id | lang | string |
61254 | 0 | Details |
61255 | 0 | Could not load '%s' library |
61256 | 0 | File specified is not an executable file, dynamic-link library, or icon file |
61257 | 0 | Function not yet implemented |
61258 | 0 | Previous Month| |
61259 | 0 | Previous Year| |
61260 | 0 | Next Month| |
61261 | 0 | Next Year| |
61262 | 0 | Select a Date |
61263 | 0 | All files (*.*)|*.* |
61264 | 0 | Browse |
64752 | 0 | FileName cannot be blank |
64753 | 0 | Line |
64768 | 0 | "%s" DOMImplementation already registered |
64769 | 0 | No matching DOM Vendor: "%s" |
64770 | 0 | Selected DOM Vendor does not support this property or method |
64771 | 0 | Property or Method "%s" is not supported by DOM Vendor "%s" |
64772 | 0 | Node cannot be null |
64773 | 0 | Microsoft MSXML is not installed |
64774 | 0 | No active document |
64775 | 0 | Node "%s" not found |
64776 | 0 | IDOMNode required |
64777 | 0 | Attributes are not supported on this node type |
64778 | 0 | Invalid node type |
64779 | 0 | Mismatched paramaters to RegisterChildNodes |
64780 | 0 | Element does not contain a single text node |
64781 | 0 | DOM Implementation does not support IDOMParseOptions |
64782 | 0 | Node is readonly |
64783 | 0 | Refresh is only supported if the FileName or XML properties are set |
64784 | 0 | Edit record |
64785 | 0 | Post edit |
64786 | 0 | Cancel edit |
64787 | 0 | Refresh data |
64788 | 0 | Save Bookmark |
64789 | 0 | Goto Bookmark |
64790 | 0 | Filter data |
64791 | 0 | Подтвердите |
64792 | 0 | Удалить запись ? |
64793 | 0 | Удалить все выбранные записи ? |
64794 | 0 | Щелкните здесь для добавления новой строки |
64795 | 0 | Нет фильтра |
64796 | 0 | Настройка |
64797 | 0 | Поля |
64798 | 0 | Перетащите сюда поле для группировки |
64799 | 0 | Настройка |
64800 | 0 | Сохранить текущий фильтр в файл |
64801 | 0 | Сохранить как... |
64802 | 0 | Открыть |
64803 | 0 | Применить |
64804 | 0 | Да |
64805 | 0 | Отмена |
64806 | 0 | flt |
64807 | 0 | Фильтры (*.flt)|*.flt |
64808 | 0 | First record |
64809 | 0 | Prior record |
64810 | 0 | Prior page |
64811 | 0 | Next record |
64812 | 0 | Next page |
64813 | 0 | Last record |
64814 | 0 | Insert record |
64815 | 0 | Delete record |
64816 | 0 | добавить условие |
64817 | 0 | удовлетворяет таким условиям |
64818 | 0 | <корень> |
64819 | 0 | <пусто> |
64820 | 0 | Не удалось построить фильтр по заданным условиям |
64821 | 0 | Пользовательский фильтр |
64822 | 0 | Некорректное значение |
64823 | 0 | Используйте |
64824 | 0 | чтобы представить любой одиночный символ |
64825 | 0 | чтобы представить любую последовательность символов |
64826 | 0 | И |
64827 | 0 | ИЛИ |
64828 | 0 | Показать записи, в которых: |
64829 | 0 | Редактор фильтра |
64830 | 0 | untitled.flt |
64831 | 0 | Открыть существующий фильтр |
64832 | 0 | The parameter quantifier cannot be applied here |
64833 | 0 | Regular expression errors: |
64834 | 0 | The edit value is invalid |
64835 | 0 | Invalid numeric value |
64836 | 0 | Cannot change the size of a JPEG image |
64837 | 0 | JPEG error #%d |
64838 | 0 | JPEG Image File |
64839 | 0 | ВСЕ |
64840 | 0 | ХОТЯ БЫ ОДНО ИЗ |
64841 | 0 | НЕ ВСЕ |
64842 | 0 | НИ ОДНО ИЗ |
64843 | 0 | Фильтр |
64844 | 0 | Добавить условие |
64845 | 0 | Добавить группу |
64846 | 0 | Удалить строку |
64847 | 0 | Удалить все |
64848 | 0 | The '*' quantifier cannot be applied here |
64849 | 0 | The alternative should not be empty |
64850 | 0 | The block should not be empty |
64851 | 0 | Illegal '%s' |
64852 | 0 | Illegal quantifier '%s' |
64853 | 0 | Illegal integer value |
64854 | 0 | Too big reference number |
64855 | 0 | Can't create empty enumeration |
64856 | 0 | The starting character of the subrange must be less than the finishing one |
64857 | 0 | Hexadecimal number expected |
64858 | 0 | Hexadecimal number expected but '%s' found |
64859 | 0 | Missing '%s' |
64860 | 0 | Unnecessary '%s' |
64861 | 0 | The space character is not allowed after '\' |
64862 | 0 | Regular expression is not compiled |
