filename | fastdds.exe | |
size | 625152 (0x98a00) | |
md5 | 181181b0e0d0cd8578daa15b7e3ee2ee | |
type | PE32+ executable (console) x86-64, for MS Windows | |
mimetype | application/x-dosexec | |
clamav | scan pending | |
virustotal | → scan with | |
histogram |
MZ Header
signature | MZ |
bytes_in_last_block | 0x78 |
blocks_in_file | 1 |
num_relocs | 0 |
header_paragraphs | 4 |
min_extra_paragraphs | 0 |
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ss | 0 |
sp | 0 |
checksum | 0 |
ip | 0 |
cs | 0 |
reloc_table_offset | 0x40 |
overlay_number | 0 |
reserved0 | 0 |
oem_id | 0 |
oem_info | 0 |
reserved2 | 0 |
reserved3 | 0 |
reserved4 | 0 |
reserved5 | 0 |
reserved6 | 0 |
lfanew | 0x78 |
PE Header
Data Directory
module_name | hint | ord | function_name |
KERNEL32.dll | 291 | DeleteCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 329 | EnterCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 449 | FormatMessageW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 453 | FreeLibrary | |
KERNEL32.dll | 562 | GetCurrentProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 563 | GetCurrentProcessId | |
KERNEL32.dll | 567 | GetCurrentThreadId | |
KERNEL32.dll | 637 | GetLastError | |
KERNEL32.dll | 660 | GetModuleHandleExW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 661 | GetModuleHandleW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 717 | GetProcAddress | |
KERNEL32.dll | 753 | GetStartupInfoW | |
KERNEL32.dll | 776 | GetSystemTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 778 | GetSystemTimeAsFileTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 852 | GlobalAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 859 | GlobalFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 863 | GlobalLock | |
KERNEL32.dll | 870 | GlobalUnlock | |
KERNEL32.dll | 901 | InitializeCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 906 | InitializeSListHead | |
KERNEL32.dll | 928 | IsDebuggerPresent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 936 | IsProcessorFeaturePresent | |
KERNEL32.dll | 992 | LeaveCriticalSection | |
KERNEL32.dll | 996 | LoadLibraryA | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1042 | MultiByteToWideChar | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1136 | QueryPerformanceCounter | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1137 | QueryPerformanceFrequency | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1269 | RtlCaptureContext | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1277 | RtlLookupFunctionEntry | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1284 | RtlVirtualUnwind | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1420 | SetThreadExecutionState | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1444 | SetUnhandledExceptionFilter | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1472 | SystemTimeToFileTime | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1476 | TerminateProcess | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1494 | TlsAlloc | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1495 | TlsFree | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1496 | TlsGetValue | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1497 | TlsSetValue | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1510 | UnhandledExceptionFilter | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1530 | VerSetConditionMask | |
KERNEL32.dll | 1591 | WideCharToMultiByte | |
glew32.dll | 862 | __glewActiveTexture | |
