MZ Header

DOS stub

00000000: ba 10 00 0e 1f b4 09 cd  21 b8 01 4c cd 21 90 90  |........!..L.!..|
00000010: 54 68 69 73 20 70 72 6f  67 72 61 6d 20 6d 75 73  |This program mus|
00000020: 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e  20 75 6e 64 65 72 20 57  |t be run under W|
00000030: 69 6e 33 32 0d 0a 24 37  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |in32..$7........|
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PE Header

Packer / Compiler


Data Directory

052224EXE01/22/2004 13:36:06#
cc0051207RARPassword Protected:Encrypted Headers!#
1940738280697BINoverlay data past EOF#
Scanning the drive for archives:
1 file, 38384128 bytes (37 MiB)

Type = Rar
There are data after the end of archive
Offset = 52224
Physical Size = 38331878
Tail Size = 26
Characteristics = Lock Solid Recovery
Solid = +
Blocks = 1
Multivolume = -
Volumes = 1

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2003-12-08 00:30:26 ....A         6256         2225  Common/Eula/license_en.txt
2003-11-25 21:43:04 ....A          430          174  Omgjb_up/Patch_Ap.txt
2004-01-06 21:26:46 ....A         6612         1737  SonicStage/Sonic/Readme.txt
2003-11-25 21:29:50 ....A         2030          517  Omgjb_up/Uninst_Ap.txt
2003-12-12 07:02:52 ....A           12           22  SonicStage/Addon/Patch/Version.txt
2004-02-05 17:34:14 ....A           14           19  SonicStage/Sonic/Version.txt
2001-09-05 08:45:50 ....A          178          101  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/setup.log
2003-11-05 10:43:44 ....A           29           27  SonicStage/Sonic/ESD.ini
2003-03-26 22:01:58 ....A           44           22  SonicStage/Shared/ESD.ini
2003-11-04 21:52:36 ....A           45           23  SonicStage/Addon/ESD.ini
2004-02-29 02:20:03 ....A          160           87  Common/Eula/EulaOpt.ini
2001-10-10 06:39:42 ....A           41           39  Common/OpenMG_Setup/OmgCore.ini
2001-09-02 21:36:22 ....A           86           54  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/SETUP.INI
2001-10-05 04:29:38 ....A          118           51  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/Setup.ini
2004-02-05 17:43:56 ....A          132           62  SonicStage/Sonic/Setup.ini
2003-12-09 16:46:02 ....A          139           51  SonicStage/Addon/Setup.ini
2003-12-09 16:33:36 ....A          147           46  SonicStage/Shared/Setup.ini
2003-12-12 10:47:12 ....A          151           51  SonicStage/Addon/Patch/Setup.ini
2002-08-02 01:19:32 ....A          167           48  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5/Setup.ini
2003-12-12 15:34:38 .R..A          195           77  Device/Setup.ini
2003-10-08 03:47:18 ....A          236           73  Common/Eula/Setup.ini
2003-12-08 17:52:16 ....A          246           52  Common/OpenMG_Setup/Setup.ini
2004-03-09 13:08:34 ....A         9009         1581  setup.ini
2004-03-09 13:21:36 ....A          664          385  SonicStage/Addon/SSAddOpt.ini
2004-02-29 14:26:29 ....A          122           65  SonicStage/Shared/SSLibOpt.ini
2004-03-09 13:37:32 ....A          120           62  SonicStage/Sonic/SSOpt.ini
2003-10-03 01:04:48 ....A          284           67  Omgjb_up/UninstOmg.ini
2002-08-02 01:20:16 ....A           22           21  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5/Update.ini
2001-09-05 22:27:52 ....A           97           47  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/Update.ini
2000-10-29 12:00:02 ....A           43           30  autorun.inf
2002-09-17 12:23:16 .R..A         1864          598  Device/LAM1USB.inf
2002-10-30 12:27:16 .R..A         1408          375  Device/WinXP/MS70DUSB.inf
2003-04-01 18:33:08 .R..A         1995          160  Device/NETMD031.inf
2003-11-10 11:56:30 .R..A         2593           89  Device/NETMD033.inf
2003-01-15 11:50:16 .R..A         3167          114  Device/NETMDUSB.INF
2003-12-12 15:31:26 .R..A         6040          939  Device/Win2000/SonyMSDK.inf
2003-08-25 11:44:50 .R..A         2029          374  Device/Win98/SonyMSUP.inf
2002-01-21 09:12:48 .R..A         1385          107  Device/WinXP/SonyMSUS.inf
2002-08-20 14:50:00 .R..A         1724          268  Device/Win98/SonyMSUS.inf
2002-08-20 14:52:04 .R..A         2043          220  Device/Win2000/SonyMSUS.inf
2002-08-20 14:51:28 .R..A         2124          157  Device/WinME/SonyMSUS.inf
2003-12-04 09:07:58 .R..A         1624          433  Device/Win2000/SonySDK2.inf
2003-12-02 18:16:10 .R..A         2640          431  Device/Win98/SONYSTBP.INF