64863 | 0 | Incorrect parameter quantifier |
64864 | 0 | ImageComboBox|Represents an editor displaying the list of images and text strings within the dropdown window |
64865 | 0 | Image|Represents an image editor |
64866 | 0 | LookupComboBox|Represents a lookup combo box control |
64867 | 0 | MaskEdit|Represents a generic masked edit control. |
64868 | 0 | Memo|Represents an edit control that allows editing memo data |
64869 | 0 | MRUEdit|Represents a text editor displaying the list of most recently used items (MRU) within a dropdown window |
64870 | 0 | PopupEdit|Represents an edit control with a dropdown list |
64871 | 0 | SpinEdit|Represents a spin editor |
64872 | 0 | RadioGroup|Represents a group of radio buttons |
64873 | 0 | TextEdit|Represents a single line text editor |
64874 | 0 | TimeEdit|Represents an editor displaying time values |
64875 | 0 | Line |
64876 | 0 | Char |
64877 | 0 | The source stream is not assigned |
64878 | 0 | The source stream is empty |
64879 | 0 | The '+' quantifier cannot be applied here |
64880 | 0 | четвертый |
64881 | 0 | пятый |
64882 | 0 | шестой |
64883 | 0 | седьмой |
64884 | 0 | начмес |
64885 | 0 | конмес |
64886 | 0 | сейчас |
64887 | 0 | Ошибка |
64888 | 0 | BlobEdit|Represents the BLOB editor |
64889 | 0 | ButtonEdit|Represents an edit control with embedded buttons |
64890 | 0 | CalcEdit|Represents an edit control with a dropdown calculator window |
64891 | 0 | CheckBox|Represents a check box control that allows selecting an option |
64892 | 0 | ComboBox|Represents the combo box editor |
64893 | 0 | CurrencyEdit|Represents an editor enabling editing currency data |
64894 | 0 | DateEdit|Represents an edit control with a dropdown calendar |
64895 | 0 | HyperLink|Represents a text editor with hyperlink functionality |
64896 | 0 | Очистить |
64897 | 0 | Сегодня |
64898 | 0 | Неверная дата |
64899 | 0 | сегодня |
64900 | 0 | вчера |
64901 | 0 | завтра |
64902 | 0 | воскресенье |
64903 | 0 | понедельник |
64904 | 0 | вторник |
64905 | 0 | среда |
64906 | 0 | четверг |
64907 | 0 | пятница |
64908 | 0 | суббота |
64909 | 0 | первый |
64910 | 0 | второй |
64911 | 0 | третий |
64913 | 0 | Ложь |
64915 | 0 | Да |
64916 | 0 | Отмена |
64917 | 0 | Закрыть |
64918 | 0 | (ТЕКСТ) |
64919 | 0 | (пусто) |
64920 | 0 | (КАРТИНКА) |
64921 | 0 | (пусто) |
64922 | 0 | Вырезать |
64923 | 0 | Копировать |
64924 | 0 | Вставить |
64925 | 0 | Удалить |
64926 | 0 | Загрузить... |
64927 | 0 | Сохранить как |
64928 | 0 | заканчивается на |
64929 | 0 | не заканчивается на |
64930 | 0 | содержит |
64931 | 0 | не содержит |
64932 | 0 | (Все) |
64933 | 0 | (Другой...) |
64934 | 0 | (Пустые) |
64935 | 0 | (Непустые) |
64936 | 0 | Не удалось сконвертировать в дату |
64937 | 0 | The repository item is not acceptable |
64938 | 0 | Не удалось сконвертировать в число |
64939 | 0 | Циклические ссылки не разрешены |
64940 | 0 | Не удалось сконвертировать в время |
64941 | 0 | Некорректное значение. Нажмите ESC для отмены |
64942 | 0 | Значение не входит в допустимый диапазон |
64943 | 0 | Истина |
64944 | 0 | прошлый месяц |
64945 | 0 | прошлый год |
64946 | 0 | эта неделя |
64947 | 0 | этот месяц |
64948 | 0 | этот год |
64949 | 0 | следующая неделя |
64950 | 0 | следующий месяц |
64951 | 0 | следующий год |
64952 | 0 | и |
64953 | 0 | или |
64954 | 0 | не |
64955 | 0 | пусто |
64956 | 0 | пусто |
64957 | 0 | не пусто |
64958 | 0 | начинается с |
64959 | 0 | не начинается с |
64960 | 0 | равно |
64961 | 0 | не равно |
64962 | 0 | меньше |
64963 | 0 | меньше или равно |
64964 | 0 | больше |
64965 | 0 | больше или равно |
64966 | 0 | как |
64967 | 0 | не как |
64968 | 0 | в диапазоне |
64969 | 0 | не в диапазоне |
64970 | 0 | один из |
64971 | 0 | ни один из |
64972 | 0 | вчера |
64973 | 0 | сегодня |
64974 | 0 | завтра |
64975 | 0 | прошлая неделя |
64976 | 0 | Array elements of type %s are not supported |
64977 | 0 | Unable to resolve records. Table name not found. |
64978 | 0 | Modifications are not allowed |
