32.dll | 321 | GetDlgItem | |
USER32.dll | 298 | GetClientRect | |
USER32.dll | 593 | MapDialogRect | |
USER32.dll | 735 | SendDlgItemMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 743 | SendMessageTimeoutW | |
USER32.dll | 830 | SetWindowPos | |
USER32.dll | 655 | PtInRect | |
USER32.dll | 470 | GetWindowRect | |
USER32.dll | 434 | GetSystemMetrics | |
USER32.dll | 409 | GetProcessDefaultLayout | |
USER32.dll | 719 | ReleaseDC | |
USER32.dll | 581 | LoadStringW | |
USER32.dll | 313 | GetDC | |
USER32.dll | 464 | GetWindowLongW | |
USER32.dll | 769 | SetFocus | |
msvcrt.dll | 292 | _cexit | |
msvcrt.dll | 226 | __set_app_type | |
msvcrt.dll | 371 | _exit | |
msvcrt.dll | 1198 | exit | |
msvcrt.dll | 206 | __p__fmode | |
msvcrt.dll | 777 | _onexit | |
msvcrt.dll | 488 | _initterm | |
msvcrt.dll | 228 | __setusermatherr | |
msvcrt.dll | 247 | _acmdln | |
msvcrt.dll | 161 | __getmainargs | |
msvcrt.dll | 273 | _amsg_exit | |
msvcrt.dll | 201 | __p__commode | |
msvcrt.dll | 111 | _XcptFilter | |
msvcrt.dll | 100 | _CxxThrowException | |
msvcrt.dll | 290 | _callnewh | |
msvcrt.dll | 55 | public: virtual char const * __thiscall exception::what(void)const ?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 16 | public: virtual __thiscall exception::~exception(void) ??1exception@@UAE@XZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 423 | _ftol2_sse | |
msvcrt.dll | 422 | _ftol2 | |
msvcrt.dll | 608 | _lock | |
msvcrt.dll | 964 | _unlock | |
msvcrt.dll | 157 | __dllonexit | |
msvcrt.dll | 11 | public: __thiscall exception::exception(class exception const &) ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z | |
msvcrt.dll | 12 | public: __thiscall exception::exception(void) ??0exception@@QAE@XZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 1277 | malloc | |
msvcrt.dll | 1392 | wcschr | |
msvcrt.dll | 1310 | realloc | |
msvcrt.dll | 1221 | free | |
msvcrt.dll | 794 | _purecall | |
msvcrt.dll | 1004 | _vsnwprintf | |
msvcrt.dll | 1160 | _wtoi | |
msvcrt.dll | 362 | _except_handler4_common | |
msvcrt.dll | 311 | _controlfp | |
msvcrt.dll | 53 | void __cdecl terminate(void) ?terminate@@YAXXZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 17 | public: virtual __thiscall type_info::~type_info(void) ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 519 | _ismbblead | |
msvcrt.dll | 1293 | memset | |
OLEAUT32.dll | 9 | ||
OLEAUT32.dll | 8 | ||
OLEAUT32.dll | 25 | ||
OLEAUT32.dll | 2 | ||
OLEAUT32.dll | 19 | ||
OLEAUT32.dll | 20 | ||
OLEAUT32.dll | 6 | ||
api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1.dll | 66 | CoUninitialize | |
api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1.dll | 80 | StringFromGUID2 | |
api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1.dll | 38 | CoInitializeEx | |
api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1.dll | 8 | CoCreateInstance | |
api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1.dll | 59 | CoSetProxyBlanket | |
api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-1.dll | 39 | CoInitializeSecurity | |
api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll | 45 | Sleep | |
api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll | 15 | SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | |
api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll | 17 | UnhandledExceptionFilter | |
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2.dll | 13 | GetCurrentProcessId | |
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2.dll | 17 | GetCurrentThreadId | |
api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2.dll | 77 | TerminateProcess | |
api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-0.dll | 17 | GetModuleHandleA | |
api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll | QueryPerformanceCounter | ||
api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1.dll | 24 | GetTickCount | |
api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1.dll | 20 | GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | |
COMCTL32.dll | 381 | ||
COMCTL32.dll | 133 | PropertySheetW | |
COMCTL32.dll | 123 | InitCommonControlsEx | |
DWrite.dll | DWriteCreateFactory | ||
ntdll.dll | 1612 | WinSqmIncrementDWORD | |
ntdll.dll | 1596 | WinSqmAddToStream | |
ole32.dll | 81 | CoGetObject | |
OLEACC.dll | 8 | CreateStdAccessibleObject | |
OLEACC.dll | 24 | LresultFromObject | |
SETUPAPI.dll | 340 | SetupDiGetClassDevsW | |
SETUPAPI.dll | 364 | SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW | |
SETUPAPI.dll | 361 | SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdW | |
SETUPAPI.dll | 317 | SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList | |
SETUPAPI.dll | 406 | SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceW | |
UxTheme.dll | 60 | GetThemeSysFont | |
UxTheme.dll | 58 | GetThemeSysColor | |
UxTheme.dll | 42 | GetThemeColor | |
UxTheme.dll | 46 | GetThemeFont | |
UxTheme.dll | 77 | OpenThemeData | |
UxTheme.dll | 73 | IsThemeActive | |
UxTheme.dll | 9 | CloseThemeData | |
UxTheme.dll | 17 | DrawThemeParentBackground |
StringTable 040904B0
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | ClearType Tuner |
FileVersion | 10.0.14393.0 (rs1_release.160715-1616) |
InternalName | CtTune |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | CTTUNE.EXE |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 10.0.14393.0 |
FileVersion | 10.0.14393.0 |
ProductVersion | 10.0.14393.0 |
StrucVersion | 0x10000 |
FileFlagsMask | 0x3f |
FileFlags | 0 |
FileOS | 0x40004 |
FileType | 1 |
FileSubtype | 0 |
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