2003-12-02 18:16:06 .R..A         2489          265  Device/Win98/SONYSTBS.INF
2003-11-28 09:10:30 .R..A         2215          384  Device/Win2000/SonyUSBF.inf
1998-10-27 00:06:48 ....A        27648         9880  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/_ISDel.exe
2000-05-01 12:12:48 .R..A        28672         9510  Device/CopyInf.exe
2002-08-22 05:19:12 ....A        45056        10701  Common/OSChecker.exe
2000-05-14 06:23:38 ....A        41472        15820  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/Setup.exe
2001-09-04 14:23:24 ....A        56320        14700  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5/Setup.exe
2001-09-04 15:23:24 ....A        56320         1898  SonicStage/Addon/Patch/Setup.exe
2001-09-04 15:23:24 ....A        56320           66  SonicStage/Addon/Setup.exe
2001-09-04 15:23:24 ....A        56320           63  SonicStage/Shared/Setup.exe
2001-09-05 04:23:24 ....A        56320           63  SonicStage/Sonic/Setup.exe
1999-01-11 23:42:20 ....A        73728        24677  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/Setup.exe
2001-09-04 16:03:14 ....A       168448        22699  Common/Eula/Setup.exe
2001-09-04 16:03:14 ....A       168448          191  Common/OpenMG_Setup/Setup.exe
2001-09-05 13:03:14 .R..A       168448          179  Device/Setup.exe
2003-11-27 00:25:48 ....A       425984       157974  Setup.exe
2003-05-28 21:42:58 ....A       180224        37087  Common/SetupReg.exe
2003-05-28 21:42:58 ....A       180224          159  SonicStage/Shared/setupreg/SetupReg.exe
2002-08-20 07:35:48 ....A        61440         8988  Common/StopMusicServer.exe
2003-03-24 03:44:26 ....A       110592        19507  Common/StopNetMDSBSrv.exe
2003-11-16 22:38:20 ....A       258048        42103  Omgjb_up/UninstOmg.exe
2003-12-05 07:28:56 ....A       208896        27499  Common/UninstSs.exe
2003-11-27 03:28:16 ....A       180224        27002  Common/UnUsb.exe
2002-12-11 07:11:50 ....A      4085904      4040224  SonicStage/Shared/wmf/wmfdist.exe
1998-09-29 03:34:56 ....A        34816        10563  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/setupdir/0009/_Setup.dll
1998-12-22 01:07:20 ....A        34816         2160  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/setupdir/0011/_Setup.dll
2003-09-17 04:39:00 ....A       188416        67841  Omgjb_up/ChkOmg.dll
2003-12-09 06:51:40 ....A      5181440       161665  English.dll
2003-11-19 03:24:32 ....A        69632        23766  Setuphk.dll
2001-09-13 10:15:28 .R..A        90112        15063  Device/WinXP/snymsico.dll
2003-04-01 17:55:46 .R..A        35319        16837  Device/NETMD031.sys
2003-11-10 11:31:38 .R..A        36232         5124  Device/NETMD033.sys
2002-08-08 14:51:32 .R..A        38951         6161  Device/NETMDUSB.sys
2002-09-18 21:12:40 .R..A        28356        15131  Device/Win2000/SonyMSDK.sys
2001-07-16 11:24:00 .R..A        25428        10244  Device/Win98/SonyMSUS.sys
2003-11-26 15:42:06 .R..A        28442         2731  Device/Win2000/SonySDK2.sys
2003-09-04 09:40:00 .R..A        33868        12882  Device/Win98/SONYSTBS.SYS
2003-11-26 16:19:44 .R..A         4224         1843  Device/Win2000/SonyUSBF.sys
2001-10-05 04:30:08 ....A          416          221  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/layout.bin
2003-12-08 17:52:26 ....A          417           60  Common/OpenMG_Setup/layout.bin
2003-12-12 15:34:40 .R..A          417           25  Device/layout.bin
2002-08-02 01:19:38 ....A          417           67  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5/layout.bin
2003-12-09 16:46:04 ....A          417           10  SonicStage/Addon/layout.bin
2003-12-12 10:47:16 ....A          417            8  SonicStage/Addon/Patch/layout.bin
2003-12-09 16:33:38 ....A          417            8  SonicStage/Shared/layout.bin
2004-02-05 17:44:08 ....A          417            8  SonicStage/Sonic/layout.bin
2003-10-08 03:47:20 ....A          437           41  Common/Eula/layout.bin
2001-09-02 21:36:48 ....A          636          195  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/layout.bin
2003-10-30 20:20:14 ....A      1990712       171967  SonicStage/Addon/Background/walkman.bmp
2004-02-29 13:24:20 D....            0            0  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/setupdir/0009
2004-02-29 13:24:20 D....            0            0  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/setupdir/0011