64979 | 0 | Deletes are not allowed |
64980 | 0 | Inserts are not allowed |
64981 | 0 | CommandText changes are not allowed |
64982 | 0 | Requires Connection before opening |
64983 | 0 | Circular reference to Connection not allowed |
64984 | 0 | Stream read error |
64985 | 0 | Stream write error |
64986 | 0 | Item already exists |
64987 | 0 | RecordIndex out of range |
64988 | 0 | ItemIndex out of range |
64989 | 0 | RowIndex out of range |
64990 | 0 | DetailFilterController not found |
64991 | 0 | DataController not in GridMode |
64992 | 0 | Error loading MIDAS.DLL |
64993 | 0 | Connection not allowed to TConnectionBroker |
64994 | 0 | ParentConnection is not assigned |
64995 | 0 | Invalid response |
64996 | 0 | Update affected more than 1 record. |
64997 | 0 | Value cannot be stored in an optional parameter |
64998 | 0 | Missing DataSet property |
64999 | 0 | Record or field constraint failed. |
65000 | 0 | Field |
65001 | 0 | Cannot apply updates to a ReadOnly provider |
65002 | 0 | Unable to find record. No key specified |
65003 | 0 | Field name cannot be longer then %d characters. Try setting ObjectView to True on the dataset |
65004 | 0 | Cannot resolve to dataset when using nested datasets or references |
65005 | 0 | Preparation of record constraint failed with error "%s" |
65006 | 0 | Preparation of field constraint failed with error "%s" |
65007 | 0 | Preparation of default expression failed with error "%s" |
65008 | 0 | Удалить запись |
65009 | 0 | Изменить запись |
65010 | 0 | Принять изменение |
65011 | 0 | Отменить изменение |
65012 | 0 | Обновить данные |
65013 | 0 | Удалить запись? |
65014 | 0 | Удалить все выбранные записи? |
65015 | 0 | Operation not allowed in a DBCtrlGrid |
65016 | 0 | Control cannot be used in a DBCtrlGrid |
65017 | 0 | Property already defined by lookup field |
65018 | 0 | Grid requested to display more than 256 columns |
65019 | 0 | Remote Login |
65020 | 0 | Missing data provider or data packet |
65021 | 0 | Invalid data packet |
65022 | 0 | Must apply updates before refreshing data |
65023 | 0 | Circular provider references not allowed |
65024 | 0 | NOE142/SP - Parameter with type RECORD must be of named type (use TOCIQuery) |
65025 | 0 | Lock;Unlock;Update;Insert;Delete;Refresh |
65026 | 0 | NOE170/UPS - Can not generate %s command for data set |
65027 | 0 | NOE171/UPS - Record has been deleted by another user |
65028 | 0 | NOE172/UPS - Record has been changed by another user |
65029 | 0 | NOE173/UPS - Record is locked by another user |
65030 | 0 | NOE174/UPS - Can not use specified SQL for refresh command |
65031 | 0 | Библиотека %d |
65032 | 0 | Функция %d |
65033 | 0 | Код %d |
65034 | 0 | Ошибка: %s (в функции "%s" библиотеки "%s") |
65035 | 0 | Первая запись |
65036 | 0 | Предыдущая запись |
65037 | 0 | Следующая запись |
65038 | 0 | Последняя запись |
65039 | 0 | Вставить запись |
65040 | 0 | NOE122/BLOB - TOCILobStream can't be used for field [%s] |
65041 | 0 | NOE127/DS - Can not call Open for a statement without rowset |
65042 | 0 | NOE128/Q - Can not call ExecSQL for statement with rowset |
65043 | 0 | NOE129/Q - Can not execute query, undefined key fields |
65044 | 0 | NOE130/SP - [%s] is not a callable PL/SQL object |
65045 | 0 | NOE131/SP - PL/SQL object name is empty |
65046 | 0 | NOE132/SP - Remote PL/SQL objects not supported (use TOCIQuery) |
65047 | 0 | NOE133/SP - Cannot parse PL/SQL objects name |
65048 | 0 | NOE134/SP - [%s] is not a proc of package [%s] |
65049 | 0 | NOE135/SP - Parameter with type TABLE OF BOOLEAN/RECORD not supported (use TOCIQuery) |
65050 | 0 | NOE136/TX - Transaction must be inactive |
65051 | 0 | NOE137/TX - DatabaseName mismatch - [%s] and [%s] |
65052 | 0 | NOE138/TX - For Suspend transaction must be started explicitly |
65053 | 0 | NOE139/TX - Can't connect other TM because current have active transaction |
65054 | 0 | NOE140/UPD - Can not change property, when updates pending |
65055 | 0 | NOE141/NDS - Parent data set valid info required |