glew32.dll | 881 | __glewAttachShader | |
glew32.dll | 900 | __glewBindAttribLocation | |
glew32.dll | 902 | __glewBindBuffer | |
glew32.dll | 914 | __glewBindFragDataLocation | |
glew32.dll | 942 | __glewBindVertexArray | |
glew32.dll | 955 | __glewBlendEquation | |
glew32.dll | 984 | __glewBufferData | |
glew32.dll | 1081 | __glewCompileShader | |
glew32.dll | 1175 | __glewCreateProgram | |
glew32.dll | 1181 | __glewCreateShader | |
glew32.dll | 1207 | __glewDeleteBuffers | |
glew32.dll | 1224 | __glewDeleteProgram | |
glew32.dll | 1235 | __glewDeleteShader | |
glew32.dll | 1256 | __glewDetachShader | |
glew32.dll | 1339 | __glewEnableVertexAttribArray | |
glew32.dll | 1477 | __glewGenBuffers | |
glew32.dll | 1503 | __glewGenVertexArrays | |
glew32.dll | 1529 | __glewGetAttribLocation | |
glew32.dll | 1762 | __glewGetProgramiv | |
glew32.dll | 1794 | __glewGetShaderInfoLog | |
glew32.dll | 1798 | __glewGetShaderiv | |
glew32.dll | 1846 | __glewGetUniformLocation | |
glew32.dll | 2036 | __glewLinkProgram | |
glew32.dll | 2062 | __glewMapBuffer | |
glew32.dll | 2526 | __glewProgramUniform4fv | |
glew32.dll | 2717 | __glewShaderSource | |
glew32.dll | 2914 | __glewUniform1i | |
glew32.dll | 2976 | __glewUniform4f | |
glew32.dll | 3021 | __glewUniformMatrix4fv | |
glew32.dll | 3033 | __glewUnmapBuffer | |
glew32.dll | 3040 | __glewUseProgram | |
glew32.dll | 3310 | __glewVertexAttribPointer | |
glew32.dll | 3588 | glewInit | |
OPENGL32.dll | 10 | glBegin | |
OPENGL32.dll | 11 | glBindTexture | |
OPENGL32.dll | 13 | glBlendFunc | |
OPENGL32.dll | 16 | glClear | |
OPENGL32.dll | 18 | glClearColor | |
OPENGL32.dll | 33 | glColor3ub | |
OPENGL32.dll | 66 | glDeleteTextures | |
OPENGL32.dll | 70 | glDisable | |
OPENGL32.dll | 72 | glDrawArrays | |
OPENGL32.dll | 74 | glDrawElements | |
OPENGL32.dll | 79 | glEnable | |
OPENGL32.dll | 81 | glEnd | |
OPENGL32.dll | 97 | glFlush | |
OPENGL32.dll | 105 | glGenTextures | |
OPENGL32.dll | 109 | glGetError | |
OPENGL32.dll | 164 | glLoadIdentity | |
OPENGL32.dll | 181 | glMatrixMode | |
OPENGL32.dll | 196 | glOrtho | |
OPENGL32.dll | 258 | glScissor | |
OPENGL32.dll | 308 | glTexImage2D | |
OPENGL32.dll | 311 | glTexParameteri | |
OPENGL32.dll | 316 | glTranslatef | |
OPENGL32.dll | 319 | glVertex2f | |
OPENGL32.dll | 342 | glViewport | |
GDI32.dll | 25 | ChoosePixelFormat | |
GDI32.dll | 41 | CreateBitmap | |
GDI32.dll | 52 | CreateDCW | |
GDI32.dll | 55 | CreateDIBSection | |
GDI32.dll | 83 | CreateRectRgn | |
GDI32.dll | 396 | DeleteDC | |
GDI32.dll | 399 | DeleteObject | |
GDI32.dll | 400 | DescribePixelFormat | |
GDI32.dll | 651 | GetDeviceCaps | |
GDI32.dll | 652 | GetDeviceGammaRamp | |
GDI32.dll | 903 | SetDeviceGammaRamp | |
GDI32.dll | 921 | SetPixelFormat | |
GDI32.dll | 948 | SwapBuffers | |
USER32.dll | 4 | AdjustWindowRectEx | |
USER32.dll | 19 | BringWindowToTop | |
USER32.dll | 40 | ChangeDisplaySettingsExW | |
USER32.dll | 77 | ClientToScreen | |
USER32.dll | 78 | ClipCursor | |
USER32.dll | 79 | CloseClipboard | |
USER32.dll | 110 | CreateIconIndirect | |
USER32.dll | 118 | CreateWindowExW | |
USER32.dll | 167 | DefWindowProcW | |
USER32.dll | 177 | DestroyIcon | |
USER32.dll | 181 | DestroyWindow | |
USER32.dll | 189 | DispatchMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 232 | EmptyClipboard | |
USER32.dll | 253 | EnumDisplayDevicesW | |
USER32.dll | 254 | EnumDisplayMonitors | |
USER32.dll | 257 | EnumDisplaySettingsExW | |
USER32.dll | 258 | EnumDisplaySettingsW | |