2004-02-29 13:24:19 D....            0            0  SonicStage/Addon/Background
2004-03-09 11:26:31 D....            0            0  Common/Eula
2004-03-09 11:26:29 D....            0            0  Common
2004-03-09 11:37:26 D....            0            0  Device
2004-03-09 13:05:57 D....            0            0  SonicStage/Sonic/Help
2004-02-29 13:24:20 D....            0            0  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/LicenseApp
2004-03-09 11:26:31 D....            0            0  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5
2004-03-09 11:26:32 D....            0            0  Common/OpenMG_Setup
2004-02-29 21:50:17 D....            0            0  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/regcd
2004-02-29 13:24:20 D....            0            0  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/setupdir
2004-03-09 11:26:29 D....            0            0  SonicStage/Shared/setupreg
2004-02-29 14:26:02 D....            0            0  SonicStage/Shared/wmf
2004-03-09 11:26:31 D....            0            0  SonicStage/Shared
2004-03-09 13:05:57 D....            0            0  SonicStage/Sonic
2004-03-09 11:26:32 D....            0            0  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB
2004-03-09 13:20:40 DR...            0            0  Device/Win2000
2004-03-09 13:20:40 DR...            0            0  Device/Win98
2004-03-09 13:20:40 DR...            0            0  Device/WinME
2004-03-09 13:20:40 DR...            0            0  Device/WinXP
2001-09-02 21:36:22 ....A       329644       266770  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/
2001-09-02 21:36:22 ....A         2715         2295  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/
2003-12-12 10:47:14 ....A       466803       467211  SonicStage/Addon/Patch/
2004-03-09 11:26:31 D....            0            0  SonicStage/Addon/Patch
2004-03-09 11:26:31 D....            0            0  SonicStage/Addon
2003-12-09 16:33:38 ....A       467141         1040  SonicStage/Shared/
2001-10-05 04:29:50 ....A       478361       469557  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/
2004-02-05 17:44:02 ....A       485044        19549  SonicStage/Sonic/
2002-08-02 01:19:34 ....A       536012        30577  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5/
2003-12-12 15:34:40 .R..A       746394       128426  Device/
2003-10-08 03:47:20 ....A      1014241       108107  Common/Eula/
2003-12-08 17:52:22 ....A      1168770       128484  Common/OpenMG_Setup/
2003-12-09 16:46:04 ....A      1322626       858562  SonicStage/Addon/
2001-09-02 21:36:46 ....A      1464134       994053  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/
2003-10-08 03:47:20 ....A          512           90  Common/Eula/
2003-12-09 16:33:38 ....A          512           90  SonicStage/Shared/
2003-12-12 15:34:40 .R..A        85246        85034  Device/
2003-12-09 16:46:04 ....A      1349282      1046837  SonicStage/Addon/
2003-12-12 10:47:16 ....A      1511658      1322542  SonicStage/Addon/Patch/
2001-10-05 04:30:06 ....A      2353730      2284547  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/
2002-08-02 01:19:38 ....A      5068984      4731497  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5/
2004-02-05 17:44:08 ....A      6943474      6461596  SonicStage/Sonic/
2004-02-29 13:24:18 D....            0            0  SonicStage
2003-12-08 17:52:26 ....A      8643710      7835088  Common/OpenMG_Setup/
2002-09-27 18:36:56 .R..A         7180         4083  Device/
2002-12-14 19:58:32 .R..A         7266          734  Device/WinXP/
2003-05-01 12:52:50 .R..A         7696         1956  Device/
2003-11-24 17:26:32 .R..A         8126          818  Device/
2002-12-11 22:51:00 .R..A         8092          708  Device/
2002-01-28 11:56:14 .R..A         7164         1252  Device/WinXP/
2003-11-19 14:19:56 ....A      4235475      4230225  SonicStage/Sonic/Help/OMGJBOX.chm
1999-01-11 22:34:42 ....A        23541         7971  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/lang.dat
1998-07-27 04:41:06 ....A          450          164  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/os.dat
2003-06-13 07:06:50 ....A         3270         1943  SonicStage/Shared/setupreg/setupreg.dat
2003-07-08 03:49:30 ....A         3613          780  Common/setupreg.dat
1999-02-22 22:45:46 ....A       296674       295914  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/_inst32i.ex_
2000-05-14 06:17:48 ....A       335626       311842  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/ikernel.ex_