65056 | 0 | NOE103/DB - DataBase [%s] is unknown |
65057 | 0 | NOE104/Q - Can not describe select list for a statement without rowset |
65058 | 0 | NOE105/DB - Too many closing braces in names file after alias [%s] |
65059 | 0 | NOE107/FP - Invalid fetch parameter [%s] value |
65060 | 0 | NOE108/SDS - Statement execution failed |
65061 | 0 | NOE110/DS - DataSet not in Edit modes |
65062 | 0 | NOE112/DS - Found uncompiled expression. Reopen dataset |
65063 | 0 | NOE113/DS - Compilation of record constraint failed. %s |
65064 | 0 | NOE114/DS - Compilation of field constraint failed. %s |
65065 | 0 | NOE115/DS - Compilation of field default value failed. %s |
65066 | 0 | NOE116/DS - Record constraint failed. %s |
65067 | 0 | NOE117/DS - Field constraint failed. %s |
65068 | 0 | NOE118/DS - Field default value failed. %s |
65069 | 0 | NOE119/DS - Can not %s. It is disabled |
65070 | 0 | NOE120/BLOB - BLOB field [%s] is read only |
65071 | 0 | NOE121/BLOB - TOCILongStream can't be used for field [%s] |
65072 | 0 | NOE53/CRS - Invalid defined variable position |
65073 | 0 | NOE60/DEADCRS - Invalid record number |
65074 | 0 | NOE62/DEADCRS - Can not delete/modify [rsEmpty, rsNew*Applied, rsDelphiBuff] buffer |
65075 | 0 | NOE63/DEADCRS - Invalid bookmark |
65076 | 0 | NOE64/DEADCRS - Apply of cached updates failed |
65077 | 0 | NOE65/DEADCRS - Cannot recursively apply cached updates |
65078 | 0 | NOE66/DEADCRS - To apply updates need callback |
65079 | 0 | NOE67/DEADCRS - OCI cursor must be bidirectional |
65080 | 0 | NOE80/PAR - Can not assign value to parameter |
65081 | 0 | NOE81/PAR - For complex type params use specific methods |
65082 | 0 | NOE82/PAR - Macro [%s] not found |
65083 | 0 | NOE83/PAR - Can't assign value to parameter by reference |
65084 | 0 | NOE84/PAR - Param is not of handle type |
65085 | 0 | NOE100/DB - DataBase must be active |
65086 | 0 | NOE101/DB - DataBase must be inactive |
65087 | 0 | NOE102/DB - Unable to connect to ORACLE after %d attempts |
65088 | 0 | NOE4/VAR - Index is out of array range |
65089 | 0 | NOE5/VAR - Bad or undefined variable value size |
65090 | 0 | NOE6/VAR - Bad or undefined variable array length |
65091 | 0 | NOE7/VAR - Bad or undefined variable [%s] value type %d |
65092 | 0 | NOE8/VAR - Unsupported variable data type |
65093 | 0 | NOE10/VAR - Data is too large for variable |
65094 | 0 | NOE11/VAR - Variable requires prepared statement for operation |
65095 | 0 | NOE12/VAR - Bad or undefined variable param type |
65096 | 0 | NOE13/STMT - Piece-wise operation for unknown variable |
65097 | 0 | NOE14/STMT - Piece-wise operation for invalid variable |
65098 | 0 | NOE15/INIT - Entry point [%s] not found in OCI DLL |
65099 | 0 | NOE18/TX - Maximum length (%d) of GTRID exceeded - %d |
65100 | 0 | NOE19/TX - Maximum length (%d) of BQUAL exceeded - %d |
65101 | 0 | NOE20/TX - Maximum length (%d) of transaction name exceeded - %d |
65102 | 0 | NOE51/CRS - OCI cursor must be closed |
65103 | 0 | NOE52/CRS - Cannot use cached updates for OCI cursor with BLOB variables |
65104 | 0 | Record not found or changed by another user |
65105 | 0 | Operation not allowed on a unidirectional dataset |
65106 | 0 | Unassigned variant value |
65107 | 0 | Record not found |
65108 | 0 | BCD overflow |
65109 | 0 | %s is not a valid BCD value |
65110 | 0 | Invalid format type for BCD |
65111 | 0 | Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string |
65112 | 0 | Invalid SQL date/time values |
65113 | 0 | OLE error %.8x |
65114 | 0 | Method '%s' not supported by automation object |
65115 | 0 | Variant does not reference an automation object |
65116 | 0 | Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters |
65117 | 0 | NOE1/INIT - OCI is not properly istalled on this machine |
65118 | 0 | NOE2/INIT - Bad OCI version [%s]. NCOCI8 needs at least 8.0.3 |
65119 | 0 | NOE3/INIT - Error loading OCI dll. %s |
65120 | 0 | Operation cannot mix aggregate value with record-varying value |