USER32.dll | 277 | FlashWindow | |
USER32.dll | 282 | GetActiveWindow | |
USER32.dll | 302 | GetClassLongPtrW | |
USER32.dll | 307 | GetClientRect | |
USER32.dll | 310 | GetClipboardData | |
USER32.dll | 322 | GetCursorPos | |
USER32.dll | 323 | GetDC | |
USER32.dll | 362 | GetKeyState | |
USER32.dll | 371 | GetLayeredWindowAttributes | |
USER32.dll | 394 | GetMessageTime | |
USER32.dll | 397 | GetMonitorInfoW | |
USER32.dll | 435 | GetPropW | |
USER32.dll | 438 | GetRawInputData | |
USER32.dll | 439 | GetRawInputDeviceInfoA | |
USER32.dll | 441 | GetRawInputDeviceList | |
USER32.dll | 457 | GetSystemMetrics | |
USER32.dll | 491 | GetWindowLongW | |
USER32.dll | 496 | GetWindowPlacement | |
USER32.dll | 498 | GetWindowRect | |
USER32.dll | 567 | IsIconic | |
USER32.dll | 590 | IsWindowVisible | |
USER32.dll | 592 | IsZoomed | |
USER32.dll | 601 | LoadCursorW | |
USER32.dll | 605 | LoadImageW | |
USER32.dll | 637 | MapVirtualKeyW | |
USER32.dll | 656 | MonitorFromWindow | |
USER32.dll | 657 | MoveWindow | |
USER32.dll | 658 | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | |
USER32.dll | 667 | OffsetRect | |
USER32.dll | 668 | OpenClipboard | |
USER32.dll | 682 | PeekMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 686 | PostMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 696 | PtInRect | |
USER32.dll | 735 | RegisterClassExW | |
USER32.dll | 741 | RegisterDeviceNotificationW | |
USER32.dll | 754 | RegisterRawInputDevices | |
USER32.dll | 766 | ReleaseCapture | |
USER32.dll | 767 | ReleaseDC | |
USER32.dll | 773 | RemovePropW | |
USER32.dll | 780 | ScreenToClient | |
USER32.dll | 795 | SendMessageW | |
USER32.dll | 800 | SetCapture | |
USER32.dll | 808 | SetClipboardData | |
USER32.dll | 812 | SetCursor | |
USER32.dll | 814 | SetCursorPos | |
USER32.dll | 827 | SetFocus | |
USER32.dll | 829 | SetForegroundWindow | |
USER32.dll | 835 | SetLayeredWindowAttributes | |
USER32.dll | 863 | SetPropW | |
USER32.dll | 864 | SetRect | |
USER32.dll | 896 | SetWindowLongW | |
USER32.dll | 897 | SetWindowPlacement | |
USER32.dll | 898 | SetWindowPos | |
USER32.dll | 903 | SetWindowTextW | |
USER32.dll | 922 | ShowWindow | |
USER32.dll | 938 | SystemParametersInfoW | |
USER32.dll | 945 | ToUnicode | |
USER32.dll | 947 | TrackMouseEvent | |
USER32.dll | 954 | TranslateMessage | |
USER32.dll | 965 | UnregisterClassW | |
USER32.dll | 966 | UnregisterDeviceNotification | |
USER32.dll | 1003 | WaitMessage | |
USER32.dll | 1008 | WindowFromPoint | |
SHELL32.dll | 37 | DragAcceptFiles | |
SHELL32.dll | 38 | DragFinish | |
SHELL32.dll | 42 | DragQueryFileW | |
SHELL32.dll | 43 | DragQueryPoint | |
VCRUNTIME140D.dll | 8 | __C_specific_handler | |
VCRUNTIME140D.dll | 27 | __current_exception | |
VCRUNTIME140D.dll | 28 | __current_exception_context | |
VCRUNTIME140D.dll | 37 | __std_type_info_destroy_list | |
VCRUNTIME140D.dll | 60 | memcpy | |
VCRUNTIME140D.dll | 61 | memmove | |
VCRUNTIME140D.dll | 62 | memset | |
VCRUNTIME140D.dll | 66 | strstr | |
ucrtbased.dll | 53 | __acrt_iob_func | |
ucrtbased.dll | 73 | __p___argc | |
ucrtbased.dll | 74 | __p___argv | |
ucrtbased.dll | 77 | __p__commode | |
ucrtbased.dll | 91 | __setusermatherr | |
ucrtbased.dll | 92 | __stdio_common_vfprintf | |
ucrtbased.dll | 95 | __stdio_common_vfscanf | |
ucrtbased.dll | 102 | __stdio_common_vsprintf | |
ucrtbased.dll | 105 | __stdio_common_vsscanf | |
ucrtbased.dll | 159 | _c_exit | |
ucrtbased.dll | 164 | _cexit | |
ucrtbased.dll | 181 | _configthreadlocale | |
