MZ Header

DOS stub

00000000: ba 10 00 0e 1f b4 09 cd  21 b8 01 4c cd 21 90 90  |........!..L.!..|
00000010: 54 68 69 73 20 70 72 6f  67 72 61 6d 20 6d 75 73  |This program mus|
00000020: 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6e  20 75 6e 64 65 72 20 57  |t be run under W|
00000030: 69 6e 33 32 0d 0a 24 37  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |in32..$7........|
00000040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |................|

PE Header

Packer / Compiler


Data Directory


0353792EXE12/11/2010 20:38:44#
offset:( 0x )size:( 0x )hotkeys:-=[]<>, offset/size fields are also editable

[?] ignoring invalid PEdump::BITMAPINFOHEADER

[!] string size(58210) > stringtable size(52). truncated to 50

[!] cannot convert "\x8AxT\x81\xBA\xF3\xD7\x82\xC4\xFDe\xF4\xD8\xBA$H"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(2444) > stringtable size(804). truncated to 802

[!] cannot convert "1\x1D\x91M%\x82H\xC9\x19\x15H4XG\xEB\x01"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(109700) > stringtable size(464). truncated to 462

[!] cannot convert "\x05R\"P\xC5\xB9\xA2\x04\f.\x86\x00g\xCA\xBA\xA4"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(20740) > stringtable size(208). truncated to 206

[!] cannot convert "\x81\x00=\x9C\xD6\x16\xD0\x82c\x1C-\x10^\x02\x81\x16"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(14056) > stringtable size(236). truncated to 234

[!] cannot convert "\x14\x15\x0F\x80\x82i\xD6\x18\xB8 \x18\x01(Gb\x9F"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(44310) > stringtable size(968). truncated to 966

[!] cannot convert "#\x01P\x01\xD8\xED\xB5$\x1E\xC0&\xF2/\xFE\x0E\x92"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(46142) > stringtable size(992). truncated to 990

[!] cannot convert "<\xD0\x16\x80/VO\xEB\xD1\x02C\xF2\x18)\x9B\xC2"... to UTF-16

[!] cannot convert "![\x02\x16Zb\x9E \xE9r\x1D0\x0E$I\x17"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(40480) > stringtable size(912). truncated to 910

[!] cannot convert "\x03ht\x91\xE7\fNES\xDB6\x84\xA3\b\x0F\xB4"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(110900) > stringtable size(1200). truncated to 1198

[!] cannot convert "\xC40i\xEC\x1D\xF0\x05\xE2N\x8AC\xF0\xA6\xCE1\xDB"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(52372) > stringtable size(944). truncated to 942

[!] cannot convert "\x18\xCD\x01\b\xE8\x1C\x18\xD5\xA4q\f\xCF\x05C\xEF\x8E"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(122528) > stringtable size(1004). truncated to 1002

[!] cannot convert "h\xF5\xA8\xAA\xFA0/u%\xA7l]\b\x11\xA9q"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(71242) > stringtable size(688). truncated to 686

[!] cannot convert "W\xECm\xD2C\x9A\x8B;\x89t\x81u\xD5W\x9B\xA7"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(114520) > stringtable size(196). truncated to 194

[!] cannot convert "A\xAF Q\x90C\x9E\x8E\xE0\x04\xDC\xA8\xA8\x17\xC7Q"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(37106) > stringtable size(156). truncated to 154

[!] cannot convert "[\xED\xC1\xB1X\x10E\x10\xDD\xC4\x0F\x06+u\x06$"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(26578) > stringtable size(788). truncated to 786

[!] cannot convert "\x02y\e\xA1\xEC\xF0i\xB7Y;\x90\xBA\xF4\xF02r"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(100790) > stringtable size(1192). truncated to 1190

[!] cannot convert ")m\x02\xC0~\xA7\x81\x1E\xDC\x7F\x18\xCF\xD3l\x06Q"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(10352) > stringtable size(800). truncated to 798

[!] cannot convert "\xBC!\x89E\x7Fu#\xA4\x90]\xA8\xFBpa\x90\b"... to UTF-16

[!] string size(17916) > stringtable size(752). truncated to 750

[!] cannot convert "Y|\xCE\xEB\x06;\xFA}\x02\x0EH<\x02B\xC1\x0F"... to UTF-16

[!] refusing to read CURDIRENTRY beyond resource size