65121 | 0 | Arithmetic in filter expressions not supported |
65122 | 0 | Expression is not an aggregate expression |
65123 | 0 | Constant is not correct type %s |
65124 | 0 | Aggregate expressions not allowed in filters |
65125 | 0 | IN predicate list may not be empty |
65126 | 0 | Invalid use of keyword |
65127 | 0 | False |
65128 | 0 | True |
65129 | 0 | Parameter '%s' not found |
65130 | 0 | Unable to load bind parameters |
65131 | 0 | Field '%s' is of an unsupported type |
65132 | 0 | Property may not be modified while aggregate is active |
65133 | 0 | SQL not supported: %s |
65134 | 0 | Execute not supported: %s |
65135 | 0 | Field '%s' is not the correct type of calculated field to be used in an aggregate, use an internalcalc |
65136 | 0 | Cannot modify a read-only dataset |
65137 | 0 | Nested dataset must inherit from %s |
65138 | 0 | Filter expression incorrectly terminated |
65139 | 0 | Unterminated field name |
65140 | 0 | Unterminated string constant |
65141 | 0 | Invalid filter expression character: '%s' |
65142 | 0 | '(' expected but %s found |
65143 | 0 | ')' expected but %s found |
65144 | 0 | ')' or ',' expected but %s found |
65145 | 0 | Expression expected but %s found |
65146 | 0 | Field '%s' cannot be used in a filter expression |
65147 | 0 | NULL only allowed with '=' and '<>' |
65148 | 0 | Constant out of range |
65149 | 0 | Incorrectly formed filter expression |
65150 | 0 | nothing |
65151 | 0 | Type mismatch in expression |
65152 | 0 | Field '%s' cannot be a calculated or lookup field |
65153 | 0 | Field '%s' cannot be modified |
65154 | 0 | Field index out of range |
65155 | 0 | No index currently active |
65156 | 0 | Field '%s' is not indexed and cannot be modified |
65157 | 0 | Cannot access index field '%s' |
65158 | 0 | Duplicate index name '%s' |
65159 | 0 | Index '%s' not found |
65160 | 0 | Circular datalinks are not allowed |
65161 | 0 | Lookup information for field '%s' is incomplete |
65162 | 0 | DataSource cannot be changed |
65163 | 0 | Nested datasets cannot have a MasterSource |
65164 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on an open dataset |
65165 | 0 | Dataset not in edit or insert mode |
65166 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset |
65167 | 0 | Cannot perform this operation on an empty dataset |
65168 | 0 | Field name missing |
65169 | 0 | Duplicate field name '%s' |
65170 | 0 | Field '%s' not found |
65171 | 0 | Cannot access field '%s' as type %s |
65172 | 0 | Invalid value for field '%s' |
65173 | 0 | %g is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %g to %g |
65174 | 0 | %s is not a valid value for field '%s'. The allowed range is %s to %s |
65175 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid integer value for field '%s' |
65176 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid boolean value for field '%s' |
65177 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid floating point value for field '%s' |
65178 | 0 | Type mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %s actual: %s |
65179 | 0 | Size mismatch for field '%s', expecting: %d actual: %d |
65180 | 0 | Invalid variant type or size for field '%s' |
65181 | 0 | Value of field '%s' is out of range |
65182 | 0 | Field '%s' must have a value |
65183 | 0 | Field '%s' has no dataset |
65184 | 0 | Failed to retrieve tab at index %d |
65185 | 0 | Failed to get object at index %d |
65186 | 0 | Failed to set tab "%s" at index %d |
65187 | 0 | Failed to set object at index %d |
65188 | 0 | MultiLine must be True when TabPosition is tpLeft or tpRight |
65189 | 0 | Invalid index |
65190 | 0 | Unable to insert an item |
65191 | 0 | Invalid owner |
65192 | 0 | RichEdit line insertion error |
65193 | 0 | Failed to Load Stream |
65194 | 0 | Failed to Save Stream |
65195 | 0 | %d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d |
65196 | 0 | This control requires version 4.70 or greater of COMCTL32.DLL |
65197 | 0 | Invalid field size |