ucrtbased.dll | 182 | _configure_narrow_argv | |
ucrtbased.dll | 193 | _crt_at_quick_exit | |
ucrtbased.dll | 194 | _crt_atexit | |
ucrtbased.dll | 229 | _execute_onexit_table | |
ucrtbased.dll | 234 | _exit | |
ucrtbased.dll | 288 | _fseeki64 | |
ucrtbased.dll | 296 | _ftelli64 | |
ucrtbased.dll | 317 | _get_initial_narrow_environment | |
ucrtbased.dll | 369 | _initialize_narrow_environment | |
ucrtbased.dll | 370 | _initialize_onexit_table | |
ucrtbased.dll | 372 | _initterm | |
ucrtbased.dll | 373 | _initterm_e | |
ucrtbased.dll | 693 | _register_onexit_function | |
ucrtbased.dll | 694 | _register_thread_local_exe_atexit_callback | |
ucrtbased.dll | 706 | _seh_filter_dll | |
ucrtbased.dll | 707 | _seh_filter_exe | |
ucrtbased.dll | 710 | _set_app_type | |
ucrtbased.dll | 715 | _set_fmode | |
ucrtbased.dll | 718 | _set_new_mode | |
ucrtbased.dll | 834 | _wassert | |
ucrtbased.dll | 984 | acos | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1021 | calloc | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1069 | cos | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1104 | exit | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1106 | exp2 | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1114 | fclose | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1130 | fgetc | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1146 | fmod | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1148 | fopen | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1154 | fread | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1156 | free | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1160 | fseek | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1162 | ftell | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1222 | log10 | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1240 | malloc | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1272 | pow | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1273 | powf | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1275 | putchar | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1276 | puts | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1279 | qsort | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1285 | realloc | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1316 | sqrt | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1317 | sqrtf | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1321 | strcmp | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1325 | strcspn | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1329 | strlen | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1332 | strncmp | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1333 | strncpy | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1337 | strspn | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1341 | strtok | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1343 | strtol | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1346 | strtoul | |
ucrtbased.dll | 1355 | terminate |
StringTable 040904b0
CompanyName | Microvision |
FileDescription | DDS Dump Viewer |
FileVersion | |
InternalName | fastdds.exe |
LegalCopyright | Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Microvision |
OriginalFilename | fastdds.exe |
ProductName | DDS |
ProductVersion | |
FileVersion | |
ProductVersion | |
StrucVersion | 0x10000 |
FileFlagsMask | 0x3f |
FileFlags | 0 |
FileOS | 0x40004 |
FileType | 1 |
FileSubtype | 0 |
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