filename | taskhost.exe | |
size | 49152 (0xc000) | |
md5 | 72e953215cade1a726c04aafdf6b463d | |
type | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows | |
mimetype | application/x-dosexec | |
clamav | OK | |
virustotal | → scan with | |
histogram |
MZ Header
signature | MZ |
bytes_in_last_block | 0x90 |
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DOS stub
00000000: 0e 1f ba 0e 00 b4 09 cd 21 b8 01 4c cd 21 54 68 |........!..L.!Th| 00000010: 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f |is program canno| 00000020: 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e 20 69 6e 20 44 4f 53 20 |t be run in DOS | 00000030: 6d 6f 64 65 2e 0d 0d 0a 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |mode....$.......|
PE Header
Packer / Compiler
name | va | vsize | raw size | flags | |
.text | 0x1000 | 0xa2d6 | 0xa400 | R-X CODE | |
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Data Directory
module_name | hint | ord | function_name |
msvcrt.dll | 764 | _purecall | |
msvcrt.dll | 1190 | free | |
msvcrt.dll | 1246 | malloc | |
msvcrt.dll | 1157 | calloc | |
msvcrt.dll | 12 | public: __thiscall exception::exception(void) ??0exception@@QAE@XZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 274 | _callnewh | |
msvcrt.dll | 17 | public: virtual __thiscall type_info::~type_info(void) ??1type_info@@UAE@XZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 276 | _cexit | |
msvcrt.dll | 354 | _exit | |
msvcrt.dll | 106 | _XcptFilter | |
msvcrt.dll | 1167 | exit | |
msvcrt.dll | 999 | _wcmdln | |
msvcrt.dll | 469 | _initterm | |
msvcrt.dll | 257 | _amsg_exit | |
msvcrt.dll | 212 | __setusermatherr | |
msvcrt.dll | 185 | __p__commode | |
msvcrt.dll | 190 | __p__fmode | |
msvcrt.dll | 99 | _CxxThrowException | |
msvcrt.dll | 11 | public: __thiscall exception::exception(class exception const &) ??0exception@@QAE@ABV0@@Z | |
msvcrt.dll | 16 | public: virtual __thiscall exception::~exception(void) ??1exception@@UAE@XZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 57 | public: virtual char const * __thiscall exception::what(void)const ?what@exception@@UBEPBDXZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 9 | public: __thiscall exception::exception(char const * const &) ??0exception@@QAE@ABQBD@Z | |
msvcrt.dll | 1261 | memmove_s | |
msvcrt.dll | 1259 | memcpy_s | |
msvcrt.dll | 115 | __CxxFrameHandler3 | |
msvcrt.dll | 1262 | memset | |
msvcrt.dll | 210 | __set_app_type | |
msvcrt.dll | 55 | void __cdecl terminate(void) ?terminate@@YAXXZ | |
msvcrt.dll | 345 | _except_handler4_common | |
msvcrt.dll | 295 | _controlfp | |
msvcrt.dll | 934 | _unlock | |
msvcrt.dll | 141 | __dllonexit | |
msvcrt.dll | 578 | _lock | |
msvcrt.dll | 747 | _onexit | |
msvcrt.dll | 225 | __wgetmainargs | |
ole32.dll | 24 | CoEnableCallCancellation | |
ole32.dll | 12 | CoCancelCall | |
ole32.dll | 20 | CoDisableCallCancellation | |
ole32.dll | 16 | CoCreateInstance | |
ole32.dll | 64 | CoInitializeSecurity | |
ole32.dll | 63 | CoInitializeEx | |
ole32.dll | 108 | CoUninitialize | |
OLEAUT32.dll | 6 | ||
OLEAUT32.dll | 2 | ||
KERNEL32.dll | 749 | InterlockedExchange | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1205 | Sleep | |
KERNEL32.dll | 746 | InterlockedCompareExchange | |
KERNEL32.dll | 611 | GetStartupInfoW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1191 | SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | |
KERNEL32.dll | 532 | GetModuleHandleA | |
KERNEL32.dll | 935 | QueryPerformanceCounter | |
KERNEL32.dll | 659 | GetTickCount | |
KERNEL32.dll | 454 | GetCurrentThreadId | |
KERNEL32.dll | 450 | GetCurrentProcessId | |
KERNEL32.dll | 633 | GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1220 | TerminateProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 449 | GetCurrentProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1240 | UnhandledExceptionFilter | |
KERNEL32.dll | 513 | GetLastError | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1278 | WaitForSingleObject | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1040 | ResetEvent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 83 | CloseHandle | |
KERNEL32.dll | 134 | CreateEventW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 720 | HeapFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 719 | HeapDestroy | |
KERNEL32.dll | 718 | HeapCreate | |
KERNEL32.dll | 723 | HeapReAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1140 | SetLastError | |
KERNEL32.dll | 716 | HeapAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 736 | InitOnceExecuteOnce | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1156 | SetProcessShutdownParameters | |
KERNEL32.dll | 752 | InterlockedIncrement | |
KERNEL32.dll | 208 | DeleteAtom | |
KERNEL32.dll | 769 | IsDebuggerPresent | |
KERNEL32.dll | AcquireSRWLockExclusive | ||