65198 | 0 | Invalid FieldKind |
65199 | 0 | Field '%s' is of an unknown type |
65200 | 0 | Inactive Border |
65201 | 0 | Inactive Caption |
65202 | 0 | Inactive Caption Text |
65203 | 0 | Info Background |
65204 | 0 | Info Text |
65205 | 0 | Menu Background |
65206 | 0 | Menu Text |
65207 | 0 | None |
65208 | 0 | Scroll Bar |
65209 | 0 | 3D Dark Shadow |
65210 | 0 | 3D Light |
65211 | 0 | Window Background |
65212 | 0 | Window Frame |
65213 | 0 | Window Text |
65214 | 0 | Failed to clear tab control |
65215 | 0 | Failed to delete tab at index %d |
65216 | 0 | Sky Blue |
65217 | 0 | Cream |
65218 | 0 | Medium Gray |
65219 | 0 | Active Border |
65220 | 0 | Active Caption |
65221 | 0 | Application Workspace |
65222 | 0 | Background |
65223 | 0 | Button Face |
65224 | 0 | Button Highlight |
65225 | 0 | Button Shadow |
65226 | 0 | Button Text |
65227 | 0 | Caption Text |
65228 | 0 | Default |
65229 | 0 | Gray Text |
65230 | 0 | Highlight Background |
65231 | 0 | Highlight Text |
65232 | 0 | Maroon |
65233 | 0 | Green |
65234 | 0 | Olive |
65235 | 0 | Navy |
65236 | 0 | Purple |
65237 | 0 | Teal |
65238 | 0 | Gray |
65239 | 0 | Silver |
65240 | 0 | Red |
65241 | 0 | Lime |
65242 | 0 | Yellow |
65243 | 0 | Blue |
65244 | 0 | Fuchsia |
65245 | 0 | Aqua |
65246 | 0 | White |
65247 | 0 | Money Green |
65248 | 0 | - Dock zone has no control |
65249 | 0 | Multiselect mode must be on for this feature |
65250 | 0 | Key |
65251 | 0 | Value |
65252 | 0 | A key with the name of "%s" already exists |
65253 | 0 | Key "%s" not found |
65254 | 0 | goColMoving is not a supported option |
65255 | 0 | Key may not contain equals sign ("=") |
65256 | 0 | Error setting %s.Count |
65257 | 0 | Listbox (%s) style must be virtual in order to set Count |
65258 | 0 | No OnGetItem event handler assigned |
65259 | 0 | Unable to find a Table of Contents |
65260 | 0 | No help found for %s |
65261 | 0 | No context-sensitive help installed |
65262 | 0 | No topic-based help system installed |
65263 | 0 | Black |
65264 | 0 | Service failed on %s: %s |
65265 | 0 | execute |
65266 | 0 | start |
65267 | 0 | stop |
65268 | 0 | pause |
65269 | 0 | continue |
65270 | 0 | interrogate |
65271 | 0 | shutdown |
65272 | 0 | Service failed in custom message(%d): %s |
65273 | 0 | Служба успешно установлена |
65274 | 0 | Служба "%s" не установлена из-за ошибки: "%s" |
65275 | 0 | Служба успешно удалена |
65276 | 0 | Служба "%s" не удалена из-за ошибки: "%s" |
65277 | 0 | Docked control must have a name |
65278 | 0 | Error removing control from dock tree |
65279 | 0 | - Dock zone not found |
65280 | 0 | Del |
65281 | 0 | Shift+ |
65282 | 0 | Ctrl+ |
65283 | 0 | Alt+ |
65284 | 0 | (None) |
65285 | 0 | Все |
65286 | 0 | Не удалось вставить строку |
65287 | 0 | Некорректный формат буфера обмена |
65288 | 0 | Буфер обмена не поддерживает иконки |
65289 | 0 | Не удалось открыть буфер обмена |
65290 | 0 | Слишком длинный текст |
65291 | 0 | Не выбран принтер по умолчанию |
65292 | 0 | Menu '%s' is already being used by another form |
65293 | 0 | Картинка: |
65294 | 0 | (%dx%d) |
65295 | 0 | Просмотр |
65296 | 0 | Нет для все&х |
65297 | 0 | Д&а для всех |
65298 | 0 | BkSp |
65299 | 0 | Tab |
65300 | 0 | Esc |
65301 | 0 | Enter |
65302 | 0 | Space |
65303 | 0 | PgUp |
65304 | 0 | PgDn |
65305 | 0 | End |
65306 | 0 | Home |
65307 | 0 | Left |
65308 | 0 | Up |
65309 | 0 | Right |
65310 | 0 | Down |
65311 | 0 | Ins |
65312 | 0 | Bitmaps |
65313 | 0 | Введено некорректное значение |
65314 | 0 | Введено некорректное значение. Нажмите ESC для отмены |
65315 | 0 | Предупреждение |
65316 | 0 | Ошибка |
65317 | 0 | Информация |
65318 | 0 | Подтвердите |
65319 | 0 | &Да |
65320 | 0 | &Нет |
65321 | 0 | ОK |
65322 | 0 | Отмена |
65323 | 0 | &Справка |
65324 | 0 | &Сброс |
65325 | 0 | П&овторно |
65326 | 0 | &Пропустить |
65327 | 0 | &Все |
65328 | 0 | Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active |
65329 | 0 | A control cannot have itself as its parent |
65330 | 0 | ОK |
65331 | 0 | Отмена |