2001-09-04 14:24:02 ....A       344923       301859  Common/OpenMG_Setup/ikernel.ex_
2001-09-04 14:24:02 ....A       344923          189  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5/ikernel.ex_
2002-11-06 03:55:46 ....A       344923          179  SonicStage/Addon/ikernel.ex_
2002-11-06 03:55:46 ....A       344923          179  SonicStage/Addon/Patch/ikernel.ex_
2002-11-06 03:55:46 ....A       344923          179  SonicStage/Shared/ikernel.ex_
2002-11-06 16:55:46 ....A       344923          179  SonicStage/Sonic/ikernel.ex_
2002-07-25 03:07:36 ....A       346602       280020  Common/Eula/ikernel.ex_
2002-07-25 15:07:36 .R..A       346602          182  Device/ikernel.ex_
2001-09-02 21:36:22 ....A         4887         1400  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/_sys1.hdr
2001-09-02 21:36:22 ....A         5600         1099  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/_user1.hdr
2004-02-29 18:03:16 D....            0            0  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0
2004-02-29 13:24:20 D....            0            0  Omgjb_up
2003-12-09 16:33:38 ....A         9814         2260  SonicStage/Shared/data1.hdr
2003-12-12 10:47:16 ....A        10888         1685  SonicStage/Addon/Patch/data1.hdr
2003-12-09 16:46:04 ....A        14376         2849  SonicStage/Addon/data1.hdr
2001-10-05 04:30:06 ....A        14848         2613  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/data1.hdr
2001-09-02 21:36:32 ....A        14943         3614  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/data1.hdr
2003-10-08 03:47:20 ....A        18437         2866  Common/Eula/data1.hdr
2003-12-12 15:34:40 .R..A        19187         3525  Device/data1.hdr
2003-12-08 17:52:22 ....A        53190        14499  Common/OpenMG_Setup/data1.hdr
2002-08-02 01:19:38 ....A        53978        11462  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5/data1.hdr
2004-02-05 17:44:02 ....A        71350        21122  SonicStage/Sonic/data1.hdr
2001-08-01 00:59:42 ....A        60424        13356  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/setup.ins
2003-12-12 10:47:10 ....A       126352        27006  SonicStage/Addon/Patch/setup.inx
2003-09-26 03:40:42 ....A       136652        10516  Common/Eula/setup.inx
2002-08-01 20:55:34 ....A       140713        10997  Omgjb_up/OMGJB22_SS10-P5/Setup.inx
2001-09-28 00:57:52 ....A       143734        15322  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/setup.inx
2003-11-26 19:13:10 .R..A       146346        13771  Device/setup.inx
2003-11-28 06:18:16 ....A       148871        15081  SonicStage/Shared/setup.inx
2003-12-08 17:52:06 ....A       158097        17444  Common/OpenMG_Setup/setup.inx
2003-11-26 04:29:24 ....A       192142        20886  SonicStage/Addon/setup.inx
2004-02-05 17:26:06 ....A       193446        18549  SonicStage/Sonic/setup.inx
2003-12-08 17:51:40 ....A          401          151  Common/OpenMG_Setup/install.iss
2001-05-18 01:02:48 ....A          330          130  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/setup.iss
2003-12-12 15:34:48 .R..A          529          111  Device/setup.iss
2003-12-08 17:51:40 ....A          502           90  Common/OpenMG_Setup/uninstall2.iss
2001-09-02 21:36:22 ....A           60           38  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/setup.lid
2003-09-04 09:40:00 .R..A        31544        12819  Device/Win98/SONYSTBP.MPD
2001-07-16 11:24:00 .R..A        15207         5377  Device/Win98/SonyMSUP.PDR
2001-09-14 06:54:44 ....A          328          123  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/regcd/OMCD.reg
2001-09-14 06:55:30 ....A          405           33  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/regcd/SSCD.reg
2001-09-02 21:36:22 ....A          122           56  Omgjb_up/P-A01-U16-0/UILIB/DATA.TAG
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2004-03-09 13:37:32           58517008     37942499  166 files, 26 folders

Warnings: 1
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[!] cannot convert "W ;\n\x8A\x90hn\x93\x89\xD4\x10\x0E\x91X6"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(72580) > stringtable size(886). truncated to 884

[!] cannot convert "\x9D\xB7XS\xDB\x06+\x83W\xC3\xA0\xB0u\xE8Do"... to UTF-16

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[!] string size(99684) > stringtable size(638). truncated to 636

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