KERNEL32.dll | 1020 | ReleaseSRWLockExclusive | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1115 | SetEvent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 748 | InterlockedDecrement | |
KERNEL32.dll | 535 | GetModuleHandleW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 182 | CreateThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 660 | GetTickCount64 | |
KERNEL32.dll | 745 | InitializeSRWLock | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1179 | SetThreadPriority | |
KERNEL32.dll | 654 | GetThreadPriority | |
KERNEL32.dll | 453 | GetCurrentThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 481 | GetExitCodeThread | |
KERNEL32.dll | 219 | DeleteTimerQueueTimer | |
KERNEL32.dll | 190 | CreateTimerQueueTimer | |
KERNEL32.dll | 725 | HeapSize | |
KERNEL32.dll | 585 | GetProcessHeap | |
KERNEL32.dll | 841 | LocalFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 905 | OutputDebugStringA | |
API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0.dll | 17 | RegGetValueW | |
API-MS-Win-Core-ProcessThreads-L1-1-0.dll | 26 | OpenProcessToken | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 53 | GetSecurityDescriptorSacl | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 72 | MakeAbsoluteSD | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 47 | GetSecurityDescriptorControl | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 13 | AddAce | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 65 | InitializeSid | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 26 | CopySid | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 63 | InitializeAcl | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 58 | GetTokenInformation | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 20 | AllocateAndInitializeSid | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 40 | FreeSid | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 55 | GetSidLengthRequired | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 49 | GetSecurityDescriptorGroup | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 45 | GetLengthSid | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 48 | GetSecurityDescriptorDacl | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 56 | GetSidSubAuthority | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 91 | SetSecurityDescriptorDacl | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 92 | SetSecurityDescriptorGroup | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 93 | SetSecurityDescriptorOwner | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 42 | GetAclInformation | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 70 | IsValidSid | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 64 | InitializeSecurityDescriptor | |
API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0.dll | 51 | GetSecurityDescriptorOwner | |
USER32.dll | 567 | PostQuitMessage | |
USER32.dll | 156 | DefWindowProcW | |
USER32.dll | 540 | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | |
USER32.dll | 735 | ShowWindow | |
USER32.dll | 110 | CreateWindowExW | |
USER32.dll | 590 | RegisterClassW | |
USER32.dll | 764 | TranslateMessage | |
USER32.dll | 566 | PostMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 420 | GetWindowThreadProcessId | |
USER32.dll | 475 | IsWindow | |
USER32.dll | 239 | EnumThreadWindows | |
USER32.dll | 242 | EnumWindows | |
USER32.dll | 175 | DispatchMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 738 | ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy | |
USER32.dll | 506 | LoadStringW | |
USER32.dll | 737 | ShutdownBlockReasonCreate | |
USER32.dll | 166 | DestroyWindow | |
USER32.dll | 563 | PeekMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 774 | UnregisterClassW | |
USER32.dll | 785 | UpdateWindow | |
ntdll.dll | 1215 | RtlUnhandledExceptionFilter | |
ntdll.dll | 79 | EtwTraceMessage | |
ntdll.dll | 33 | DbgPrintEx | |
RPCRT4.dll | 343 | RpcAsyncInitializeHandle | |
RPCRT4.dll | 349 | RpcBindingFree | |
RPCRT4.dll | 366 | RpcBindingSetAuthInfoExW | |
RPCRT4.dll | 498 | RpcStringFreeW | |
RPCRT4.dll | 351 | RpcBindingFromStringBindingW | |
RPCRT4.dll | 494 | RpcStringBindingComposeW | |
RPCRT4.dll | 149 | NdrClientCall2 | |
RPCRT4.dll | 139 | NdrAsyncClientCall | |
RPCRT4.dll | 341 | RpcAsyncCompleteCall | |
RPCRT4.dll | 340 | RpcAsyncCancelCall |
StringTable 040904B0
CompanyName | Microsoft Corporation |
FileDescription | Host Process for Windows Tasks |
FileVersion | 6.1.7601.18010 (win7sp1_gdr.121122-1432) |
InternalName | taskhost.exe |
LegalCopyright | © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | taskhost.exe |
ProductName | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
ProductVersion | 6.1.7601.18010 |
FileVersion | 6.1.7601.18010 |
ProductVersion | 6.1.7601.18010 |
StrucVersion | 0x10000 |
FileFlagsMask | 0x3f |
FileFlags | 0 |
FileOS | 0x40004 |
FileType | 1 |
FileSubtype | 0 |
![]() |
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