65332 | 0 | &Да |
65333 | 0 | &Нет |
65334 | 0 | &Справка |
65335 | 0 | &Закрыть |
65336 | 0 | &Пропустить |
65337 | 0 | П&овторно |
65338 | 0 | Сброс |
65339 | 0 | &Все |
65340 | 0 | Cannot drag a form |
65341 | 0 | Metafiles |
65342 | 0 | Enhanced Metafiles |
65343 | 0 | Icons |
65344 | 0 | Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window |
65345 | 0 | Control '%s' has no parent window |
65346 | 0 | Cannot hide an MDI Child Form |
65347 | 0 | Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide |
65348 | 0 | Cannot make a visible window modal |
65349 | 0 | Scrollbar property out of range |
65350 | 0 | %s property out of range |
65351 | 0 | Menu index out of range |
65352 | 0 | Menu inserted twice |
65353 | 0 | Sub-menu is not in menu |
65354 | 0 | Not enough timers available |
65355 | 0 | Принтер в данный момент не занят |
65356 | 0 | Идет печать |
65357 | 0 | Неверно выбран принтер |
65358 | 0 | %s на %s |
65359 | 0 | GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex |
65360 | 0 | Invalid pixel format |
65361 | 0 | Invalid image |
65362 | 0 | Scan line index out of range |
65363 | 0 | Cannot change the size of an icon |
65364 | 0 | Unknown picture file extension (.%s) |
65365 | 0 | Неподдерживаемый формат буфера обмена |
65366 | 0 | Не хватает системных ресурсов |
65367 | 0 | Canvas does not allow drawing |
65368 | 0 | Invalid image size |
65369 | 0 | Invalid ImageList |
65370 | 0 | Unable to Replace Image |
65371 | 0 | Invalid ImageList Index |
65372 | 0 | Failed to read ImageList data from stream |
65373 | 0 | Failed to write ImageList data to stream |
65374 | 0 | Error creating window device context |
65375 | 0 | Error creating window class |
65376 | 0 | Failed to get data for '%s' |
65377 | 0 | Failed to set data for '%s' |
65378 | 0 | Resource %s not found |
65379 | 0 | %s.Seek not implemented |
65380 | 0 | Operation not allowed on sorted list |
65381 | 0 | Too many rows or columns deleted |
65382 | 0 | %s not in a class registration group |
65383 | 0 | Property %s does not exist |
65384 | 0 | Stream write error |
65385 | 0 | Thread creation error: %s |
65386 | 0 | Thread Error: %s (%d) |
65387 | 0 | Tab position incompatible with current tab style |
65388 | 0 | Tab style incompatible with current tab position |
65389 | 0 | Bitmap image is not valid |
65390 | 0 | Icon image is not valid |
65391 | 0 | Metafile is not valid |
65392 | 0 | Grid index out of range |
65393 | 0 | Invalid stream format |
65394 | 0 | ''%s'' is not a valid component name |
65395 | 0 | Invalid property value |
65396 | 0 | Invalid property element: %s |
65397 | 0 | Invalid property path |
65398 | 0 | Invalid property type: %s |
65399 | 0 | Invalid property value |
65400 | 0 | Invalid data type for '%s' |
65401 | 0 | List capacity out of bounds (%d) |
65402 | 0 | List count out of bounds (%d) |
65403 | 0 | List index out of bounds (%d) |
65404 | 0 | Out of memory while expanding memory stream |
65405 | 0 | Error reading %s%s%s: %s |
65406 | 0 | Stream read error |
65407 | 0 | Property is read-only |
65408 | 0 | Ancestor for '%s' not found |
65409 | 0 | Cannot assign a %s to a %s |
65410 | 0 | Bits index out of range |
65411 | 0 | List is locked during an active ForEach |
65412 | 0 | Can't write to a read-only resource stream |
65413 | 0 | CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread |
65414 | 0 | Class %s not found |
65415 | 0 | A class named %s already exists |
65416 | 0 | List does not allow duplicates ($0%x) |
65417 | 0 | A component named %s already exists |
65418 | 0 | String list does not allow duplicates |
65419 | 0 | Cannot create file "%s". %s |
65420 | 0 | Fixed column count must be less than column count |
65421 | 0 | Fixed row count must be less than row count |
65422 | 0 | Cannot open file "%s". %s |
65423 | 0 | Grid too large for operation |
65424 | 0 | December |
65425 | 0 | Sun |
65426 | 0 | Mon |
65427 | 0 | Tue |
65428 | 0 | Wed |
65429 | 0 | Thu |
65430 | 0 | Fri |
65431 | 0 | Sat |
65432 | 0 | Sunday |
65433 | 0 | Monday |
65434 | 0 | Tuesday |
65435 | 0 | Wednesday |
65436 | 0 | Thursday |
65437 | 0 | Friday |
65438 | 0 | Saturday |
65439 | 0 | Unable to create directory |
65440 | 0 | Aug |
65441 | 0 | Sep |
65442 | 0 | Oct |
65443 | 0 | Nov |
65444 | 0 | Dec |
65445 | 0 | January |
65446 | 0 | February |
65447 | 0 | March |
65448 | 0 | April |
65449 | 0 | May |
65450 | 0 | June |
65451 | 0 | July |
65452 | 0 | August |
65453 | 0 | September |
65454 | 0 | October |
65455 | 0 | November |
65456 | 0 | %s (%s, line %d) |
65457 | 0 | Abstract Error |
65458 | 0 | Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p |
65459 | 0 | Can't load package %s.
%s |
65460 | 0 | Invalid package file '%s' |
65461 | 0 | Cannot load package '%s.' It contains unit '%s,'which is also contained in package '%s' |
65462 | 0 | System Error. Code: %d.
%s |
65463 | 0 | A call to an OS function failed |
65464 | 0 | Application is not licensed to use this feature |
65465 | 0 | Jan |
65466 | 0 | Feb |
65467 | 0 | Mar |
65468 | 0 | Apr |
65469 | 0 | May |
65470 | 0 | Jun |
65471 | 0 | Jul |
65472 | 0 | Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)
%s |
65473 | 0 | Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range |
65474 | 0 | Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s |
65475 | 0 | Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable |
65476 | 0 | Too many custom variant types have been registered |
65477 | 0 | Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s) |
65478 | 0 | Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s) |
65479 | 0 | Variant overflow |
65480 | 0 | Invalid argument |
65481 | 0 | Invalid variant type |
65482 | 0 | Operation not supported |
65483 | 0 | Unexpected variant error |
65484 | 0 | External exception %x |
65485 | 0 | Assertion failed |
65486 | 0 | Interface not supported |
65487 | 0 | Exception in safecall method |
65488 | 0 | Operation aborted |
65489 | 0 | Exception %s in module %s at %p.
65490 | 0 | Application Error |
65491 | 0 | Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument |
65492 | 0 | No argument for format '%s' |
65493 | 0 | Variant method calls not supported |
65494 | 0 | Read |
65495 | 0 | Write |
65496 | 0 | Format string too long |
65497 | 0 | Error creating variant or safe array |
65498 | 0 | Variant or safe array index out of bounds |
65499 | 0 | Variant or safe array is locked |
65500 | 0 | Unexpected variant or safe array error: %s%.8x |
65501 | 0 | Invalid variant type conversion |
65502 | 0 | Invalid variant operation |
65503 | 0 | Invalid NULL variant operation |
65504 | 0 | Disk full |
65505 | 0 | Invalid numeric input |
65506 | 0 | Division by zero |
65507 | 0 | Range check error |
65508 | 0 | Integer overflow |
65509 | 0 | Invalid floating point operation |
65510 | 0 | Floating point division by zero |
65511 | 0 | Floating point overflow |
65512 | 0 | Floating point underflow |
65513 | 0 | Invalid pointer operation |
65514 | 0 | Invalid class typecast |
65515 | 0 | Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p |
65516 | 0 | Access violation |
65517 | 0 | Stack overflow |
65518 | 0 | Control-C hit |
65519 | 0 | Privileged instruction |
65520 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid integer value |
65521 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid floating point value |
65522 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid date |
65523 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid time |
65524 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid date and time |
65525 | 0 | '%d.%d' is not a valid timestamp |
65526 | 0 | '%s' is not a valid GUID value |
65527 | 0 | Invalid argument to time encode |
65528 | 0 | Invalid argument to date encode |
65529 | 0 | Out of memory |
65530 | 0 | I/O error %d |
65531 | 0 | File not found |
65532 | 0 | Invalid filename |
65533 | 0 | Too many open files |
65534 | 0 | File access denied |
65535 | 0 | Read beyond end of file |